When Everything Wasn’t An Emergency – Day 311 of 365 Days to a Better You

Are you old enough to remember? There was a time not all that long ago when every single solitary thing wasn’t an emergency.

There was no 24/7 news cycle to turn mundane events into level 10 crises. People actually drove from here to there without the need to talk to or text anyone. Kids had daily summer adventures and their parents had no clue where they were all day. A conversation was between two or a few people within earshot of each other or over a phone connection. It wasn’t a viral event in front of millions of eyes stirring hair trigger controversy.

To be sure, there were drawbacks to those days as well. I’m not suggesting you abandon the benefits today’s tech has provided. I am saying it’s incumbent upon you to know when too much is enough. You must be smart consumers of the firehose of information pointed your way, weeding through the crisis of the minute and focus on what’s really important. You must reclaim your ability to have disagreement within our free society without sacrificing your sanity,

Not everything is an emergency. Not every battle is worth having just because it rolls through your information stream. You need not juggle a thousand data points on every aspect of your day just because you can.

It’s beneficial to unplug, step off the information treadmill, and release the need to be in 24/7 crisis mode about literally everything.

The world used to spin around just fine without our moment-to-moment monitoring. It can again for you, if you’re willing to take a breath and restore the balance between the ability to know everything and the need to.

Just in case no one has reminded you today, YOU are awesome!


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The Power of Pissed Off – Day 249 of 365 Days to a Better You

I’ve hesitated writing this post. I’ve started and stopped it several times. Today is the day. My concession is to open with a disclaimer to those who might misinterpret whist I’m saying.

Anger is dangerous. Many people wield it as a weapon against others in this world. Many have immense anger at the global political and economic system and not without some reason. Yet, their philosophy, driven by anger, holds only the hope of replacing the current angry system with another angry system more to their liking.

Anger creates physical and emotional damage in the world. It’s not a zip code you want to move into. Eventually, persistent anger consumes the angry person, leaving them alone and unhappy. That only feeds the angry fire within them.

But, and it’s a big but, anger does have a place in a healthy and wise human being. There are things that deserve some anger. Few emotional states, at least in short bursts, better focus our senses or stoke our determination like a little healthy anger. Used consciously, anger is like rocket fuel. It can move us further and faster.

Here are some tips to make your anger more conscious and productive.

  • Use anger sparingly. One of its dangers is it can become addictive. It does initially produce desired results. Some might view it as a shortcut to getting their needs met.
  • Be specific. When anger is justified, it’s because of a specific situation. Don’t be mad at the world or broad swaths of people. That’s not productive or conscious. Be clear on the what and why of your anger.
  • Avoid hatred and bigotry. Keep the source of your anger in perspective. Avoid progressing into bigotry or hatred. Refuse to dehumanize them even in response to them dehumanizing you. That creates an endless cycle anger and perhaps violence and serves no one.
  • Internal fuel. Let the anger fuel productive action. Don’t lash out at others. Let their criticism or wronging of you drive you forward. Prove them wrong rather than attacking them.
  • Recognize fear. Often anger is manifested by unresolved fear. Learn to recognize the difference. Fears can be dealt with at their root rather than precipitating anger.
  • Short bursts. As stated above, taking up residence in an angry place destroys you and all around you. Use legitimate anger in short, productive bursts. Then let it go.
  • More positive emotions. Never use anger when a more positive emotion would serve just as well. Radical love can often achieve all anger can. Forgiveness is often more powerful than staying in anger. Maybe the greatest enlightenment related to anger is getting to a place where you no longer need it or respond with it at all.

In summation, anger is like chemotherapy. It will eventually kill the patient. Your goal is to use it sparingly and in productive ways, as you slowly ween yourself off the need for it.

As Buddha said in the Dhammapada:

He insulted me, he struck me, he cheated me, he robbed me”: those caught in resentful thoughts never find peace.

He insulted me, he struck me, he cheated me, he robbed me”: those who give up resentful thoughts surely find peace.

For hatred does not cease by hatred at any time: hatred ceases by love. This is an unalterable law.

There are those who forget that death will come to all. For those who remember, quarrels come to an end.

Let your wisdom guide you and keep a short leash on your short fuse.


Ray Davis is the founder of The Affirmation Spot. He’s been studying and practicing personal development for 30 years. He’s also studied many of the world’s spiritual traditions and mythologies.

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Boost Your Mind Power – The Affirmation Spot for Wednesday May 6, 2009

Today’s affirmation is:

“I am creating a personal budget and sticking to it.”” (click the affirmation to hear it in MP3)

Today David Riklan, Founder of SelfGrowth.com, shares 7 tips for increasing your mind power.

Stay inspired!


Peaceful Waterfall – The Affirmation Spot for Wednesday February 13, 2008

Thank you for visiting The Affirmation Spot. Your comments on the blog or this article are always welcome. Please click here to comment on today’s blog.

copy-of-ray_hawaii1.jpgWhat Ray’s reading right now:

A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose (Oprah’s Book Club, Selection 61)

Few words today. I found this beautiful video on YouTube. Just sit back, relax, and take a three-minute vacation. This is the Havasupai waterfall in India. Absolutely beautiful. Relax and be at peace as you move through your day today. Let the sights and sounds of the waterfall and the peaceful music wash your stress away.

Be peaceful Be prosperous


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25 Miscellaneous Affirmations – The Affirmation Spot for Friday January 25, 2008

First Person and Second Person Affirmations

athlete_hphones.jpgToday I am sharing 25 miscellaneous affirmations. Each follows the first person, second person formula. I’ve written before on the importance of using first and second person affirmations.

Many affirmation gurus suggest that all affirmations be written in the first person. First person affirmations are the most effective when reading, writing, or saying affirmations. Most people do not feel comfortable looking into a mirror and using “you” affirmations.woman_chair_hphones_rs.jpgHowever, audio affirmations open up a whole new realm. Listening is more passive than speaking or reading and you are used to hearing people speak to you in the second person.

My 20 years of experience with audio affirmations demonstrates that second-person affirmations are highly effective as audio affirmations. They offer “outside” confirmation of the first-person version of the affirmation.

For example, following “I am beautiful” with “You are beautiful” provides subconscious external confirmation of the first-person claim.


  • Commitment – keep in mind that the key to using affirmations – audio, written, or spoken – is commitment to your goal. Without a commitment to making the change or reaching your goal, affirmations are just words.
  • Repetition – repetition is the engine of affirmation success. For an affirmation to do its job in transforming your thoughts, it has to get at least equal time with the negative thoughts you want to replace.
  • How much/how often – speak, write, or listen to the first person affirmation 5-10 times and then repeat the second person affirmation the same number of times.  Do this at least twice each day. Stay with the affirmation(s) for at least 30 days. Use them again if the old thoughts return.
  • How to use first person affirmations – “Own” the first-person version. Speak or listen as if you are speaking passionately to yourself.
  • How to use second person affirmations – “Actively accept” the second person version. Speak or listen as if someone you respect is confirming your affirmation back to you.
  • How to know you’re getting results – there are several criteria for recognizing an affirmation’s success.
    • The old thought, behavior, or performance disappears or lessens.
    • Your mood, thinking, behavior, or performance change in a positive direction.
    • The old thought, behavior, or performance appears and your thinking immediately answers with the affirmation. This is really exciting. Your old thought is “I am stupid.” You think this thought and immediately it is answered by your affirmation, “I am highly intelligent.”

25 New Affirmations

Here are 25 affirmations that will appear on the website in the near future. I tried to cover a number of topics.

  1. Even in adversity, I shine bright as the full moon on a cloudless night. Even in adversity, you shine bright as the full moon on a cloudless night.

  2. I unconditionally love and accept myself in every way. You unconditionally love and accept yourself in every way.
  3. Today I am making peace with food. Today you are making peace with food.

  4. I give myself the freedom to speak and act honestly in every situation. You give yourself the freedom to speak and act honestly in every situation.

  5. I have all the skills, talent, intelligence, and creativity I need to achieve anything. You have all the skills, talent, intelligence, and creativity you need to achieve anything.

  6. Step by step, I am releasing all fear and all anxiety from my life. Step by step, you are releasing all fear and all anxiety from your life.

  7. My life is coming together in a complete and perfect way. Your life is coming together in a complete and perfect way.

  8. Whatever I need always comes my way. Whatever you need always comes your way.

  9. Today I am building a life filled with possibilities more important to me than my fears. Today you are building a life filled with possibilities more important to you than your fears.

  10. Wealth and abundance are flowing to me right now. Wealth and abundance are flowing to you right now.

  11. When I’m on my tennis game, I’m practically unbeatable. When you’re on your tennis game, you’re practically unbeatable.

  12. Today I am sharing my talents with a world thirsty for what I have to offer. Today you are sharing your talents with a world thirsty for what you have to offer.

  13. Today I am molding my business into an unqualified success. Today you are molding your business into an unqualified success.

  14. My heart beats strong and healthy. My lungs are clear and strong. Your heart beats strong and healthy. Your lungs are clear and strong.

  15. I have complete freedom to create my own life and I do so brilliantly each and every day. You have complete freedom to creat your own life and you do so brilliantly each and every day.

  16. Today I am laying it all on the line for the possibility of something more. Today you are laying it all on the line for the possibility of something more.

  17. I am a world-class musician. You are a world-class musician.

  18. I am a great parent and I get better and better each and every day. You are a great parent and you get better and better each and every day.

  19. I am patient in my life. I am accepting in my life. I am patient and accepting in my life. You are patient in your life. You are accepting in your life. You are patient and accepting in your life.

  20. Good things are happening for me. My life is moving in a positive direction. Good things are happening for you. Your life is moving in a positive direction.

  21. I am confident; much more confident than ever before. You are confident; much more confident than ever before.

  22. I am self-reliant. I control my destiny. You are self-reliant. You control your destiny.

  23. I am taking bold action to improve those things I want to change in my life. You are taking bold action to improve those things you want to change in your life.

  24. I have a right to my feelings and beliefs and I allow others the same right. You have a right to your feelings and beliefs and you allow others the same right.

  25. I am a model of peace and tranquility. I remain, in all circumstances, calm, cool, confident, and collected. You are a model of peace and tranquiltiy. You remain, in all circumstances, calm, cool, confident, and collected.

    Follow your bliss! Achieve your bliss! Become your bliss!


    Visit The Affirmation Spot Now

    Ray Davis is the Founder of The Affirmation Spot and focuses on empowering minds to think positively, achieve goals, and live dreams. He is author of the ebook The Power to Be You. and the forthcoming The Power to Be You 2.

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