Entrepreneur Affirmations – Business Grows Through Word of Mouth

Running a small business can be a lonely process. You wonder if you’re making the difference you wanted to make and whether customers will come back and tell others about the excellent experience you provide.

This affirmation encourages you that the referral process is happening and people are telling their friends about you!

You’re a special breed. You took and chance. Here’s where it pays off!

Wherever you are on your journey today, remember you are awesome!


Download the MP3 of this affirmation for your personal playlist!

16 Inspiring Entrepreneur Quotes

It’s my firm belief that every human being has at least one book in them. It’s probably equally true that most of us have a business within us, if we’re willing to take the risk and face the challenges associated with bringing it to fruition.

If you’re on that journey now or you’re contemplating ways to get out of the rat race, do something closer to your life’s mission, and seize control of your financial future, the quotes will inspire and inform.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you are awesome!


Small Business Affirmations 1 Video

Hey, my friends

This latest video on my YouTube channel is a series of affirmations targeted to small business owner and entrepreneurs.

The affirmations promote a positive mindset regarding your business and an encouraging message of forward progress. The affirmations are recorded in first and second-person for maximum impact. It’s suggested you listen with headphones and for about three weeks every day for best results.

The Affirmations:

1. I am a successful business owner.
2. Excellence is my personal brand. My commitment to it is unwavering.
3. I am attracting and finding new customers for my business every day.
4. My business grows by word of mouth every day.
5. My revenue and profit is growing every month.
6. I am finding new ways to expand my business with existing customers every day.
7. I am always adapting to meet my customers’ needs.
8. I offer world-class service at reasonable prices.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you ARE awesome!


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It’s GO Time! – Day 289 of 365 Days to a Better You

Today is another double down catch up day.

There can be no argument that most human aspirations, including yours and mine, have not failed because we were defeated , lacked skills, or lacked knowledge. The overwhelming majority of the dreams shattered in our lives died on the sword of inaction.

Your intentions were good. Your motivation was initially high. Then you allowed life to intervene. Time pressures forced you to keep setting your dream aside. You listened to the voices of the naysayers. Pretty soon your passion was gone, the moment was missed, and you piled that dream on the heap of other abandoned dreams.

THE most important part of achieving anything is to escape the gravity of the starting line. It keeps pulling you back into old habits and makes tomorrow your favorite word in the language. Soon the tomorrows become years and you find yourself living in the empty river bed of a dream that once flowed through you with the power of the spring melt.

Start! Just start. By starting, you’re ahead of at least 90 percent of other dreamers. By starting, you gain momentum that gets harder to sidetrack. By starting, you declare your intention to the universe.

Here are 15 amazing “Getting Started” quotes to get your engine going.

  1. Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. -Arthur Ashe
  2. Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. ~John Wooden
  3. The secret to getting ahead is to get started. -Mark Twain
  4. The wise one does at once what the fool does last. -Balthasar Gracian
  5. You can’t build a reputation on what you’re going to do. -Henry Ford
  6. You can’t plan for everything or you never get started in the first place. -Jim Butcher
  7. Don’t let perfectionism become an excuse for never getting started. -Marilu Henner
  8. Start by doing what is necessary; then do what’s possible; suddenly you’ll find yourself doing the impossible. -St. Francis of Assisi
  9. You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. -Zig Ziglar
  10. The way to get started is to stop talking and start doing. -Walt Disney
  11. If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one. -Dolly Parton
  12. All glory comes from daring to begin. -Eugene F. Ware
  13. He has half the deed done who has made a beginning. -Horace
  14. How wonderful it is that nobody has to wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. -Anne Frank
  15. To be old can be glorious, if one has not unlearned how to begin. -Martin Buber

Your greatest victories await your beginning. Begin now. As the saying goes, There’s no time like the present.


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Remember When All Was Possible? It Still Is! – The Affirmation Spot for Friday May 29, 2009

Today’s affirmation is:

“I am a visionary. I see and respond to trends well ahead of the pack.” (click the affirmation to hear the mp3 version)

What a world we live in! Posting this from the airport in Minneapolis. Today I’m featuring a brilliant video I found on YouTube. It’aimed specifically at entrepreneurs, but really applicable to any of us who have an idea, a dream, a vision!

Stay inspired!


Twitter: http://twitter.com/Affirmationspot