What If You Already Had Everything You Always Wanted?

Rex Sikes' Daily Inspiration and Gratitude

horizon blue and red sky

“We think we are separate but we are not. We are all connected in every way. We are all humans made from the same stuff. We breath the same air, live on the same planet. We are one species. We are one people.

We are one. Some will tell you we are made from the same stuff that everything there is is made from. I don’t disagree. You and I and plants and trees and rocks and things are all made from the same stardust.

We seem to forget that. We think we are separate. That is the big illusion and delusion. Some believe we purposely forgot in order to re-discover, in order to play the game. Whether that is accurate or not I can appreciate it.

Seek And You Will Find

Certainly, we seem to have forgotten something. Who we are at our very core. It seems we are…

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