Affirmations for Eliminating Writer’s Block

Good morning, my friends. Are you a writer, a blogger, an author, or a poet? This meditation with writer’s block releasing affirmations is for you.

We all get stuck with our writing occasionally. This 15-minute relaxing listen has affirmations meant to free your mind and release the blocks and get you back on the page.

Wishing you an amazing Tuesday!

Writer Affirmation – Inspiration Everywhere

Hey, fellow bloggers! Today’s affirmation is for all of us – the writers, bloggers, authors, and poets.

As a writer, you are always looking for your next source of inspiration. This affirmation reminds you and infuses your consciousness with the certainty that inspiration is everywhere you go all day long.

The affirmation is recorded in the first and second-person for maximum impact. For best results, listen to this recording regularly and with headphones.

The Affirmation:

  • First-person: Inspiration for my writing flows to me from everywhere!
  • Second-person: Inspiration for your writing flows to you from everywhere!

Wherever you are on your writing journey today, you are awesome! Keep putting words on the page and good things will happen!


Download the MP3 for this affirmation.

It’s GO Time! – Day 289 of 365 Days to a Better You

Today is another double down catch up day.

There can be no argument that most human aspirations, including yours and mine, have not failed because we were defeated , lacked skills, or lacked knowledge. The overwhelming majority of the dreams shattered in our lives died on the sword of inaction.

Your intentions were good. Your motivation was initially high. Then you allowed life to intervene. Time pressures forced you to keep setting your dream aside. You listened to the voices of the naysayers. Pretty soon your passion was gone, the moment was missed, and you piled that dream on the heap of other abandoned dreams.

THE most important part of achieving anything is to escape the gravity of the starting line. It keeps pulling you back into old habits and makes tomorrow your favorite word in the language. Soon the tomorrows become years and you find yourself living in the empty river bed of a dream that once flowed through you with the power of the spring melt.

Start! Just start. By starting, you’re ahead of at least 90 percent of other dreamers. By starting, you gain momentum that gets harder to sidetrack. By starting, you declare your intention to the universe.

Here are 15 amazing “Getting Started” quotes to get your engine going.

  1. Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. -Arthur Ashe
  2. Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. ~John Wooden
  3. The secret to getting ahead is to get started. -Mark Twain
  4. The wise one does at once what the fool does last. -Balthasar Gracian
  5. You can’t build a reputation on what you’re going to do. -Henry Ford
  6. You can’t plan for everything or you never get started in the first place. -Jim Butcher
  7. Don’t let perfectionism become an excuse for never getting started. -Marilu Henner
  8. Start by doing what is necessary; then do what’s possible; suddenly you’ll find yourself doing the impossible. -St. Francis of Assisi
  9. You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. -Zig Ziglar
  10. The way to get started is to stop talking and start doing. -Walt Disney
  11. If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one. -Dolly Parton
  12. All glory comes from daring to begin. -Eugene F. Ware
  13. He has half the deed done who has made a beginning. -Horace
  14. How wonderful it is that nobody has to wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. -Anne Frank
  15. To be old can be glorious, if one has not unlearned how to begin. -Martin Buber

Your greatest victories await your beginning. Begin now. As the saying goes, There’s no time like the present.


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60 Affirmations for Authors, Writers, and Poets

Today’s Thought:
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

~ Aristotle

It takes a writer to understand the profound sense loneliness and mission felt by another writer. Few careers or passions guarantee more hours of angst-ridden solitude than writing. The job of pulling pictures from the void and translating them into words on a page for the world to see is daunting. Our reward is connection with the reader and, for some, the financial success that comes from connecting with many readers.

Whether your audience is yourself, a small circle of friends, or the wide world, every writer faces the blank page and must keep himself or herself motivated to keep the momentum going and insights flowing. May these affirmations assist you in achieving just that!

Be sure to checkout our updated 2020 list of author affirmations on the TAS resources.

  1. I am a world-class writer and I am primed to become a best-selling author!
  2. When the writer in me connects with the reader in me, magic happens!
  3. Writing is my statement to the world! Today my statement is amazing!
  4. I know what my audience wants and I deliver it every time!
  5. Today I am attracting the ideal writing opportunities for me.
  6. Inspiration for my writing flows to me from everywhere!
  7. I am a brilliant writer. Today I let go and let it flow onto the page!
  8. Bring it on, blank page! I am ready to fill you with amazing words!
  9. I am an amazing writer and today I prove it on the page!
  10. My writing is a stream of feeling that flows from my heart to my reader’s heart.
  11. My best book yet is ready to spill out of me and onto the page today!
  12. The blank page is my canvass and today I paint it brilliantly!
  13. I am a great writer! Today I give the world a taste of my soul!
  14. I am absolutely committed to writing something each and every day!
  15. A world-class writer lives within me! Today that writer bursts onto the page!
  16. Writer’s block is NO match for my desire to get my thoughts into writing!
  17. Today my muse is persistent and consistent!
  18. Writing is my joy! Readers are my reward!
  19. In the battle between the blank page and me, I always win!
  20. Today the blank page and me are collaborators on something amazing!
  21. A best-selling Amazon author lives within me! Today that author shows up on the page!
  22. My writing flows out of me as my gift the world. Today it flows like a mighty river.
  23. Today my manuscript is coming together. What an awesome book I’m writing!
  24. Whenever I sit down at the keyboard, the words flow easily and effortlessly.
  25. All the greats in my niche live within me. I am extension of them and today I write like it!
  26. There is an amazing book out there waiting for me to write it and today I do!
  27. I am a great writer! Today I am writing words that will speak to generations!
  28.  am a great writer. The best articles of my career are coming to me right now!
  29. A great writer connects with readers! I am a great writer!
  30. I create characters that live and breathe for my audience.
  31. A great writer lives within me! Today that writer bursts onto the page!
  32. I am a great poet! I summon images from the void and convey them in the beauty of language!
  33. Today the words flow freely from my mind to my typing fingers. This manuscript is coming together!
  34. My imagination overflows with great writing ideas.
  35. When I get out of the way, the words flow easily to the page.
  36. Editors absolutely love my writing!
  37. Show me to that blank page today. I have something to say to the world!
  38. I am a writer with a message! I am a writer on a mission! I am a writer with a growing audience!
  39. I am a successful author. My next book is headed straight to the top of the New York Times Best Seller List.
  40. The best writer in my niche is sitting at my keyboard right now! Today I prove it!
  41. I am a great author on my way to being world famous!
  42. I write to follow my bliss! Today my writing can and is paying my bills!
  43. My writing earns me a comfortable living.
  44. When I write I write with an unbounded passion for my topic!. My readers feel that passion and they eat it up!
  45. Day by day I get better and better at planning my plots.
  46. I refuse to be paralyzed by the size and scope of my project. I am getting this book done one step at a time.
  47. My writing always connects with and speaks to my target audience.
  48. As my passion for my writing shows, my audience grows and grows!
  49. A great writer lives within me! I know it! I feel it! I write like it!
  50. I am a great newspaper columnist! If my industry no longer needs me, I will succeed today by writing online!
  51. Rejections are momentary setbacks NOT global calamities. I sit back down at my keyboard and keep writing.
  52. I am a world-class columnist. My articles attract audiences and keep my publishers and editors very happy.
  53. With everything I write, my characters get stronger and stronger!
  54. Before big writing success, I write with passion. After big writing success, I write with passion.
  55. An amazing writer lives within me! I water and nourish her/him every single day.
  56. A great writer is a great storyteller and I am a great writer!
  57. I expect positive results from my writing and that’s exactly what I get!
  58. I put my heart into everything I write and I fully expect every submission to be accepted.
  59. I am a great poet! Today I am inspired to write the greatest poem of my life!
  60. I am a great poet! Poems flow through me like a river on its way to the sea.

At the end of the day, it’s all about the commitment to do it. Great and successful authors face the same challenge you do. Here are a couple of quotes.

E.B. White said, “”A writer who waits for ideal conditions under which to work will die
without putting a word to paper.”

Dan Brown was quoted in a 2009 NPR interview, “I still get up every morning at 4 a.m. I write seven days a week, including Christmas, and I still face a blank page every morning. … My characters don’t really care how many books I’ve sold.”

If you’ve been writing without the results you want, keep writing. Your best writing lies ahead of you and your audience is eagerly waiting!

Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.

Ray Davis is the founder of The Affirmation Spot and author of Anunnaki Awakening. He’s been studying and practicing personal development for 30 years. He’s also studied many of the world’s spiritual traditions and mythologies.

Find more TAS motivational content.

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Farewell, Winter – The Affirmation Spot for Wednesday March 19, 2008

Thank you for visiting The Affirmation Spot. Your comments on the blog or this article are always welcome. What do you think? Please click here to comment on today’s blog.

ray_launchpad.jpgDownload 2 Affirmations, Get 1 Free!

Take your positive thoughts with you wherever you go. During the month of March Download any two mp3 affirmations from The Affirmation and get a third mp3 affirmation free.There are no limits! Simply type the word “blog” into the coupon field at checkout. Thanks for getting your audio affirmations at The Affirmation Spot! Click here to view, hear excerpts, or download affirmations.Today’s featured affirmation is:

“I am reminding myself that I am a great poet and I get better and better each and every day.” (repeats 6 times)
“The universe reminds you that you are a great poet and I get better and better each and every day.” (repeats 6 times)

Hear an audio mp3 version of this affirmation right now.

Juanita R. Davis

Juanita R. Davis – my paternal grandmother – was born on December 18, 1904. Despite debilitating conditions that began very early in life, she lived life with an undeniable vigor and spunk.

Later in life she became a prolific writer and poet. She was published in numerous newspapers and regional magazines.

 She died in October 1988. Before she left this world she inspired me in ways she knew and in ways neither she nor I can understand. Certainly, I write because of her. All these years later, she remains one of the steady influences on my life.

As we get ready to say goodbye to winter, I decided to share one grandma’s many poems. It fully displays her ironic sense of humor and desbribes the unpredictability of the weather during our uneasy transition from winter to spring.

She titled it “We Take It As It Comes”.

“We Take It As It Comes”

There’s no accumulation
Was what forecasters said
There’s no accumulation
So had naught to dread.

I crawled beneath the covers
And went right off to sleep
The “no accumulation”
Is now six inches deep.

Today I made a pathway
Almost a sidewalk wide
With “no accumulation”
Piled high on either side.

Be peaceful Be positive Be prosperous!


The Affirmation

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