An Object in Motion – Day 306 of 365 Days to a Better You

You probably remember a phrase from your school days that goes something like this, “An object in motion tends to stay in motion. An object at rest tends to stay at rest.” This is a folksy articulation of Isaac Newton’s First Law of Motion.

It’s as true of human action as it is of a ball rolling down a hill. Momentum breeds momentum. Stagnation breeds more stagnation.

Now the most important part of Newton’s First Law often gets left out. The end of law states, “unless it is acted on by an external force.”

How does this apply to you and me and our personal development? For us, thoughts and emotion are those external forces that change our motion. Positive, determined thoughts and emotion drive positive action. Negative can take the wind from our sails.

Once you get moving, you’ll tend to keep moving. You’ll get things done and tackle your challenges. Have you noted that on those days when you get something done right away you tend to get more done? You get a cadence and a momentum pushing you forward.

Conversely, if you start slow, it’s hard to get that momentum going. This isn’t a value judgment. Sometimes being is more important than doing.

However, if it’s a moment that requires action and you’re feeling sluggish, here are some ways to get your momentum flowing?

  1. Do one thing. Put yourself in motion and let Newton’s Law work fort you. Once you’re in the flow the second task is easier.
  2. Do the hardest thing. One of the best pieces of advice I ever got was to do the hardest thing first thing, That way the rest of the day is easier. Focus on how good it’s going to feel to have that done,
  3. Do the smartest thing. There are things you just don’t want to do, but they have to be done. If the task is inevitable, do the smart thing and knock it out now. That avoids stress and scrambling later.
  4. Bargain with your brain. When there’s something you’re procrastinating about or feeling stuck on, make a deal with your brain. Tell it you’re going to start the task and work for 20 minutes. If it’s not going well, you can stop. More than likely, once you going, you’ll work much longer than 20 minutes.
  5. Jump in the pool. Your biggest blocks often center around fear and doubt. These can often be alleviated by starting and seeing it’s better then you thought. You’ll learn to “swim” as you go. The fastest way to force movement is to leave yourself no choice. Count to three and jump.

I hope you’re having an amazing Friday. In case no one else has reminded you today, you are awesome!


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Now Is Your Moment – Day 16 of 365 Days to a Better You

Now IS your moment

town-sign-1865304_640Let’s be honest, and I include myself in this, how many things that we put off really get accomplished? When you say “I’m going to start this after the holidays or after my vacation, or when things slow down a little bit,” what usually happens? Nothing!

I’m not pointing a finger at you (or me). It’s human nature. We have good intentions. We really do believe we’ll start living our best life on that far away day in that far away moment. Yet, that timeframe passes, that moment evaporates into the ether, and we’re still right where we were?

The truth is when it comes to getting started – which is really the hardest and most important part of any goal or dreams – NOW is the only moment that guarantees we’ll start. Think about it when does life ever really let up? What’s magical about after vacation or after the holidays? They’re all not NOW. They’re all a promise to procrastinate not to ACT.

The great Tracy Chapman has the following brilliant lyrics in her song “If Not Now.”

If not now then when
If now today then
Why make your promises
A love declared for days to come
Is as good as none

The same is true of a promise to start that goal or to live that better you. If not now, then when?

Fine, Ray. You got me. I procrastinate. How do get myself to act NOW? How do I get myself to take the importance of NOW seriously?

I want you to close your eyes. I want you to visualize all the reasons you want to follow that dream or live your better life. WHO matters to you? WHAT matters to you? Are you feeling WHY you want to do this? See it, feel it, taste it. Get it clear in your mind. Are you on FIRE for it?

Good! Now it’s a simple equation from there. Which is greater than (>)? Are the reasons you’re putting this off > the reasons you want to do it or are the the reasons you want to do it > the reasons you’re putting this off?

Because every time you put this off rather than acting NOW, you’re choosing your reasons to wait over your reasons to act. I love the way Rachel Hollis puts it. “You have to choose between what you want now (your procrastination) and what you want most (your dream).”

So, I know some of you started following these posts a couple weeks ago and you haven’t started pursuing that dream yet. NOW is your time!

You SO have this NOW! I believe in you and your dreams! Meet met halfway and believe in you too.


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