Go Confidently in the Direction of Your Dreams – Day 331 of 365 Days to a Better You

Have you ever been on an absolute mission to get something done? You’re on a deadline at work or you’ve got errands that need to be done before you can play? It’s amazing how much faster you move, how much more focused you are when you’re on a mission, isn’t it?

Obstacles don’t seem like obstacles because you’re determined to push through to the end. Distractions fade into the background because all you see is the goal.

The great Henry David Thoreau wrote the following in his seminal work, Walden.

I learned this, at least, by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary; new, universal, and more liberal laws will begin to establish themselves around and within him; or the old laws be expanded, and interpreted in his favor in a more liberal sense, and he will live with the license of a higher order of beings. In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness. If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.

He was describing this state, this zone you get into when you go confidently in the direction of your dreams.

Joseph Campbell summarized this idea, “Follow your bliss and doors will open where before there were only walls and where there would not be a door for anyone else.”

Thoreau promises, when you get into this zone, that you will meet with success “unexpected in common hours.”

To me, his reference to common hours here is a reference to ordinary consciousness or our ordinary thinking. He’s describing a state where you’re transcendent, on fire for your purpose.

When you’re in your normal thinking, all you can often see is the reasons WHY NOT about your goals in dreams. When you move into this uncommon state, your dreams appear right there for you. You experience that Saturday morning push to get the chores done, but sustained and in steroids. You’re on a mission and it shows.

One last word about this altered state for success. It’s not a stress-filled Type-A mindset. It’s the opposite. Thoreau discovered this state while living in solitude and simplicity. Stress is the ego talking. “Move out of the way,” it proclaims, “I’ll do it.”

You give up that need for control. You become a vessel for the process. This is the Tao that does nothing g, but leaves nothing undone. This is the message in the Bhagavad Gita to detach yourself from outcomes and just purely and simply act.

You’re not writing a book. There’s a book that wants to be written and it’s using your mind and your time to achieve its end. It’s a subtle but powerful shift in consciousness.

When you let the universe unfold in you in this way, you will go confidently in the direction of your dreams and achieve what you could never have imagined.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you’re awesome!


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What is Your Definition of Success? – Day 330 of 365 Days to a Better You

Today’s Thought:
Success is the natural outcome of me being me.

Most of us have it as a goal to be successful. Yet success means different things to different people. It’s important that you define what success means to you. Otherwise, how can you know you’re on target to achieve it?

A few years ago I asked my Twitter followers to complete the phrase success is. Maybe some of their answers will resonate with you. I’d really enjoy hearing what success means to you in the comments below.

A HUGE thank you to my wonderful community of Twitter followers who always come through! Links to each of their Twitter profiles are provided, if you’d like to follow any of these amazing human beings.

  • @devany91:  Success is seeing someone you love happy.
  • @norrman87: Success is challenging the status quo.
  • @MiAmorBella: Success is yours when you choose to take responsibility for making it so.
  • @KarenJanos: Success is confronting a fear and conquering it.
  • @SusanLowry2: Success is meeting a goal you secretly thought you could never accomplish.
  • @larryczerwonka: Success is anything that puts a smile on your heart.
  • @ChurchofThomas: Success is Service.
  • @carmelbeautee: Success is belief in yourself, the project at hand, hard work, perseverance, and excitement.
  • @joytleen: Success is being peaceful and grateful with all you have and all you are.
  • @OswaldObreg: Success is peace in you.
  • @rohinkallat: Success is the path, not the goal.
  • @ATM25: Success is not measured by worldly riches, instead by the indelible positive impressions you leave in the lives of ppl you come into contact with.
  • @chilisweet: Success is when you’re content.
  • @ETRFoundation: Success is impact. In yourself or others.
  • @Dianae173: Success is being happy where you are while moving towards your goals.
  • @kickofftopic: Success is feeling good about your accomplishments, even the tiniest ones.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you’re AWESOME!


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The Roller Coaster of Life and Death – Day 329 of 365 Days to a Better You

It feels like death is all around lately. We lost my father-in-law in December. We lost our beloved family dog a couple weeks ago. Today the whole world witnessed the loss of Kobe Bryant. In this same time period millions of people and animals have died.

The thought of death is a constant for the living. We try hard to put it out of our thoughts, but when it strikes close to us, we are reminded of the mortality that affects all living things.

I find that roller coasters are a good metaphor for life and death. I love a good roller coaster. As a kid, though, when I’d ride one that scare me a little, I’d have this thought as we left the station and began climbing the first hill.

“There’s no turning back now. Even if I decide I don’t want to do this, they’re not going to stop the ride and let me off. I’m on it for the duration. Whatever drops and spins and turns and flips are on this track, I’m going to experience them. I might as well buckle in and enjoy them to the fullest because in a few minutes, one way or another, the ride will be over.”

That’s life. It’s a ride we’re in and we can’t really get off. We’re here to ride it to the end, whatever that is for us. Sometimes it seems big and scary. Sometimes it lifts you out of your seat and throws you for a loop.

We can either hold on white-knuckled with our eyes forced shut or we can laugh our head off, feel the sensations, and enjoy every moment until the ride stops.

When, where, and how our ride stops may be in the stars and beyond our control. So, let’s put our arms in the air, belly laugh constantly, and ride our ride our way.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you’re awesome!


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Align with Your True Power – Day 328 of 365 Days to a Better You

Today’s Affirmation:

Today and every day, life happens THROUGH me not TO me!

Are you aligned with your true power? Many people believe that life and the world happen TO them. This is a very common and a very disempowering belief. To believe that you are acted upon by forces absolutely beyond your control, leaves you with no recourse but submission. Over time, you feel frustrated and increasingly helpless. You come to believe in luck more than action as force that governs good fortune in life.

Today’s affirmation is message to you. Hear it loudly and clearly . Some of your minds will immediately begin looking for the reasons why it isn’t true. I would encourage you look for the reasons why it is profound truth. What’s at stake? Nothing less than your ability to direct your life and achieve your dreams. Pretty big stakes to leave to fate.


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Conquering the “What Ifs” – Day 327 of 365 Days to a Better You

“What if” can be a very powerful mindset when it comes to creativity or looking to the future. However, the same mindset directed at the past can be highly destructive and paralyzing.

“What if I’d done this or said that?” “what if I’d avoided this or encouraged that?”

These questions, beyond the benefit of learning for next time, are rabbit holes keeping you stuck in scenarios that you can’t change. They waste time and mind space that are better spent dealing with now and manifesting the future.

Here are a few ways to shake the chronic “what ifs.”

  1. Shift from what if to what is and what can be.
  2. Understand that nothing is lost. The what ifs often show up when we think we’ve missed something or lost something. It’s a powerful spiritual principle to understand that everything changes in our multiverse, but nothing is ever lost.
  3. Believe something better is up ahead. Whatever you believe you missed or lost back there, know that something even better lies ahead, if you’ll only keep working.
  4. See the futility. Go down the what if road a few more times. Be conscious of how you feel and how unproductive it is. Get clear that there’s nothing there for you in persisting with that mindset.

Finally, don’t beat yourself up. We all do “what if” sometimes. The only way to make it worse is to pile on by being mad for going there. Accept that it happens and consciously move away from it as soon as you can.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you’re awesome!


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