Leader Within Affirmations

Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate the holiday. Today’s affirmation is meant to call out the leader within you. If becoming more of a leader in 2023 is one of your goals, these affirmations, listened to regularly, will help.

There are three affirmations to help you and a background voice saying, “I can do it.”

Wherever you are on your journey today, know that you are right where you need to be right now and that you are perfectly positioned to achieve all your goals.

Keep going!


20 Leadership Quotes

I believe every one of us is a born leader. It’s just that some people have tapped into that capability more than others. Don’t doubt it for a moment, though. If you choose to be a leader in the world or in some sphere of your life, you have it within you to be a great one.

Here are some leadership quotes I’ve coined and captured over the years. May they inspire you to be the leader you were born to be.

  • You must be a credible leader before you can be an incredible leader. ~Ray Davis
  • Leadership begins with service and a desire to succeed by helping others to succeed. ~Lolly Daskal
  • Leadership is not a title or a position. Leadership is a mindset; a way of life. ~Ray Davis
  • A man who wants to lead an orchestra must turn his back on the crowd. ~James Crook
  • Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it. ~Dwight Eisenhower
  • Follow your compass and not your clock. ~Anne Moore
  • A great leader does not have to be the smartest person in the room. He or she just needs to know who is. ~Ray Davis
  • Leadership has a harder job to do than just choose sides. It must bring sides together.” ~Jesse Jackson
  • One measure of leadership is the caliber of people who choose to follow you. ~Dennis A. Peer
  • Leadership is about empathy. It is about having the ability to relate to and connect with people for the purpose of inspiring and empowering their lives. ~Oprah Winfrey
  • In many organizations, there is a vaccuum where leadership is needed. Be courageous enough to step into that void. ~Ray Davis
  • Leadership simply begins with the courage to be yourself. So everyone else can be, too. ~Tim Fargo
  • Be the kind of leader that you would follow. ~Unknown
  • Leadership is sometimes just a matter of being the one to fill the idea vacuum. ~Ray Davis
  • If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re mot making decisions. ~ Catherine Cook
  • People buy into a leader before they buy into the vision. ~John C. Maxwell
  • In order to lead others, you must first know how to lead yourself. ~Julie Hutchison
  • Leadership is not just what happens when you’re there, it’s what happens when you’re not. – Ken Blanchard
  • Being positive in a negative situation isn’t naive. It’s leadership. ~Lori Moreno
  • A star wants to see himself rise to the top. A leader wants to see those around him become stars. ~ Simon Sinek

There’s no shortage of need for leadership. Have the courage to claim your opportunities to lead.


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The Sage Who Sees – Day 260 of 365 Days to a Better You

Thank you so much for taking a few minutes to read today’s post.

Do you ever feel different; like you don’t quite fit in with the ways of this world? I do. It’s not something I came to as an adult. It’s who I’ve been my entire life. It’s like what’s intuitive to me is counterintuitive to our civilization. My polarities are reversed.

My own mother once asked, “Why can’t you just fit in?” Do you vibe with that?

There’s a great quote in the Bhagavad Gita that explains why you and I might feel this way.

“In the dark night of all beings awakes to Light the tranquil man. But what is day to other beings is night for the sage who sees.”

    • The world lusts for war. You seek only peace.
    • The world strives for bottom lines. You believe people are the bottom line.
    • The world adulates at the alter of fear. You have always known love is the answer.
    • The world wants to be cool. You’d rather be wise.
    • The world looks without. You have always gone within.
    • The world sees the dark clouds. You see the bright sun behind the dark clouds.
    • The world clamors for instant gratification. You opt for sustainable gratitude.

    I’ve long suspected something. While you and I see ourselves a unique, I’m not so sure we’re that unique. Maybe what comes natural to us is the secret yearning of most people. In fact, I’m certain of it. They simply can’t bring themselves to believe it’s possible. They retreat into the herd safety of the mass consciousness.

    As the sage who sees, I believe our mission is to light the path to this greater realization the same as our teachers and mentors have lighted it for us.

    Your poles are not reversed because there’s something wrong with you, Don’t give into the gravity of that thinking. Your poles are reversed because you’re here to be a beacon to the world that can be if only a critical mass of people would believe. And today, today, we’re one step nearer than ever before.

    You’re absolutely awesome just as you are! Keep following your bliss!


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    The Leader Within You – Day 229 of 365 Days to a Better You

    Leadership is not a gift bestowed on a select few. It is an innate part of each and every one of us. You have within you the makings of an amazing leader. All that’s missing is the belief in yourself to do it and the opportunity to demonstrate it.

    Life will provide you the opportunity. These affirmations, listened to regularly, will help provide you with the belief that you can lead in your life, lead in your circles, and lead in this world.

    I hereby grant you a field promotion to the rank of LEADER. I believe in you. Meet me halfway and believe in you too!



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    Lead By Example – Day 152 of 365 Days to a Better You

    You must be a credible leader before you can be an incredible leader.

    It’s clear the world is in need of more conscious leadership. Though there’s still a hard push to re-centralize power on this planet, the way forward is with less centralized power. Why? Because, frankly, our institutions are too slow to deal with the changes our species will soon face. Often, they’re unwilling to even acknowledge those coming changes.

    It’s going to be up to each of us to be a leader, if we want to make sure these changes propel humanity forward rather than push us into a dystopian nightmare.  Never will conscience and wisdom be so needed.

    To be a leader in the coming world, you must be credible. You must walk the walk and talk the talk like never before.

    Years ago, I read a book about silly laws that were still on the books. One came from my home state of Kansas. The law read, “If two trains come to a crossing at the same time, they both must come to a complete stop and neither can move until the other one leaves.” Well, you immediately see the problem, don’t you?

    Many of the wise and conscious characteristics that will make or break us in the coming decades are like this too. Hatred, strife, division, and fear rankle our society today. These can only be over Peace, compassion, unity, and love. But, who will go first? Who will be peaceful in the face of hatred? Who will meet strife with compassion?

    The answer is like the two trains. If you’re waiting for someone else to go first, we’re never going to get there. Someone has to take that risk and be that leader. Is it you? Are you willing to take the first step or perhaps endure the last insult to end the anger?

    This is sage level stuff, but the world needs sages now more than ever. Will you and I sometimes fail on this road? No doubt, but let us be the ones who once and for all help our world turn corners to new mindsets dreamt of for millennia.

    You and I are here right now for THIS purpose to make THIS difference. That won’t matter unless we are willing to lead by example.

    See your greatness and help others to see theirs too!


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