6 Tips for Using Affirmations

anunnaki_cover_full_colorCheckout Ray’s breakout speculative fiction novel, ”Anunnaki Awakening: Revelation White House correspondent, Maria Love, discovers a shocking secret about alien intervention in the distant human past. That discovery puts her on the path of an even more stunning revelation.

One reader wrote, “I’m loving the book. There’s only one problem. I was so into the story that I missed my bus stop.” Another reader emailed to say, “My mind is officially blown!”

Is it fact or is it fiction? You decide!

Silhouette of a man figure meditating in the outdoorsMany affirmation gurus suggest that all affirmations be written in the first person. First person affirmations are the most effective when reading, writing, or saying affirmations. Most people do not feel comfortable looking into a mirror and using “you” affirmations. However, audio affirmations open up a whole new realm. Listening is more passive than speaking or reading and you are used to hearing people speak to you in the second person.

My 25 years of experience with audio affirmations demonstrates that second-person affirmations are highly effective as audio affirmations. They offer “outside” confirmation of the first-person version of the affirmation.

  1. Commitment – keep in mind that the key to using affirmations – audio, written, or spoken – is commitment to your goal. Without a commitment to making the change or reaching your goal, affirmations are just words.
  2. Repetition – repetition is the engine of affirmation success. For an affirmation to do its job in transforming your thoughts, it has to get at least equal time with the negative thoughts you want to replace.
  3. How much/how often – speak, write, or listen to the first person affirmation 5-10 times and then repeat the second person affirmation the same number of times. Do this at least twice each day. Stay with the affirmation(s) for at least 30 days. Use them again if the old thoughts return.
  4. How to use first person affirmations – “Own” the first-person version. Speak or listen as if you are speaking passionately to yourself.
  5. How to use second person affirmations – ”Actively accept” the second person version. Speak or listen as if someone you respect is confirming your affirmation back to you.
  6. How to know you’re getting results – there are several criteria for recognizing an affirmation’s success.
    1. The old thought, behavior, or performance disappears or lessens.
    2. Your mood, thinking, behavior, or performance change in a positive direction.
    3. The old thought, behavior, or performance appears and your thinking immediately answers with the affirmation. This is really exciting. Your old thought is “I am stupid.” You think this thought and immediately it is answered by your affirmation, “I am highly intelligent.”

For example, following “I am beautiful” with “You are beautiful” provides subconscious external confirmation of the first-person claim.

Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.


Miracle in Progress

sun in handsThere! Did you see it? There’s a miracle in progress. Where? Everywhere you look. The ants are building ant hills. Your heart is beating, beating, beating. The season is effortlessly changing again. The Earth goes around the Sun, as the Sun goes around the center of the galaxy. Everywhere you look, there’s a miracle.

You’ve heard the expression, “Don’t take your eye off the ball”. I think we should amend that to, “Don’t take your eye off the miracle.”

The moment you take your eye off the miracle, you begin to get into trouble. You start seeing “us” and “them”, “enough” and “not enough”, “future” and “past”, and you worry about all of it. Your worry turns into a soup of negative internal emotions that spill out into your world as unhappiness, anger, hatred, and even violence.

None of this is possible when you have your eye on the miracle. For in that vision of the world, you see how rare, precious, and amazing you are. You see how rare, precious and amazing everyone and everything around you is. We are all survivors, here in this place and time against overwhelming odds. Yet, here making our stand, being who we came here to be, and contributing our own uniqueness to the miracle.

So, when the moment gets you down today, remember the miracle. When you’re tempted fall into negativity and doubt, remember the miracle. It’s always right there, completely self-evident in every moment, if only you’ll look.

Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.

Ray Davis is the founder of The Affirmation Spot. He’s spent more than 25 years studying personal development and especially writing, recording, and using affirmations to achieve his goals. His eBook – The Power to Be You – offers 416 life-changing and original quotes, ideas, and affirmations to take you to new levels of achievement and reflection.

anunnaki_cover_full_colorAnunnaki Awakening: Revelation, Ray’s first novel,  is turning heads and opening minds. Humanity’s past is checkered, secret, and dangerous.

White House Correspondent Maria Love is on to the story of her life and with the help of an Anunnaki leader seeks to unravel and reveal history’s biggest conspiracy. The Awakening has begun!

10 Empowering Ideas

The mind is like the body. When you feed it nourishing, nutritious ideas, it is a juggernaut. When you don’t, it falls into disrepair. Here are 10 Thoughts that you can keep in front of you today to nourish your mind. I have written them in the first person so that you can use them as affirmations/mantras. These thoughts will keep you rocking through your day.

1) I am not a tool for money! Money is a tool for me!
2) Kindness pays in a hundred ways.
3) I use today to create my future, not rehash my past.
4) The hero I am waiting for is waiting for me in the mirror!
5) I am a miracle in motion!
6) To receive more love, I become more love.
7) My power to choose IS my power to change!
8) My best IS good enough!
9) My life/world is what I make of it and today I make it a ______ place to be!
10) My dreams are waiting for me to come true. Today their wait is over!

Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.

Ray Davis is the founder of The Affirmation Spot. He’s spent more than 25 years studying personal development and especially writing, recording, and using affirmations to achieve his goals. His eBook – The Power to Be You – offers 416 life-changing and original quotes, ideas, and affirmations to take you to new levels of achievement and reflection.

anunnaki_cover_full_colorAnunnaki Awakening: Revelation, Ray’s first novel,  is turning heads and opening minds. Humanity’s past is checkered, secret, and dangerous.

White House Correspondent Maria Love is on to the story of her life and with the help of an Anunnaki leader seeks to unravel and reveal history’s biggest conspiracy. The Awakening has begun!

Tips for Becoming a Positive Thinker

In the training world, there is constant discussion about what constitutes a learnable, trainable skill and what falls into the realm of motivation or determination. For instance, I can train a sales manager with the knowledge and the skills that can make he or she better at coaching sales representatives. However, I cannot train a sales manager to be motivated to use those skills.

Lately, I’ve given a good deal of thought into whether positive thinking is a learnable, trainable skill or whether it relies completely on the motivation of the individual. It’s fair to call any ability that can be enhanced with practice or additional knowledge a learnable skill.

By this definition, positive thinking meets the criteria. There are teachable techniques that can help people see the world or themselves in a more positive light. A couple that I have employed successfully over the years are thought stopping and tick-marking.

Thought stopping involves mentally or verbally saying, “stop” when a negative or unwanted thought comes to mind. Sometimes the process requires you to say, “stop” multitple times to discontinue the negative thinking. This process is most effective when you can replace the negative thought or visualization with one that is positive or healthy. This technique is effective for people battling depression, obsessive thoughts, or addiction. However, anyone can use it in their daily lives. The fact that you are not dealing with a serious mental condition makes it that much more effective.

Tick-marking is another way to stop negative thoughts and embark on a positive thinking program. When we are afflicted with negative thinking we often don’t realize how many times during the day we are thinking negative thoughts to ourselves (negative self-talk). For some, there is a constant stream of negative thoughts, self judgements, and critiques of everyone and everything around them. Because we are what we think about all day long, unchecked these thoughts spill out into their lives – their view of the world, their self-esteem, and their interactions with others.

Tick-marking is a technique where you have a little note pad with you all day long. Every time you think a negative thought you make a tick mark on the note pad. Some people find it effective to categorize the negative thoughts. This is an awareness tool. Once they become aware of how many negative thoughts go through their minds in a day, many people become motivated to do something about it. Until there is awareness there cannot be action.

So, I come down on the side of those who believe positive thinking is a learned skill. That said, it is very much a commitment too. Developing a positive outlook on life has many of the same characteristics as a diet or an exercise program.

  • Motivated to change – until you see negative or demotivated thinking as a problem in your life, you are not going to commit to change. You must commit yourself to chaning the way you think and react to things.
  • Stay on the program – if you begin an exercise program, you will reap the benefits of it only as long as you continue exercising. If you stop, your muscles will atrophy and your fitness level will drop to previous levels. Replacing negative thinking with a positive outlook works in much the same way. It requires an ongoing commitment and you will see the benefits only for as long as you work at it. If you don’t provide constant positive fuel and apply techniques that work for you, the negative thoughts can return. Face it, we live in society where there is a lot of negativity and fear perpetuated for a number of reasons. If you don’t take charge of your own thinking, it is easy to fall into the societal malaise.
  • Keep the end in mind – when someone goes on a diet they are going to be successful as long as they continue to visualize their life at the goal weight. What happens along the way, often, is the demons of the present take control and steer the person off course. The dieter falls back into old habits and the diet fails. A positive thinking program has the same pitfall. Especially when you are using positive thinking to improve a certain area of your life, it is critical to keep the end result in mind. Your old negative thought patterns are going to rise up and try to get you off course. In fact, the closer you get to your goal, the more intense they may become. The only way through this gauntlet is to keep moving step by step in your new, positive direction.
  • Believe – you have to believe that change is possible. You have to believe that by using affirmations or other positive thinking approaches you can change your life and your mind. Without the belief, the commitment to reach your goal is not going to be there.
  • Accept incremental success – change of any kind in life is a process not an event. Know that you are going to have negative thoughts and doubts. Know that a certain amount of it is just incurable human nature. Commit yourself to keep moving forward and replace those negative thoughts with something positive.
  • Claim your victory – reward your successes along the way and the big win that is your destination. Through hard work and a commitment to see the you and the world that are possible, you can change your outlook from negative to positive.

Once you know how all that is left is to do it!

Stay inspired!


Ray Davis is the Founder of The Affirmation Spot and focuses on empowering minds to think positively, achieve goals, and live dreams.

anunnaki_cover_full_color“My mind is officially blown!” “I’m loving this book. There’s only one problem. I was so into the story that I missed by bus stop.” “I need Book 2. Now!”

These are some of comments from readers about Ray’s new speculative fiction novel – Anunnaki Awakening: Revelation. This fictional novel follows White House Correspondent Maria Love on her quest to learn the truth of human origins and the Anunnaki’s role in our emergence. She discovers their intervention never stopped, but can she act quickly enough to change the destiny of two worlds? Author Graham Hancock said, “We are a species with amnesia.” Let your Awakening begin today.