6 Tips to Jump Start A Positive Day

Happy Sunday, fellow affirmers!

I have a question for you. Do you really believe staying positive works? When the moment is difficult, do you double down on staying positive or do you give in to the negative thoughts trying to conquer your consciousness?

It’s not a purity test. We’re all human. We all have those moments or days when we’re not our best selves and we give into the negativity and join the chorus of naysayers.

I guess I’m asking whether you prioritize your positivity? Do you spread the positivity whenever and wherever you can? Is it one of the strategies you apply to achieve peace, happiness, and success in life?

Let’s dive into five techniques that have worked for me and I know they’ll work for you too.

1) Feel the Gratitude – Most of us have so much to be grateful for. Gratitude practices first thing in the morning are a great way to set your mindset to positivity to start your day.

2) Spread the Positivity– Send a positive good morning message to a colleague. Compliment a friend or family member on something you appreciate about them. Give public kudos to your team. As you spread the positivity, it grows with in you,

3) Be Proactive– Another way I set a positive tone for the day is to be proactive. Grant yourself the power of agency in your day. What do I mean? Don’t wait for your day to just happen to you. Take proactive action first thing to put yourself in the drivers seat on your projects. Prep for your meetings first thing. Send out emails to get input first thing and then move on with your day. Proactivity gives you the feeling you’re making positive progress first thing. You’ll feel much better if you start the day ahead of the game.

4) Get Out of the Gotta Zone – Yes! There are “have tos” in life. Your job requires things of you. The people around you place demands on you. It’s easy to feel burdened by all the things you “gotta” do. What if you did a simple mind trick and changed gotta to get to. You get to make your contribution to your company and your team today. You get to be in demand by others because you have amazing relationships in your life. This simple mind shift can change a burden into a privilege.

5) Wear Your Positivity– I’ve started creating and wearing shirts with positive messages. I find the y are a great reminder for mr during the day and they often spark conversations with other people. Who knows how many people they silently influence during the day as I walk around? Maybe they remind someone of positivity right when they need to hear it.

6) Focus on What You’re For – We live in a contrarian world. Society is always throwing out things you must be against. The truth spending your conscious energy focused on things you’re for generates far more happiness and success. A mind focused in this positive way is far more positive,

Which of these techniques would work best for you? Leave your comment below.

Wherever you are on your journey today, share a little positivity and watch it change your day.


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What Do You Believe? – Day 168 of 365 Days to a Better You

Good Monday, my friends. I hope you enjoyed an amazing weekend and that your week is off to a great start. April, Mia, and I are still running with our hair on fire getting ready for our big move now just 11 days away. Remember this evening, before you go to sleep, to spend five minutes focusing on the positive energy from today. This is a fantastic practice to get into right before going off to sleep.

My question for you this evening is, what do you believe? If you believe your future or humanity’s future is bleak, then you have to own that your thinking is contributing to that outcome.

If you believe your future and humanity’s future is bright and brilliant, then your thinking is helping to create that outcome.

The outcome may come immediately in this moment. It may come over years. Either way, the outcome projected by your thinking will become your dominant reality.

Yes. There will be bright spots in the darkness. Yes. The primary rules of this three-dimensional existence will still apply to you. It’s the environment you inhabit along the way that comes directly from your thinking.

To paraphrase Rumi:

Want more thorns? Think about thorns. Want more roses/? Think about roses.

I’m not saying this is always easy. I certainly have my moments and days where I vibrate more thorns than roses. When I do, I get thorns. Yet, with just a gentle shift in your focus, the roses are always ready to appear.

So, I ask you again. What do you believe?

You’re awesome! Stay that way! Thanks for stopping by and have a great evening!


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The Sin of a Negative Thought

In this daily motivator, Ray Davis of The Affirmation Spot debunks the sun of a negative thought concept. Having a negative thought is a normal and natural human response to certain situations. Ray sets the record straight on this topic.