Harper Has Arrived

We got up o’dark thirty this morning to drive to Jay, OK and pick up Harper. I can already tell these full of love and we’re ready love her.

She’s about seven weeks old and just beautiful. Have a fantastic Saturday and Happy Halloween!


The Love of a Good Dog

The love of a good dog is forever. In January as some of you will recall, we lost our 16 year old lab Mia. Mia was my constant side kick for a decade and a half and a beloved part of our family..

I worked at home for most of those years and we spent every day together. The thought of another dog has not been something we were entertaining…at least not yet. Losing Mia was devastating. I wasn’t sure I was ready to give that much love to another dog.

For my birthday, my wife and daughter surprised me with the gift of a new puppy. I was thrilled, shocked, and have wondered how I’ll be with this new dog? How will we make her life unique and not constantly living in Mia’s shadow?

We’ve waited more than a month . This Saturday we finally get to bring Harper home. She’s a weimardoodle.

I still don’t have answers to my questions about how Harper will make her way into our heart, as Mia did. There is no replacing Mia or the flood of happy memories she left in her wake.

However, i know this. We are,, I am ready to make new memories with this beautiful little girl. Fifteen years from now, I know she too will have contributed to the richness of our lives.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you are awesone!


Honest Expressions Apparel by The Affirmation Spot

Hey, my friends. Happy Saturday!

I am a HUGE believer that every one of us should secure our economic well-being by creating multiple revenue streams. A job or a small business alone is not enough to ensure that our families are economically secure today and that we can continue to live the lifestyle we deserve in retirement.

We should diversify and create multiple revenue streams. The simplest form of this is to take part of our current income and invest it. This may be through a 401(k) at work, a personal IRA, or a personal brokerage account. Years ago people put their money in savings accounts or CDs, but the rates on those today simply do not keep up with inflation. You need to find a place to put your money where it can work for you.

Another way to create more economic security today and for your future is to create multiple revenue streams. For April and me, retirement is no longer this far off time. Purely by age, we’ll be at retirement age in the next decade. By desire, we’d like to get there a little sooner.

One of the revenue streams we’ve begun working on is creating apparel designs and selling them over on TeeSpring. Our “line” is called Honest Expressions by The Affirmation Spot. Our vision is to create apparel that speaks your heart and speaks your mind.

The designs center very much around the kinds of themes you’ve seen me write about on this blog for years – personal development, affirmations, mindset, and a positive vision for the future.

Two of our latest designs speak both to the challenge and frustration 2020 has posed for all of us and to our ability to thrive and smile, despite those challenges.

I’d humbly ask you to take a look at the designs in our store. We’re adding more all the time. If something speaks to you and for you, order it.

I’d also love to hear your ideas for more designs!

Here are links to the two designs. Thank you spending a moment of your time to take a look!

2020 Total Insanity

Love Embraces Affirmation

Good morning, everyone. Raising our vibration allows us to contribute to the ultimate goal – raising the vibration of the planet and the species.

Humanity is destined, I believe, to an amazing future where we shed our age-old limits and divisions to become an advanced and enlightened race that travels the stars. All of that starts with love.

Are you in?

Just incase no one else has reminded you today, you are awesome!
