Get Your “You Time” – Day 5 of 365 Days to a Better You

Get Your You Time!

Good morning, my friends!

It’s Day 5 of 2019 and if you’ve been following these blogs, you are well on your way to being a better you in 2019. Today is the first weekend day of the new year and you’ve earned some R & R.

There are many ways we can better care for ourselves in 2019. I’m sure we’ll get to them as we move through this journey. One of the best is to schedule some “You Time.”

Most of us give away tons of our time all week long to jobs, friends, families and they’re all important for their own reasons. The thing many of us forget to do is take time to stop, reflect, and do something nice just for ourselves and just because.

reading-3462508_640So today, at some point, I want you to take some and treat yourself to something you truly enjoy. Take a few minutes to reflect on this first week of the New Year and get your bearings for what’s ahead.

It’s trite, but true. You’re no good to anyone else unless you take care of yourself.

Have a fantastic day! I’d love to hear what you did for YOU today in the comments below.


If you’re looking for more motivational content, I hope you’ll check out my website and my YouTube channel.

Make a To-Be List – Day 2 of 365 Days to a Better You

I hope you got STARTED on a new goal yesterday. If not, start now! Today’s task is to create a TO BE List. Everyone has a TO DO List. A TO BE List helps you decide WHO you want to be at the end of 2019.

I’ve been doing this activity since 2008. I think you’ll find your To-Be list a very powerful tool. This became quite a thing about 2010 and now, if you Google it, you’ll find this idea everywhere.

You are a human being not a human doing. All the dos in the world won’t make you the person you want to be unless you have clear targets for it.

Here are some instructions I put together to help you.

To-Be List Instructions

Please leave your list below in the comments. I can’t wait to hear you will be one year from now!


For more inspiring content, visit The Affirmation Spot website or YouTube channel.

I AM – The Two Most Powerful Words

i-am-461804_640Happy New Year’s Eve to everyone Europe and west. Happy New Year to those of you ringing in 2019 already!

As you enter 2019, I want you to be SUPER aware of two words that you probably say mindlessly hundreds of times a week…I AM. Other than your name, there are no other words in the English language (or any other) as powerful as I AM.

As the pitcher and catcher are “the battery” on a baseball field, I AM is the battery of affirmations. The AM is actually an equals sign. Even though we say it often, this phrase has an untold power on our consciousness. I AM is really I =.

I AM fat. I AM lazy. I AM cold. I AM happy. I AM always last in line. Each and every one of these are mindless affirmations telling pelting our subconscious with instructions on how to view the world. Perhaps more importantly, they are instructions to the Universe to help more of that show up. After all, we all like to be proven right.

When feed I AM statements to ourselves, consciously or unconsciously, we are telling ourselves and the world WHO we are. Be cautious with this phrase. Use it with intention. Empower your mind, your body, and your spirit with I AM statements that support your highest self.

Do that and I promise you 2019 will be your best year yet! Here, let me get you started on the right track. You are AMAZING. You are a ONE-IN-A-TRILLION MIRACLE. You are DESTINED TO GREAT THINGS!

Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.


For more inspiring content, visit The Affirmation Spot website or YouTube channel.


Create a TO-BE List for 2019

to_be_listOur society is built on getting things done. Productive action is an important ingredient to our success. The “To-Do List” is a staple of our productivity society.

We make these lists to remind us of the tasks we need to complete in a day, a week, or some other time period. Some people use them as a guide, while others meticulously check off each task as it is completed.

The super-organized among us are probably already creating their 2019 To-Do Lists. Nearly all of us are thinking about the things we “have to get done” in the next year.

Numerous motivational speakers and spiritual teachers have commented that we are human “beings” not human “doings”. This is commentary on our propensity to focus on the doing at the expense of the being.

Their goal is to remind us that we are here as surely TO BE as we are to do. They are suggesting an imbalance in our lives between doing and being. With our fast-paced, modern, rush, rush, rush society; who can argue?

The extreme answer to reducing your “doingness” is to sell your possessions and go live as a monk on a mountain top somewhere. You could then spend your entire life just being. That’s not a realistic or even appealing option for most of us.

So, how do you find a beingness/doingness balance in your life? How do you keep yourself reminded to “just be” or to become who you want TO BE?

Create a To-Be List. I know, I know, I see the paradox in suggesting a doing to improve your ability to be. Life is full of paradoxes.

Your To-Be List has two aspects:

  1. Planned Beingness – these times can go right on your calendar along with your to-dos. They are planned times in your day or week where you plan to just be. Just being can mean meditating, sitting quietly, or brainstorming…you get to define what it means for you. There are just two rules. This time must be time away from your To-Do List activites. You’re not doing any of them or thinking about them. PLANNED BEINGNESS IS YOU TIME. Place this in your daily To-Do List or on your calendar. Plan your beingness.
  2. Visionary Beingness– answers the question, “Who do I want TO BE a year from now?” A To-Do List enumerates the tasks you want to get done in the next year. Your To-Be List can enumerate the characteristics you want TO BE in the next year. These can be self-development goals, career goals, or personal characteristics. This is your list of things TO BE in the coming year. It’s an organized way to spell out who you want TO BE the same way you list what you need to do. Examples include the following.
    • By ______, I will BE less judgmental than I am now.
    • By ______, I will BE more courageous in following my dreams than I am now.
    • By ______, I will BE in a managerial role.
    • By ______, I will BE more at peace than I am today.
    • By ______, I will BE a more accomplished writer.
    • By ______, I will BE a more effective business owner.

Tips for Success:

  • Make your To-Be List as important as your To-Do List.
  • Use existing tools like your current electronic calendar or hard copy planner to create your To-Be List right along side your To-Do List.
  • Make it part of your routine.
  • Spend time each day reviewing your To-Be List just as you do your To-Do List.

By making time TO BE, you will experience greater peace and contentment. By envisioning who you want TO BE, you are focusing your mind and your efforts to create the circumstances, opportunities, and intention to make it so. Create an expectation that you will complete your T0-Be List the same way you complete your To-Do List and you will!

Let me take this opportunity to say thank you for reading this blog. I know your time is valuable and I am really working to bring you the best blog possible – one that adds real value to your life each day. Your readership makes it all worth it.

Please let me know what I can do to make it more empowering, thought-provoking, or meaningful for you. I do read every comment and email. If this blog is adding value to your life, please tell at least one friend about it! Thank you for your support.

Follow your bliss! Experience your bliss! Become your bliss!


Ray Davis is the Founder of The Affirmation Spot and focuses on empowering minds to think positively, achieve goals, and live dreams.

anunnaki_cover_full_colorRay’s speculative fiction novel, Anunnaki Awakening: Revelation, is turning heads. Where did humanity really come from and where is it going? This is Book 1 of a trilogy. The Awakening has begun!

Be Intentional in 2019

ray_april_florida_2018Now that the December holidays and holy days are behind us, it’s a moment to pause, take a breath, and begin considering where we go next in our adventure. Every new year is rife with possibility and potential for amazing things. The real question is will you take the steps necessary to tap into that and make it count for your journey?

April and I are spending the holidays in Palm Beach this year. Yes, we’ve been getting plenty of recharging beach and ocean time – there’s something about that energy that just revives your spirit, isn’t there?

We’ve also been mapping out our ambitious goals for 2019. I have a second book to complete in the Anunnaki Awakening series, a goal of taking The Affirmation Spot to the next level, and helping my partner, Dennis, build our 6 Sense Media platform. All of this while still working the full-time day job. April is focused her crafting, especially her new passion Chalk Couture.

Like you, our life is crazy busy day-to-day and it’s easy to get knocked off track. That’s why our word for 2019 is INTENTIONAL. We want to place a special emphasis on being INTENTIONAL about how we:

  • Interact with others.
  • Care for ourselves and those close to us.
  • Serve those who support our work.
  • The energy we allow into our daily life.
  • The thoughts we think because they make all the difference.

I don’t know what your goals are for 2019 (I’d love you to share them below), but I’d encourage you to join us and become extra INTENTIONAL in 2019. If we stay focused, do a little each day, and stay true ourselves and our paths, we will look back at the dawn of 2020 and be astonished at what we have achieved.

Here’s to each of us making that “Dent in the Universe” this year!


Ray Davis is the founder of The Affirmation Spot, an author, and paradigm challenger with the goal of bettering himself, helping others better themselves, and bettering the world.
