It All Works Out – I Promise

Good morning, my friends.

Ever had one of those days where it feels like you’re trying to find your way through a dense fog, with no idea if you’re heading in the right direction? Yeah, me too. But here’s the thing I keep coming back to: “I promise. It all works out. Every bit of it.”

I’m not just talking about those big life-altering moments, but also the small hiccups, like when you spill your morning coffee or miss the bus. Life’s a rollercoaster, and sometimes it feels like we’re stuck in the dips more than we’re enjoying the peaks. But trust in the process. Trust in the journey. And most importantly, trust in yourself.

Those storm clouds? They eventually move on, revealing the warm, comforting rays of the sun. So, if today, or this week, or even this year has thrown you some curveballs, remember: brighter days are just around the corner. And sometimes, they’re even brighter because of the storms we’ve weathered.

Wherever you are on your journey today, you’re awesome.


You Might Have to Be Gullible to Be Great – Day 333 of 365 Days to a Better You

There are times, when you’re seeking to achieve great things, that you must suspend disbelief. You must go out on a limb, on a whim, and follow the dream wherever it takes you.

Many people simply lack the fortitude to be that vulnerable. They’re petrified of being seen as gullible. So, they swallow their dreams and push back against their potential and their possibility. They abandon hope for a better life or a better world all to satisfy their “play-it-safe” mentality.

They’ve given up dreaming because dreaming risks disappointment, the embarrassment of failure, or exposing them as a gullible dreamer unaware of the many perils involved in trying to improve things.

So, people play their normative games, maintain their normative mindsets, and make their normative excuses to justify keeping themselves and the world just as it is.

That’s not me. It’s never been me. I hope it’s not you either. The world needs a few more people willing to be gullible enough to believe that things don’t have to stay as they are just to keep small thinkers happy.

Ordinary thinking will not lead to your greatest self. Greatness comes to those gullible enough to believe better is possible.

Just in case no one else reminded you today, you’re awesome!


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The Raw Material of Your Enlightenment – Day 316 of 365 Days to a Better You

Everything in your life is there as a vehicle for your transformation. Use it!

~Ram Dass

Everything, literally everything, that comes into your experience is raw material for your enlightenment. Your suffering and your joy are the very stuff of your enlightenment. Your successes and your failures are too. Your loves and your heartbreaks and your epiphanies all are ready teachers eager to show you the way to a better version of you.

There’s never a shortage of building blocks for you to gain wisdom, be more compassionate, or expand your consciousness. You simply have to show up for class and complete the assignments, however challenging.

Here are five ways to convert your raw experience into greater awakening.

  1. Stop making value judgments – good or bad – about your experiences. Simply see every one as a teacher.
  2. Ask for the lesson in the experience to reveal itself.
  3. Be more committed to to your enlightenment than to the drama in the immediate experience.
  4. Be present for the lesson so you don’t have to repeat it over and over.
  5. Be courageous. Hardship and ecstasy are common. Given the chance, they can consume your consciousness and knock you off course for a whole lifetime. Face the challenge and keep moving toward enlightenment.

The alternative is to continue allowing your experiences to feed your ego rather than your awakening. If you’re ready to level up, here’s your opportunity.

In case no one else has reminded you today, YOU are awesome!


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Stop Missing Profound Truths – Day 286 of 365 Days to a Better You

Sir Winston Churchill once observed, “Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.”

The universe is constantly placing truths before you; flashing like the bright lights of Las Vegas.  They’re impossible to miss unless you’re caught up in this “rat race” mindset. At “rat race” speed, your mind is clouded with marching orders, burdens, and you’re always in a hurry. When you’re in that mode, profound truths could bite you on the nose and you’d miss them completely.

These truths are important. They could be telling you how to achieve your next goal or answering a question you asked the universe in frustration, but never waited for the answer.

What’s the solution?

  • Just be more.
  • Feel more.
  • Stop, look, and listen more.
  • Go within more.
  • Breathe consciously more.
  • Love more.
  • Give others the benefit of the doubt more.
  • Accept more.

Do these things and you’ll drop out of rat race mode and see the world more clearly. As you see the world more clearly, the truths trying to make themselves clear to you appear.

Those truths don’t respond to your hurry, worry, or your distraction. They only show up when you fully show up.

Just in case no one else has told you today, YOU ARE AWESOME!


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Five Things I Wish I’d Known Earlier in Life – Day 262 of 365 Days to a Better You

Sometimes I wish we could live life in reverse. There are things we learn along the way that would have been good to know from the beginning. Here are five things I eventually figured, but could have send to my advantage earlier than I received them.

  1. Nobody has the WHOLE truth, but everyone has a piece of it. There’s no one walking the face of this planet who has everything figured out and can hand it to you. Take the time, as people come in and out of your life, to glean the piece of truth or wisdom each has to offer.
  2. Don’t stress about a relationship. I spent much of my 20s and early 30s worried I’d never meet someone. Relax and be open. The universe has you covered. There IS someone out there for you. Don’t try to be someone you’re not to attract or impress. Just do you and you’ll attract the right person.
  3. “Thoughts, as Mike Dooley says, “become things.” Your thinking has a HUGE impact on your outcomes in life. Thinking negatively yourself or being subjected to negative thinking early in life can torpedo your progress repeatedly until you figure out this one.
  4. Everyone doesn’t have to like you. In fact, get over yourself. Not everyone will like you guaranteed. It’s not because there’s something wrong with you or the other person. Some people just don’t vibe with you. It’s perfectly and it’s not personal.
  5. There are no extra points for staying within the lines. Human societies are massive conformity machines. There’s all kinds of conscious and unconscious conditioning to keep you in the herd. The problem pretty much every person I know that’s happy and successful broke free from that conditioning to one extent or another and carved their own path in the world.

I’m sure I could come up with a more exhaustive list. These are five big ones. Some of them you learn once and you’re good. Others you may have to learn again multiple times in your life. Mastering them makes your life go a lot more smoothly.

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