The Change Is Us

Happy Friday, dear readers.

When the world comes to a challenging moment, we have a tendency to look to the sky or look to our leaders to do something about it. I’m all for trusting in God or the Universe. There is always a big plan in the works, but we should remember our voices, our actions, our commitment to affect change is part of that plan.

World leaders? They often had a hand in landing us in the difficulty. I have less confidence there. Still, we can influence that too, whether democratic or not, all leaders, when it comes right down to it, are subject to the will of the people.

Our hand is weakened when we trust lies and fear-mongering. We must stop buying into their low energy arguments that frighten people into going along. We must stand committed to not electing nor supporting leaders win by dividing people and severing us from our highest impulses and aspirations.

There’s a great quote by the American comedian Lily Tomlin. “I always wondered why somebody doesn’t do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody.”

You are somebody and so am I. We can wait for change like it’s a


Wherever you are on your journey today, put your mind on your side.


Love Thy Neighbor

There is no ethical or moral code that ignores this basic principle. So many of the ills afflicting our minds and our society could be greatly mitigated by doing this one thing.

Certainly, there are many on the planet who believe this to be much harder than it actually is. They’ve seen the ugliness people are capable of up close. For many, their protection mechanism has become to blame the whole species.

There are a couple of simple mind shifts that can get us back on a more productive track.

  1. Stop blaming humanity for the faults of some humans. There are literally billions of good people out there trying to make their way in this crazy world just like you. Shift your focus to that fact.
  2. See people as individuals and each situation as unique. We have a tendency to generalize and categorize our way to a point where we don’t trust anyone or anything. Renew your commitment to see each person for the unique individual they are rather than grouping them into a label. See each situation as unique. The fact that you’ve been hurt in say a relationship, doesn’t mean that the best relationship you can imagine isn’t out there for you.

Love your neighbor. Give them the same chance you want and deserve. People will surprise you and you’ll find more joy and happiness in your interactions with others.

You know you’re amazing! Just reminding you.


Wednesday Morning RayQuotes for Claiming Your Power

However you want to phrase it, you are the captain, the director, the producer of your life. What you think or don’t, what you say or don’t, what you do or don’t decides your course through this life.

Outside events only provide a set on which to act out this play of self in this interconnected multiverse.

Sometimes, though, we fall out of the captain’s seat or even forget who we are and the power we have over our outcomes.

Today I’m sharing some brand new RayQuotes I coined during a thought experiment this morning along with some that I’ve use for years to empower my own mindset. The power of words is in the feeling they create. That feeling becomes the fuel for action and determination.

Hope you enjoy them. Consider. Saving the ones that resonate with you, printing them, and keeping them close to you during your day to remind you that you are the captain of your life.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you ARE awesome!


Assuming Things About Other People

We all do it. We assume the worst about people and situations. Often this causes us to imagine negative things that never materialize, but that doesn’t stop us from living in those spaces for days, weeks, months, years.

This is especially true when you interpret other peoples’ motives in the worst possible light. This is sometimes a response to negative life experiences or bad past experiences with certain people. Still, this tendency to expect the worst from others is a major cause of negativity in our lives.

Look, if an individual has let you down so many times, you should consider cutting that person out of your life. It’s not a productive or effective strategy to constantly have your guard up, assuming everyone is taking advantage of you.

Power hack: Do your best to come into each situation with fresh eyes and a pure heart. Adjust to the particulars of that situation and that person in this new situation rather than going in with shields up expecting the worst.

I know this is a real shift for some of you. Life has scarred you. But, I’d argue, so has this mindset. You’ll soon see that other people have great motives and intentions you were missing before. Plus, by approaching life more openly, you may just encourage others to do the same. That just might benefit your whole support system.

Stay awesome…a.k.a. just do you.


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Let’s Stop Conforming

Too often you revere paradigms that enslave your thinking and limit your possibilities. Stop it! You’re not here to live by their expectations. You’re not here follow the rule book to a T. You’re here to live out a unique experience in all the universe – your life in this place at this moment.

So, laugh out loud. Use your outdoor voice inside. Color outside the lines. Do it not because you disrespect your society, but because you know it can be better, saner, and more fun. Status quos are for breaking. Like everything else in this universe, paradigms must perish to make room for their next incarnation.

There are no extra points at the end of the game for exceptional conformity. There is a simply a life well-lived or a life well-worried.

So, dance heartily and joyfully in the the rainstorm of change that showers down upon you each and every day.

In case no one else reminded you today, you are awesome!


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