5-Minute Affirmations – I Am Crushing It Affirmations

Today’s video includes 10 affirmations to remind you how you are “crushing it” in your life in so many areas right now.

You are, you know. Give yourself the credit you deserve. Listen to these affirmations regularly for best results. Start your day or end your day with this powerful reminder that you are making progress!

Wherever you are in your journey today, know that I’m in your corner!


5-Minute Morning Affirmations – Confidence Affirmations #1

Good morning, my friends. Last week I started a series of videos on my YouTube channel called 5-Minute Morning Affirmations. These are meant to be quick hit motivational videos to get your day off to a great start.

Today’s installment is the first in what will be an ongoing series on Confidence Affirmations. These 10 affirmations are guaranteed to get you pumped, confident, and ready to face any day.

As always with video and audio affirmations, regular conscious listening along with passive listening to these affirmations help them seep into your subconscious where they can really begin to rewrite the automatic programming that drives your thought stream on a daily basis.

Enjoy the video and I’d love your feedback either here or on YouTube. Thanks for your support!

Wherever you are on your journey today, know that you ARE awesome!


7 Synchronicity Affirmations

There’s something about the flow of the universe that seems to have the ideal timing for us, if we’ll just stay out of the way.

Our job is simply to do our work, keep moving in the right direction, and show up to receive that perfect timing.

These affirmations are all about being there and waiting for the synchronicity to drop into our journey the way a baseball outfielder runs to the spot of a fly ball and waits for it to drop in his glove.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you’re awesome!


Radical Choice to Be Happy

The world will be what it will be today. We can either choose to own our own happiness, regardless of what comes. Or, we can leave our happiness up to the whims of events. The choice is always ours.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you ARE awesome!


Dreams Come True Video Affirmation

Good evening, good morning wherever you are, my friends. I hope this finds you in good health and good spirits. Are you trying to manifest a dream in your life?

This affirmation infuses your mind with the idea that your dreams really can and really do come true.

The affirmation is repeated in both the first and second-person for maximum benefit. For best results, listen to this affirmation daily for 21-30 days and with headphones.

The Affirmation:

  • First-person: My dreams are coming true each and every day.
  • Second-person: My dreams are coming true each and every day.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you ARE AWESOME!
