Challenging Yourself to Be Great – The Affirmation Spot for Friday November 30, 2007

Welcome to The Affirmation Spot. If this is your first time to the site, be sure to click one of the subscription options (top left) to be notified each time the blog is updated.

Thank you for visiting. Tell your your positive-thinking, motivated friends and your not-so-motivated friends about the blog. There is something for everyone.

There are direct links to downloadable mp3 affirmations at The Affirmation on the right menu. They are set to music and allow you take positive thoughts with you wherever you go all day. Enjoy today’s post.

green_leaves_sunlight.jpgToday’s affirmation is:

“Your life is coming together in a complete and perfect way. You are doing all that is necessary, accepting all that is necessary, and releasing all that is necessary for your life to come forth and blossom. Give yourself credit for your accomplishments; cut yourself some slack for your mistakes. Know that all leads to your growth and healing. Be happy an enjoy life!”

When you accept that your life is coming together just as it should, you are free to challenge yourself to stretch beyond your limits. 

On my journey this day, I follow in the footsteps of the immortals. The imprints they have left behind on the Earth are large and their strides are a stretch for me. Yet, if I dare not encounter them and measure myself by them, how shall I ever know the true immensity of my own being?

So, I step consciously into the light; walking the path they once walked. Leaving it, occasionally, and improvising. Adding to it qualities uniquely my own.

Breathing with the trees and conversing with the clouds, as once they did. Our collective wisdom grows until no distinction remains among the path, the immortals, and me.


“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” ~ Henry Ford

“There is no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.” ~ John Ruskin


Right now is the time to open yourself to the possibility of ignoring limitations and going beyond self-imposed boundaries. For the fear and anxiety you experience are nothing but the shadow of unfulfilled promise.

arms_stretched.jpgThe world is full of opportunity and peril and a little of each in the other. It is ever forming and reforming; manifesting in precise accordance with our expectations. For your world lives in your mind long before it becomes visible; shaping itself to your perception of what is possible.

What is set in stone today is the dust in tomorrow’s breeze. Remember you are creating tomorrow’s results with every thought, word, and action today. Change is the catalyst for your betterment and your imagination its only limitation. Make the most of this blessing given you to personify the fruition of the promise that dwells within.

Each moment is a gift providing you with a fresh start on which to build a life filled with things more precious to you than your problems.



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A Self-Confidence Manifesto – The Affirmation Spot for Thursday November 29, 2007

Welcome to The Affirmation Spot. If this is your first time to the site, be sure to click one of the subscription options (top left) to be notified each time the blog is updated. Thank you for visiting. Tell your your positive-thinking, motivated friends and your not-so-motivated friends about the blog. There is something for everyone.

There are direct links to downloadable mp3 affirmations at The Affirmation on the right menu. They are set to music and allow you take positive thoughts with you wherever you go all day. Enjoy today’s post.

I plan to record this and add it to the website in the near future, but decided to share the text today. If you read this to yourself, you can feel your confidence rising and your stress melting away. Why a manifesto? This self-dialogue is full of self-declarations of your readiness to move forward to healing, success, peace, or whatever your immediate goals are.candle1.jpg

The first key is to realize that you have the courage, the wisdom and the strength within you to make the changes you want to make in your life; to bring about the healing you seek. For, in truth your healing comes from within. Others may facilitate or act as mediators, but it is the healer within you that is bringing about the miracle you are receiving right now. Know this deeply.

Focus your healing energies on bringing about an end to your suffering. This healing is occurring within you right now. It is not far off in the future. Your healing is a reality right now in this moment. You are experiencing a complete healing. Your mind, body, emotions, and spirit are all benefiting. Joy is increasing and expanding in your life exponentially. Your horizons are growing brighter and brighter.

You are opening your heart and your mind to possibilities you had never before considered. Right now you are accepting that anything and everything is possible for you. You understand that the circumstances in your life are always perfect to create the highest version of yourself. Your tools, your gifts, and your talents are more than enough to create a life of abundant success and happiness. Feel the joy increasing in your life.

Feel your confidence rising. There is no situation you cannot handle. There are no limits to what you can achieve. Nothing can occur that you can’t learn from and turn to your advantage. As your joy increases and your happiness manifests; there is less room for fear in your life, less room for self-doubt. These aspects of yourself are clearly decreasing in your life.

In fact, you are, as I speak, releasing your fears, releasing your self-doubt. They serve no purpose in your life. So you are releasing them and letting them go. You are successful. You think like a success, you talk like a success, you act like a success. You are a success!  Your success is complete; encompassing all aspects of your life.

Your spiritual life is a success, your career is a success, and your relationships are a success. You are a success. And success means progress in every area of your life. You are releasing the habitual patterns of thought and action that have held you back in the past.

You are releasing thoughts and actions that limit you in any way, shape, or form. By releasing these limiting patterns in your life; you are now completely free to live your life in this moment and to create your highest good in the here and now. You are determined to be fully present in the experience of now. You are intuitive, creative, and spontaneous in creating your new life – each moment, each day.

Feel the harmony, strength, and confidence this knowing creates deep within you. You are becoming the person you always knew you could be right this moment!



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Interview with Andreea Ayers of Tees for Change – The Affirmation Spot for Wednesday November 28, 2007

Thank you for visiting The Affirmation Spot. Your comments on the blog or this article are always welcome. Please click here to comment on today’s blog.

ray_launchpad.jpgWhat Ray’s reading right now:

April and I are reading A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose. This is the latest Oprah’s Book Club selection. Oprah and the author Eckhart Tolle are hosting a 10-week online course covering this book beginning Monday March 3. They recommend reading the book before the class. You can register for free at

March Affirmation Sale!

Beginning February 28 Download any two affirmations during March from The Affirmation and get a third affirmation free. There are no limits! You can download 20 and get 10 free. Simply type the word “blog” into the coupon field at checkout. Thanks for getting your audio affirmations at The Affirmation Spot!

Today The Affirmation Spot begins a series of interviews with and articles about inspirational people. These are people making a difference in the world by demonstrating the courage to share their gifts and pursue their dreams. My hope is that their stories will inspire you to begin taking steps in the direction of your dreams.
tees_for_change1.jpgThe first installment is an interview with Andreea Ayers, Founder of a Boulder, Colorado company called Tees For Change. Andreea started the company in early 2007 and it is already transforming her life and the lives of everyone wearing her products.

Her company is something special. Tees For Change is very eco-conscious – all their products are organic, they use low-impact eco-friendly dyes, and they plant a tree for each t-shirt sold. Her t-shirts proclaim emphatically positive messages such as, “today matters”, and “choose happiness”.

In a recent interview with on, Andreea is quoted as saying, “I am hoping that my tees will impact the person wearing them and also the many people he/she comes in contact with. Words are so powerful, as are thoughts, and a slight shift in your thoughts can make a difference in your day.

Our tees really make you think. What does “live mindfully’ or “today matters” mean to you? It’s probably different than what it means to your friend, sister or co-worker. My goal is to get people to at least stop for a moment and think “hmmm…” I want people to have conversations (with each other or even within themselves) about what the words on our tees mean to them.”

The following interview was conducted with Andreea by e-mail.

The Affirmation Spot:  Andreea, thank for your time. Can you share with us a little bit about your professional background and how your path led you to create Tees For Change? And, please tell us about Tees For Change and your goals for the company.

Andreea:  My background is in marketing for ‘green’ companies. I have a degree in Marketing from Cornell University and my first few jobs out of college were in market research and analysis. In 2001 I started to work for a non-profit publication called The Green Guide and, because the company was so small, I did everything but editorial and fundraising.

That was a great way for me to learn all aspects of online and offline marketing, customer service and the publishing industry. Then in 2004 I branched off on my own and self-published a book called The Green Apple: Organic coupons for healthy living in NYC. It was a guide and coupon book to everything eco-friendly in the Big Apple. However, I felt that I wanted to do something more national in scope and reach out to more people, so I did not re-publish the guide in 2005-2006.

In late 2005 I became a marketing consultant for Ideal Bite, a great company that sends out free, daily eco-living tips by email. I did their affiliate marketing, online marketing, and set up marketing partnerships, so I had the chance to learn more about ‘green’ marketing and building an email list.

Then, in 2006, after a brief stint in direct marketing at New York University, my husband and I moved out to Boulder, CO. I got the idea to start Tees For Change while I was in a prenatal yoga class. My goal for Tees For Change is to grow the company and reach out to as many people as possible. Right now our tees are available for sale in nearly 50 yoga studios across the US, but it would be great to have them available in every state and hopefully, one day, to have our own Tees For Change storefront or showroom.


TAS:  Unfortunately, we live in a world bathed in a lot of fear and unhappiness. I’m sure you’re aware that many people see “positive thinking” as somewhat unrealistic in the face of realities like war and famine. In your experience, what tangible difference does thinking positively make in our lives and in our world?

Andreea:  In my opinion, thinking positively has a huge impact on our lives and decisions. I grew up in a communist country where people were constantly afraid and did not trust anyone. Then there was my grandmother who always instilled in us to think positively and look at the bright side. She lived her life that way, despite all the hardships she encountered during communism and despite the fact that her husband died when they were still very young. Today, she is 95 years old and still looks at the bright side of things. She taught me by example that positive thinking is the way to go.

I learned that you can’t be creative if you are constantly afraid. And if you can’t create, then you can’t advance. So, in order to grow as a person, a company or a nation, you can’t be afraid.

I don’t watch the news because all they report on is what is wrong with our neighborhoods, our schools, our roads, and our security. Can you imagine how different your evening would be if you turn on the news and you hear about all the good things people are doing in our communities and in our country? Just by being aware of people doing good things you feel better. Imagine if you walked around all day thinking good thoughts! I constantly challenge myself to think positively, even if I might not feel it at the moment, just to see what happens. It makes a huge difference!

TAS:  You’re a new mother with a new and growing business, I’m sure there are tough days. Who and what keeps you inspired and motivated? Do you have any role models, mentors, or heros?

Andreea:  There are definitely tough days, but I love what I do, so that makes my challenges a bit more manageable. I am definitely inspired by my family and by the natural world around me. I am inspired when my customers write to tell me about the difference that one of our tees has made in their lives. I am inspired by people who follow their dreams, whether it’s to be a doctor, entrepreneur, teacher, musician or plumber. I am constantly inspired by children – they naturally ‘think big’ and it’s amazing to see their drive and determination.
Everyone I meet is a role model, in one way or another. The ‘positive people’ teach me what to do and the ‘negative people’ teach me what not to do. Sometimes I feel that we all start out as role models and then, somewhere down the line, life takes over and we forget what it’s like to have dreams and ambitions. I think I’ll add two new tees that will say “be unrealistic” and “reclaim yourself.”

TAS: What does owning and operating your own business mean to you?

Andreea:  It means that I can be creative and follow my dreams. But it also means working long hours and taking risks (good and bad) that I would not normally take if I was working for somebody else. Having my own business has allowed me to constantly challenge myself and to question my decisions and actions.

TAS:  Many people have creative dreams or business ideas they want to pursue. Often, they feel paralyzed by the perceived risk or by other peoples’ opinions. If you could speak directly to one of those people sitting in a cubicle in corporate America reading this interview or to someone working a job that’s not advancing their dreams, what advice would you give him or her? What words of wisdom can you offer to persuade that person that following your bliss is worth it?

Andreea:  Well, I think that there is definitely a place for corporate America in all of us. I learned a great deal from working for other companies, small and large. There is value in learning from other people who know more than you do. But, having said that, I think that if the spark is there, you’ll know when you’re ready to pursue your dreams. For some people it might not make sense to quit their job and start their own business, but what if those people start their own business (part-time), while holding on to their job?
About five years ago I read a great book called Kiss Off Corporate America : A Young Professional’s Guide to Independence by Lisa Kivirist. I highly recommend it to anyone who is thinking of leaving the cubicle life. It inspired me to leave my corporate job and start my own market research firm. Even though the market research firm didn’t work out (there was still so much more that I needed to learn!!!), it was a great experience and it gave me the courage to start other things later on. I personally feel better when I know I tried something (even though it might not have worked out) than when I don’t try it at all.


TAS:  Finally, what’s on the horizon for Tees For Change? Do you have any new lines coming out? Where can people find your tees? Are you expanding beyond tees into other products or apparel?

Andreea:  I am currently working on sourcing the tees for the Spring 2008 line and I will be adding more styles (tank tops, sweatshirts) and colors. I want to expand to other products, especially eco-friendly ones like canvas bags and reusable water bottles.

Right now, people can find the tee at Tees For Change and at nearly 50 yoga studios and boutiques across the country. For an updated list, they can visit
Thanks so much for allowing me to share my story!

TAS:  Thank you, Andreea, for generously sharing your time and your insights on positive thinking and pursuing your dreams.
With the holidays fast approaching, there is probably someone on your list who could use or would appreciate “the gift of positive”. Tees For Change is ideal for that person. Here is a quick FAQ on shipping and the logistics of ordering a shirt from Tees For Change.

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The Moon and Beyond: Replacing the Global War Economy

Today’s Affirmation:

“I identify the things and the people that inspire me and I make them the centerpiece of my life.”

moon2.jpgCan space replace war?

What inspires you? What are the big dreams you have for yourself, your family, and humanity? Do you ever take time to visualize them in your mind and think about how to make them reality?

It’s difficult in our work-a-day world to make time for such considerations. Between work and soccer games and dance recitals and bills, making time to define a vision for the next day is sometimes a challenge. Next year? The next 10 years? These can seem like a lifetime away.

Inspiration is one of those human intangibles that causes us look beyond the immediate to something bigger.

The American Heritage dictionary defines inspiration as, “stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity.”

Who are the people, what are the ideas, what are the things in your life that inspire you? Consider making a list and keeping it around you as you go through your day.

Some people are inspired by physical activity, the joy of creating, or a challenging puzzle to solve. Others are inspired by a great speech or an inspirational leader delivering a call to action.

tank_firingJust as individuals need inspiration, so do nations and humanity as a whole. One of the struggles of our present era is that we are so caught up in our petty differences – “the immediate” – that we are not looking at the big picture. Looking to our leaders seems a lost cause because, in many cases, they are the chief purveyors of the immediate. They have no vision for the future or for finding a way through our difficulties to the civilization we are capable of achieving.

We have a global economy that is largely based on war and conflict. Our economies and our technology development are driven by our desire for control of resources and minds rather than aspirations for something more. Developments in our world happen around profit. When asked why we cannot have peace in the world or why we cannot move towards solar power; I often quip that it is because we have not found a way to make peace as profitable as war or charge for sunlight. While a bit of an oversimplification, there is a lot of truth in it.

I’d like us to create a peaceful world for its intrinsic value and out of obvious self-interest. Unfortunately, the fact is that the global economy would collapse tomorrow, if we declared peace today. The interests that control our current global order are not going to allow that and so war (along with the ever-present excuses for it) are a reality until we can develop ways to employ people for peaceful means.

If we hope to create that world we need to find endeavors so big and all-encompassing that they inspire coming generations to look beyond “the immediate”. These endeavors must fire our imaginations and be on a scale that consumes all the petty struggles that now divide us. They must drive innovation that can employ billions around the planet.

There are very few things that could conceivably replace the global conflict economy. The two that immediately come to mind are solutions to our energy situation and space exploration.

Space exploration once inspired Americans and humanity. In the 1960s, the race to the moon, the moon landings, and even the near-disaster of Apollo 13 riveted the world’s attention. It truly brought a sense of “us” rarely seen in this world. When we see the world as “us” hurtling through space on a tiny marble in a vast blackness (the reality of our situation) rather than “us” versus “them” for some transient benefit or philosophical point, our perspective changes.

Ask any of the men and women who have been to outer space, regardless of nationality or faith, what their main take-away was. Nearly without exception, they will convey a sense of how small our world and its problems are compared to that vast blackness. You hear them talk about this “tiny marble” hovering in space.

Space exploration holds the potential to grant more and more of us the wisdom of the “tiny marble paradigm” and to replace the war economy. To me, that seems like two very positive steps in the right direction.

orion_spacecraft.jpgDuring my recent visit to NASA, I was privileged to take part in “Lunch with an Astronaut”. Retired shuttle astronaut, Jon McBride, spoke confidently about plans to send humans back to the moon by 2018. The program dubbed Project Constellation is part of the space strategy announced by President Bush in January 2004 called Vision for Space Exploration. The goal is create a permanent human presence on the moon by 2020 and to use it as a launching point for manned missions to Mars and beyond.

The cost, the technology, and the sheer scale of a project to explore and populate the solar system is far beyond the means of any single nation – even The United States. Such an endeavor would have to be a global effort and would be the beginnings of the kind of global economic and philosophical shift I am describing.

The first step is to convince the U.S. Congress and other governmental bodies around the world to work together and fund such a project. Our leaders have, unfortunately, demonstrated a decided lack of vision in this area for many years. After the ‘hey day’ of the space race, nations and people lost interest in space.

We were drawn back into “the immediate”. We had no time for grand visions. The argument has been for 30 years that we have problems here on Earth and money spent on space takes away from our ability to address those issues. This view holds space exploration as a resource drain rather than a resource provider – true to this point.

The money we took from the space program has not resolved those issues we argued it was needed to address. The problems are still very much with us, and we traded in our vision of something more.

Just as we need inspiration as individuals to move ahead in life, we need inspiration, challenges, and goals as a species to excel. Our leaders need to take John Kennedy’s example and inspire us to do great things again. We need to allow ourselves the guilty pleasure of being inspirable again.

It will take time, but I believe everyone can have what they want and need from this endeavor. The markets and the corporations can make their profits on something positive rather than death and destruction. Science and technology can grow to new heights to meet the challenges of space exploration rather than expending its genius on better ways to kill.  The people of the world can be employed by industries engaged in the single largest endeavor in history.

earth_space3.jpgI am not naive enough to suggest that human selfishness, greed, and criminality will suddenly evaporate in the dawn of this new day. However, I do believe we can all enjoy a saner, safer world firmly planted in the “tiny marble paradigm” rather than the self-absorbed, dogma-driven ego.

Are we going back to the moon? I sure hope so! Can you imagine how inspiring it will be to watch the first humans live on the moon or set foot on Mars? We need to gain back our sense of adventure and push ourselves to new heights – as individuals and as a civilization.

Take a few minutes today to create your list of things that inspire you and make them a centerpiece of your life. And every once in awhile, give some thought to what might inspire our world to be something more than it is now. Make your voice heard and let’s bring a more positive world to fruition.

Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.


Ray Davis is the Founder of The Affirmation Spot and focuses on empowering minds to think positively, achieve goals, and live dreams.

He is the author of the Anunnaki Awakening series (2015). Book 1 – Revelation – is now available in paperback and on Kindle. This trilogy takes Ancient Aliens out of the past and into the present. An interstellar, interdimensional journey ensues with humanity’s future hanging in the balance.

A Traveling Poem – The Affirmation Spot for Wednesday November 21, 2007

Welcome to The Affirmation Spot. If this is your first time to the site, be sure to click one of the subscription options (top left) to be notified each time the blog is updated. Thank you for visiting. Tell your your positive-thinking, motivated friends and your not-so-motivated friends about the blog. There is something for everyone.

airplane2_rs.jpgThe week of Thanksgiving, they say, is the busiest travel week of the year. Millions of Americans are traveling to be with family for the holiday.

However, millions more are going to be separated from their loved ones this weekend. Some for financial reasons. Others because they or their loved one is serving the nation in Iraq, Afghanistan, or somewhere else around the world. Still others, because of emotional distances that separated family or friends over time.

I wrote the following poem a few years ago when my wife was on the road for business nearly every week. Occasionally, I still send the poem to her…just because. It speaks to the distance between us when we are separate, but affirms that no number of miles can ever truly keep us apart when we are connected at the speed of love.

If you’re going to be separated from someone you love this weekend, I hope you’ll send this poem to them as a reminder that you are thinking about them.Enjoy the poem and your Thanksgiving

love1.jpg“A Traveling Poem”

Even when you’re far away,
My heart is still nearby.
Even if the world should fall,
not a thing could break our tie.

There is nothing of time or space
within our special bond.
It transcends all the eye can see;
born of truths that lie beyond.

Take my love with you today
and know that I’m right here.
When, tomorrow, we meet again,
in my heart you’ll be more dear.  


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