Mind Your Energy Today

We are energy. The universe is energy. Thought is energy. The math is really pretty simple. Where your attention goes, your energy flows.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you are awesome!


Sales Manager Affirmations Video

Being a fantastic sales manager is a different skillset than being a fantastic sales person. Yet, sales performance is often a precursor to being promoted into sales management.

These affirmations are directed specifically at sales managers. They encourage key mindsets for success and developing the confidence to be the leader your sales team needs. All affirmations benefit from persistent listening. Bookmark this video and watch it often for best results. The affirmations are repeated in first-person and second-person for maximum effect. Believe in yourself as a sales leader. Believe in your team. Let the successes multiply!

The Affirmations

  • I am a great sales manager and I get better every single day.
  • I meet my reps where they are to improve their skills and their results.
  • I make struggling reps good. I make good reps great. I make great reps even better.
  • I am constantly improving my game to improve my team’s game.
  • My team is a quota-exceeding machine!
  • My team’s results are grabbing the attention of senior leadership in my organization.

Just in case no one has reminded you today, you ARE awesome!


Download the audio for this video: https://affirmationspot.net/downloadstore/sales-manager-affirmations

Love Your Neighbor Affirmations Video

The advice from Jesus in Matthew 22 is to “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” This advice is both profound and straightforward. The problem is it’s not as easy as it seems.

The challenge is compounded by the fact that, for many of us, loving others as we love ourself is not a very good measure. We’re not good enough and in love enough with ourselves to love others that way.

These affirmations are based on the age-old teaching to love your neighbor as you love yourself. They recognize, though, that often that’s not a good measure because we don’t love ourselves the way we should.

These affirmations are meant to help you love yourself and your neighbor more, when listened to them regularly. The affirmations are recorded in the first and second-person for maximum effect. Bookmark the video to watch it every day.

The Affirmations:

  • I love myself more every day and I love my neighbor as I love myself.
  • I know that other people are facing challenges just like I am. So, I cut them some slack.
  • I am learning to love and respect others for our differences rather than despising them because they think differently.
  • I refuse to participate in things that divide human beings. I am all about bringing people together.
  • I respect myself and my right to be who I am more and more each day. I give others the same grace.
  • As I am learning to forgive myself, I am learning to forgive others too.
  • I treat every person I meet like the one-in-a-trillion miracle they are.
  • I do my best every day to spread love within and without.
  • More peaceful dialogue and aspirations beyond this angry moment must begin somewhere. Let it start with me.

Just in case no one else has reminded you how awesome you are today, you are!


Do You Believe You Make Your World?

The world is what we make of it. In our very best moments, we fervently believe that. In moments when we feel beaten, we can doubt whether we affect anything.

Here’s the challenge. Can you teach yourself to really believe that you make the difference- in fact you ARE the difference – in the way your life plays out?

Your choices, your attitude, the vibe you put out into the world are the building blocks of this moment. Those moments are the building blocks of your life.

So the shift literally begins and ends right here and right now.

Here’s some Tuesday morning mindset vitamins to get you started. Just in case no one else reminds you today, you are AWESOME!


Countering It Is What It Is

It is what it is. We’ve all heard it. Many of us have said it. They are words of resignation and words of giving up. Here are some thoughts on how we counter it.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you are awesome!
