Wisdom Quotes Read – The Affirmation Spot for Thursday July 29, 2010

Today’s Affirmation:

I am constantly plugged in to a boundless source of wisdom and intuition.

Wisdom is an elusive quality that yields itself only to those willing to live with their doubts and suffer through uncertainty. Throughout history great thinkers have tried to describe – if not define – wisdom.

I came across this video on YouTube. It contains a wealth of outstanding quotes on wisdom from some of history’s great minds. Let us all grow wiser today.

Stay inspired!


Tony Robbins New Show Debuts on NBC

Today’s Affirmation:

My challenges become obstacles only when I bow to them. Today I refuse to bow to my challenges!

The airwaves today are filled with so many negative, dark messages about the future and about who we are. Last night NBC took a bold step to provide a weekly series with a powerful message of hope and empowerment – Breakthrough with Tony Robbins.

I can only give kudos to NBC for making the effort to put this kind of programming on the air and I hope it is the beginning of a trend. We need more programming that empowers and tells people, “YOU CAN”.

Thank you to Tony for his passion and many years of teaching us all that we are more than we ever imagined. I look forward to what Tony has to share with all of us.

Here is more information about the show.


Stay inspired!


Motivation Classics: Big Rocks – The Affirmation Spot for Monday July 26, 2010

Perhaps it is a part of the human condition that we so regularly need reminders of the most important things. We seem to be experts at minutia and forget about the big things except in those moments when we have a return to awareness.

Most of you have probably heard of Stephen Covey’s famous Big Rocks story. However, I’d never actually seen the demonstration until I came across this video. This is one of those important insights we need to constantly have in front of us.

Stay inspired!


Are You Buying the Ticket? – The Affirmation Spot for Tuesday July 20, 2010

Today’s Accomplishment in History:

Today is the 41st anniversary of one of humanity’s greatest achievements – the Apollo 11 moon landing. There few better examples of how the vision of one man can be converted to reality by the work, determination, and ingenuity of many others.

You may have heard the old story about the man who wanted to win the lottery. He prayed and prayed and prayed to God to win the lottery. He never won.

Eventually, the man died. When he arrived in heaven he sought out God to ask a question. “God,” he asked, “I was faithful to you my entire life. Why would you not answer my one simple prayer to win the lottery?”

God replied, “My child, did you ever purchase a lottery ticket?”

The man, sheepishly, answered, “No, Father, I never bought a lottery ticket.”

God smiled and said, “My child, I try to answer every prayer I can, but even God needs some help. For years I prayed that you would meet me half way and buy the lottery ticket.”

There are things we want in life. Goals we hope to achieve. Experiences we want to have. It doesn’t matter if you’re praying to God about it or it’s just something you are trying to achieve on your own; you have to “buy your ticket”.

Buying your ticket is metaphor for taking the steps necessary to set yourself up for success. In most cases, sitting, waiting, and hoping are not buying your ticket.

To buy your ticket, you must attract, act, and believe.

Attract: The attract part  of the equation involves putting the intention out there in the Universe. Remember, “Ask and you shall receive.”? The Universe responds to our stated intentions not our secret hopes. It’s about creating the mental environment necessary to “manifest” your goal in your life. Affirmations, meditation, praying, or verbally sharing our dreams with others are all ways to achieve that part of the equation. The man in the story did that part.

Act: The second part is equally important, though. You have to take action. Waiting on God or others to meet your needs while you sit passively by is not the act of buying the ticket. This the part many people leave out. They put the intention out there and they believe, but they fail to act. You must take proactive steps that give you the best chance for success. This is the part the man in the story failed to do.

Believe: The third part of buying your ticket is belief or some might call it faith. This aspect is important because it enhances your actions by adding life and purpose to them. That all plays into a better result. This part is also important because often achieving requires patience and perseverance. Many a dream has been attracted and acted upon, but lost because the person gave up a moment too soon.

President Kennedy did the attracting part. He put the intention to go to the moon out into the Universe. Thousands of experts and geniuses acted to make it a reality. And, a nation – indeed a world – believed.

So my question for you today is are you buying your ticket? Are you doing all three parts of the equation to attract your best life? No ticket means no lottery.

Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.

Ray Davis is the founder of The Affirmation Spot. He’s spent more than 25 years studying personal development and especially writing, recording, and using affirmations to achieve his goals. His eBook – The Power to Be You – offers 416 life-changing and original quotes, ideas, and affirmations to take you to new levels of achievement and reflection.

anunnaki_cover_full_colorAnunnaki Awakening: Revelation, Ray’s first novel,  is turning heads and opening minds. Humanity’s past is checkered, secret, and dangerous.

White House Correspondent Maria Love is on to the story of her life and with the help of an Anunnaki leader seeks to unravel and reveal history’s biggest conspiracy. The Awakening has begun!

Why You Should Prosper Even Though There’s Suffering in the World by Sonya Derian

It is a rare treat to come across such insightful and impacting article on a topic we all think about. Sonya Derian’s article addressing why we should pursue our dreams in a world where there is suffering and want is such an article.

The article appeared on the blog tinybuddha: simple wisdom for complex lives. Sonya is a regular contributor on that blog and has her own wonderful blog at OmFreely.com

I’m pleased to share her wisdom. The article came in response to the following question from a reader.

“… I guess what I’m getting at is if everyone had a choice, treating sewage would be the last thing one would want to do. Isn’t it? Well yes I’m making that judgment. If everyone was Wayne Dyer or that money guru lady Suze Orman, we’d all be reaching fantasy levels of achievement. That is what they seem to be proposing is possible.

Read Sonia’s wondeful response.

Stay inspired!
