New Peace of Mind Affirmation

This affirmation is meant to center and focus you, while encouraging you to discover a new peace of mind. Our hectic days can soon sweep our mind away in a torrent of activity, rapid-fire thoughts, and loss of connection to our core.

Listened to regularly, this meditative affirmation brings you back to your center point, refreshing you and preparing you to face your day with calm and wisdom. The affirmation is repeated in the first and second-person for maximum effect. Try listening at least once a day every day for three weeks for best results.

The Affirmation:

  • First-person: I feel a new peace of mind. A new sense of serenity is coming over me each and every day. I am calm, I am centered, and I am focused.
  • Second-person: You feel a new peace of mind. A new sense of serenity is coming over you each and every day. You are calm, you are centered, and you are focused.

Wherever you are on your journey today, remember that you are awesome!


Peace Prevails Affirmations

I’m harping a bit on peace lately, my friends. I hope you’ll excuse me. I’m simply troubled by the fact that at a time when humanity could and should be peacefully prospering on this planet and aspiring to new things beyond, we keep coming back around to low-vibration energies such as fear, anger, violence, and tribal behavior.

It is my firm conviction that humanity’s destiny is peace within us and among and and a civilization ready to take its rightful place among the stars.

While a quick perusal of the headlines may make my dream seem Pollyannic, I firmly believe this is what we’re capable of achieving. The next question is always how.

It’s not a secret. The great sages across time and space of given us all the clues we need to get there. It begins with ending the war within, continues with ceasing to spread the war outside of us, and I’d add it is completed by reaching a critical mass of people who cannot imagine living in any other way.

These affirmations are meant to start at that place within, where the first battle must be won, if it is to be won at all.

Be peaceful, my friends, and prosperous. In case no one has reminded you today, you are awesome. Be sure to bookmark it and return often when you need a little boost of peace.

Enjoy the video!


The Two-Minute Vacation – Day 9 of 365 Days to a Better You

Take a Two-Minute Vacation

Good morning, my friends

Welcome to the ninth day of 2019. April and I are headed on the road this evening. We’ll be spending a few days in L.A. and then traveling on to Kauai. I’m super pumped. It’s been a couple years since we’ve been to our favorite place on Earth!

It’s interesting how the energy of certain places just resonates with us. We feel like we’ve temporarily stepped out of time and space. We get a moment to breathe again. Where is that for you?

If you know where that is for you, I want you to stop what you’re doing, sit back, and close your eyes.

I want you to think about your favorite place in the world. It might be somewhere close to you or some dream vacation destination. Make sure it’s that one place in the world where you feel your absolute best.

OK. Got it? Close your eyes and take a deep breath. For the next 30 seconds, I want to you to completely experience that place. Visualize the sites, hear the sounds, smell the smells…be there. Be there for 60 seconds.

Open your eyes. I bet you FEEL a lot better than you did 60 seconds ago. Drink in that feeling. Try to maintain that energy as you go through the rest of your day.

Finally, do me a favor. Make plans, as soon as you are able, to return to that place. There’s a reason you feel so good there. You need to spend more time. Whatever it takes, make it happen! You’re worth it!

I believe in your dreams! Meet me halfway and believe in them too.


For tons more motivational content, please visit the TAS website and YouTube channel.

Inspiring Words for Your Day – The Affirmation Spot for Monday January 21, 2008

Occasionally, I have these momentary streams of profoundness that flow through me. The great thing about having a blog is that I can share them with the world and hope they make a difference in someone else’s day. Here are a few original thoughts to perk up your day.

Leave a comment and let me know if they hit the mark. Or, share your own. Maybe you have something profound that needs saying as well. Each image links to related audio affirmations on The Affirmation

empowering_mp3_affirmations“Dreams are what happens when your passion collides with reality. Find your passion. Make it part of your reality. Your dreams will follow closely behind.”

“There is much darkness in the world, but I am starting to see signs of the dawn.”

the_affirmation_spot_affirmation_home_page“In the deepest, darkest moments of our lives; we are confronted by a light of unimaginable brilliance and are surprised to find it emanating from our very own hearts.”

my_world_audio_affirmations“How small the world we share. How great our foolishness not to recognize that fact.”

health_and_fitness_mp3_affirmationsFinally, a “poem” (it probably does not conform to poetic form) that I wrote a number of years ago. I was meditating and had this vision. I call it “Engaged!”. It ponders how small acts have universe changing impacts.


In profound contemplation

on a gray wind-swept beach at dusk.

Reaching for a stone, I hurl it into the sea.

Wondering, as I do, whose universe I’ve shuddered.

And, how my universe has been fundamentally altered by the act.

Then I watch a seagull feed her young and listen as the sun sinks beneath the waves.

Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.

Ray Davis is the founder of The Affirmation Spot. He’s spent more than 25 years studying personal development and especially writing, recording, and using affirmations to achieve his goals. His eBook – The Power to Be You – offers 416 life-changing and original quotes, ideas, and affirmations to take you to new levels of achievement and reflection.

anunnaki_cover_full_colorAnunnaki Awakening: Revelation, Ray’s first novel,  is turning heads and opening minds. Humanity’s past is checkered, secret, and dangerous.

White House Correspondent Maria Love is on to the story of her life and with the help of an Anunnaki leader seeks to unravel and reveal history’s biggest conspiracy. The Awakening has begun!

One in a Trillion Miracle – The Affirmation Spot for Wednesday December 19, 2007

Welcome to The Affirmation Spot. If this is your first time to the site, be sure to click one of the subscription options (top left) to be notified each time the blog is updated. Thank you for visiting. If you enjoy what you read here, help us spread the word about The Affirmation Spot.

There are direct links to downloadable mp3 affirmations at The Affirmation on the right menu. They are set to music and allow you take positive thoughts with you wherever you go all day.

There are new affirmations in the Christianity section, the tennis section, and the Personal Empowerment section.

Enjoy today’s post. 

Today’s affirmation is:

“Today I recognize the miracle that is me and the other miracles all around me.”ggb_trafficjpg.gif

 Well it’s Wednesday and in case you were thinking it is the middle of “just another week” here are some things to ponder.

Someday we will all face the end of our walk in this form.

Sometimes during the course of “just another week” we don’t recognize how precious each moment is and how quickly all this is passing us by. We forget what a miracle it is that any of us are here at all.

Have you ever really considered just how many unlikely things had to happen for YOU to be here, or, for that matter, for HERE to be here?

Every single thing we see around us all day long every day was a one in a trillion shot. Each blade of grass, each cloud, each person, even the traffic jam you found yourself in on the way to work this morning – all are totally unlikely combinations that beat the long odds to burst into existence. That’s nothing short of a miracle.

grass1.gifSomeday when you do reach the end of this stage of your journey; this “just another week” may seem a lot more special than it does now. You may wish you had stopped to witness and marvel at the whole miraculous play.

Today, make a point to see the miracles. Tell the person you care most about in this world that you love them and remind them that they are a miracle.

And when you encounter the traffic jam on the way home this evening, breathe deeply and say, “Ah, yes. You are a miracle too.” It won’t get you home any faster, but it will make the ride more enjoyable.

Enjoy a miraculous Wednesday!!

 Be peaceful Be prosperous


The Affirmation Spot

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