It’s Probably Too Good to Be True!

Today’s Thought:

There are no hidden truths, only closed eyes.”

We’ve all heard the saying, “It’s probably too good to be true.” Stop! Let me ask you a question. Do you really believe that? Listen to it again. “It’s probably too good to be true.”

Do you see the problem there? It reinforces the belief that those things in life that are really good, can’t be true. The underlying subtext is, “at least not for me.” Maybe good things happen for that rich guy or that famous singer, but not for me.

There are a plethora of similar popular sayings that float around in our society, and worse, are planted in our minds. Why do people, and perhaps you, believe such things? Well, the evidence is all around us, isn’t it? Most of us are exposed to other people like ourselves who believe such things and are constantly manifesting precisely what they believe. Namely, that good things don’t happen for them.

That’s what the 95% who never make their dreams come true in life and the 5% who do have in common. They both manifest precisely what they believe. That’s what our minds do. That’s why positive thinking and tools like affirmations are so important and why negative thinking should rank right up there with other diseases as a scourge on humanity and to human beings.

Unfortunately, many institutions in our society broadcast those disempowering messages 24/7 and the people around us often just parrot what they hear from those institutions. Small thinking is reinforced by small thinking and is reinforced by the small results it achieves. I like to say that big thinking may not guarantee results, but small thinking always does.

That rich guy and that famous singer have, either consciously or unconsciously, come to understand that reality CAN be good. They have come believe that “It’s so good, it must be true for me.” No one is 100%, but that is what they’re thinking more times than not as they manifest success, happiness, and wealth. It’s simple law of attraction in practice. They are attracting what they believe and you are attracting what you believe.

What about you? Are you going to continue believing that life is something that happens “out there” and “to you” or are you going to accept the fact that life is something that happens “in here” and “by you”? Are you going to see that there is nothing unrealistic about the positive side of life and nothing more realistic about the negative?

The choice is yours. Your success and happiness in life depend upon it. Because we pass our beliefs generationally, your children’s and their children’s success and happiness depend on it too. They depend on you owning the power within you and seeing that your world is always and everywhere filled with possibility and opportunity.

Will you remain in the 95% who think life has victimized them or join the 5% who know that life’s best is right there for them? Get your small thinking out of the way and BIG things will happen for you.

Follow your bliss! Discover your bliss! Become your bliss!


Ray Davis is the Founder of The Affirmation Spot and focuses on empowering minds to think positively, achieve goals, and live dreams. He is author of the ebook The Power to Be You: Game-Changing Posidigms for Daily Life. and the forthcoming The Power to Be You 2.

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Will Smith Discusses the Power of Thought

Today’s Affirmation:

Belief Affirmation: I am bigger than any doubt, bolder than any fear, and stronger any obstacle!

There are many talented celebrities out there today. My sense is that there are very few who really get the concept that Will Smith is talking about here. We are only beginning to understand the power of our mind and our thoughts to literally shape our world. I, for one, am glad that Will Smith is actively promoting these ideas.

Understand the power you have to mold your life with your thoughts and shift your destiny to place beyond what you could have imagined.

Follow your bliss! Achieve your bliss! Become your bliss!


Ray Davis is the Founder of The Affirmation Spot and focuses on empowering minds to think positively, achieve goals, and live dreams. He is author of the ebook The Power to Be You: Game-Changing Posidigms for Daily Life. and the forthcoming The Power to Be You 2.

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Million Dollar Affirmation

Today’s affirmation:

Million dollar ideas are as common as blades of grass. My million dollar idea is coming to me today.

money-1428594_640 (1)You know, it’s true million dollar ideas are everywhere. Many of them have come to you over time, but you didn’t act. Then you watched someone else make it big with your idea.

This affirmation reminds you that these ideas are not a finite commodity and that you have them all the time.

There are four steps to turning your million dollar ideas into a reality.

  1. Manifest the ideas. That’s the easy part. You probably have 20-100 ideas with potential every day depending on how much thought you give to things. You just have to learn not to dismiss the ideas when they come to you. Write them down when they come to you and review them at the end of the day.
  2. Match your abilities and aptitudes to your ideas. Some ideas are million dollar ideas, but not for you. While others, are right in your sweet spot. Become aware of your abilities, skills, and interests. When an idea comes along that really fits move directly to Step 3.
  3. Take action. The best combination of ideas and abilities cannot yield dividends until you act and act with commitment.
  4. Create a burning desire to reach your goal and focus your mind and your thinking on its achievement.

Use the affirmation first thing in the morning to get your mind moving in the direction of manifesting the ideas that will take you to your dreams.

Follow your bliss! Achieve your bliss! Become your bliss!


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The Power of Your Mind

Today’s Affirmation:
I AM the engine of MY dreams! MY dreams NEVER give up on me and I NEVER give up on MY dreams!

The results are in! For thousands of years, the wisest of the wise among us have been telling us, “It’s all about the mind, stupid.” It makes sense. The mind, via the brain, is the part of our being that interacts with and makes sense of our environment.

Modern science has demonstrated that the Universe around us, despite its physical appearance to our senses, is really just energy. Our mind/brain structure is tuned into that energy and literally creates the individual and collective realities that we experience within that field of energy.

However, the mind is not just a passive receiver of frequencies. It also has the ability to transmit, when trained properly, frequencies that can manifest objects of its desire.

We’ve all heard quotes like these.

  • “The Universe is Change; our life is what our thoughts make of it.”
    ~ Marcus Aurelius
  • “Wealth is the capacity of man’s mind to think.”
    ~ Ayn Rand
  • “We become what we think about most of the time.”
    ~ Earl Nightingale
  • “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”
    ~ Napoleon Hill
  • “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.”
  • A man is a product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.”
    ~ Mohondas Gandhi
  • “For as a man thinks within himself, so is he.”
    ~ Proverbs 23:7

These are just a few of the most famous quotes. You could literally fill a book with quotes from humanity’s best and wisest people sending this very same message to you. But, are you listening?

Do you still believe that life is something that happens “out there” and “to you” rather than “in here” and “by you”? Do you still believe that your thinking is out of your control? There’s nothing you can do about it? Thoughts just pop into your head?

Affirmations are a workhorse tool when it comes to changing and choosing the thoughts you want to think in your life. It is more complex than just saying the words over and over, but  there are many resources on this blog and elsewhere to help you with the finer points.

You CAN change and master your thinking. That is the first thing you must believe.

I have been writing and recording audio affirmations for more than 20 years. First, I used them to improve my own thinking and my own life. Then I shared with them others. Now I have created a website called The Affirmation Spot where I make the power of audio affirmations available to you.

How does it work? Just like you learn the lyrics to a song with repeated listening. You’ve had that experience of suddenly knowing the lyrics to a song when you didn’t even know you’d been listening. Audio affirmations provide the same benefit. Soon the positive affirmations are appearing in your mind to replace the negative programming that was there.

I’d like to invite you to The Affirmation Spot today. You can download any single affirmation on the site for free to try or you can jump right and download the ones that make sense for you in your life right now.

You will find short affirmation singles, extended affirmations and meditations, and ebooks. I home record all the audio to keep the prices down and affordable for everyone.

You can always contact me directly and I am happy to help you get the most of your affirmations. I’ve been writing, recording, and using audio affirmations for more than 20 years. So, I’ve encountered and found solutions to the things you may face, as you begin using affirmations. I’m here to help.

Follow your bliss! Achieve your bliss! Become your bliss!


Ray Davis is the Founder of The Affirmation Spot and focuses on empowering minds to think positively, achieve goals, and live dreams.

anunnaki_cover_full_colorHe is the author of the Anunnaki Awakening series (2015). Book 1 – Revelation – is now available in paperback and on Kindle. Can one woman really change the world? Can she expose a lie told for millennia? Can she make the future possible for two worlds?

Unique, Worthy Person Affirmation – The Affirmation Spot for Wednesday July 27, 2011

Today’s affirmation:

I am a unique and worthy person. I require no more justification than that to be who I am.

Being Who You Are

Everyone has an opinion on who you should be. Your mother, your co-workers, your spouse, the church, the government, your friends; they all are constantly trying to mold you into their vision of who they think you should be. Obviously, there are times when it is wise to listen to sound advice.

By and large, however, defining who you are is your right and your responsibility. Giving up that right to other people’s expectations is disempowering and leads to unhappiness.

Starting today take back your right to be who you are. You are fully capable and fully prepared to create your own vision of you. It is your “divine right” as a human being to make those decisions for yourself.

The opinions will still come – fast and furious – but you’ll be too busy enjoying the real you to care.

Follow your bliss! Achieve your bliss! Become your bliss!


Ray is the Founder of The Affirmation Spot and focuses on empowering minds to think positively, achieve goals, and live dreams. He is author of the ebook The Power to Be You: Game-Changing Posidigms for Daily Life. and the forthcoming The Power to Be You 2.

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