5 Body Image Affirmations

These affirmations are meant to help you create a positive relationship with your body and body image. Wherever you are on your body goals, these affirmations are a big hug to your body and to that journey.

Use these affirmations regularly by saying them or bookmarking the video and watching it a couple times a day as you say the affirmations to yourself.

Just a quick reminder. You’re awesome!

Have a fantastic day!


About Advice to Feel All Your Feelings

I keep seeing content on social media encouraging people to ditch positivity and “feel whatever you feel.” “It’s a matter of being authentic,” they say. This is advice that can quickly leave someone at dead end on their path.

As with most incomplete advice, there’s a grain of truth in it. Of course, you should never bottle up your feelings and try to put a happy smile on them. That’s not what true positivity is about anyway. However, not all feelings are created equal.

There definitely are feelings that support a healthy you and collectively a saner civilization. There are other feelings that may seem productive, even empowering in the short term that are ultimately corrosive and destructive to people and to cultures.

This idea that ‘I’m just an angry or sad or depressed person and that’s authentically who I am,’ is not a place to validate someone and leave them. Yes. We all feel those things sometimes. That’s human. However, those feelings, over the long-term, are not a place we should encourage anyone to remain out of homage to “you have a right to feel what you feel.”

Personal development, professional counseling, or other tools that help steer someone in more productive- dare I say it positive – directions become necessary when someone gets stuck in emotions that may be how they feel, but are not sustainable over time.

In short bursts, negative emotions can propel us forward. Long-term they’re toxic. Positive emotions should never be used to mask real pain, but they are superior mode of being to persistent negative feelings.

Getting back to a place where positive emotions can become the dominant emotions in a person’s life is a worthy aspiration and achievable one. If you’re going to encourage someone to “own those negative emotions,” please be sure to share the warning signs of when that’s no longer healthy and ways to find your way back to balance and well-being.

If you find yourself caught in a swirl of constant negativity, please be sure to seek help or start a journey of self-discovery that can open doors to a beer life for you.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you are amazing!


Your Thoughts, Your Choice

When you hear the negative chatter entering your mind, try repeating these affirmations a few times meditatively to yourself.

  • I choose the thoughts I allow to expand in my consciousness.
  • I choose thoughts that serve me over thoughts that disempower me.
  • In this moment, I remember to put my mind on my side.
  • I am called thinking that raises my vibration.

Stay awesome, my friends!


The Power of Suspending Disbelief

Good morning, my friends. I hope your week is off to a great start!

When you’re standing at the bottom of the proverbial mountain you’re about to climb, the whole thing can seem overwhelming.

You want to change careers, but you know nothing about your target career other than you have a passion for it. You have an idea for a business, but who would see you as an expert? You want to reach that healthy weight, but you have tried so many times before, what will be different this time?

You see the problem. Everyone says, “just believe,” and you want to but… That inability to completely believe will stop you from starting or quickly sabotage you unless can find a way to instantly believe or come up with a different way.

Here’s another strategy. Rather than trying to go from utter doubt to complete belief in one step, try suspending your disbelief instead. Acknowledge the doubt. Acknowledge that you’re not in full belief. Simply be willing to leave the question open.

Poet and philosopher William Coleridge coined the phrase “suspension of disbelief” to describe a state of mind in which readers willingly ignore obvious untruths and fantastic elements in literature in order to allow themselves to enjoy the story.

See your journey as your story. Be willing to ignore the gap between where you are and where you want to be. Focus on the next step in the story and be willing to go on that journey because the outcome is worth it and so are you.

The key to this strategy is literally take it one day at a time and focus on what is possible rather than absolute belief. Anything is always possible. Live in that possibility.


Just for today, I am willing to set aside my doubts and take action as if my goal is possible.

As you take steps of possibility, your confidence will grow and belief will come because you’ll have the proof of a hundred steps in the right direction.

Not fully believing is OK and not a requirement to begin. Just hold your disbelief as accountable as you hold your belief. Suspend it long enough for belief to take root.

Wherever you are on your journey today, know you’re amazing and remember to put your mind in your side.
