What A Difference a Day Makes

We have a beautiful Spring day here in northeast Kansas today. Yesterday we had howling winds and sideways rain. Today we have the gentle healing of blue skies, puffy clouds, and a persistent sun. The video below provides a visual of this start and definitive change. The same three appears in both parts of the video.

Our lives are very much like the weather. I know that’s novel insight, but it’s stark how quickly weather shifts and how quickly the fortunes of our lives do too.

Two months ago life was cruising along as normal. We weren’t forced to think beyond our mundane routine and often we didn’t. Then the Coronavirus and COVID-19 and now the threat of economic challenge have forced out of that comfort zone and into new paradigms that will linger for years or decades.

It all seems very dark at the moment – don’t buy all the dystopia. We do have choices in the matter. The skies have seemed dark for many these past two months, but I’m here to promise you the sun will come out again because our lives; they are very much like the weather.

One day you can experience a hellish storm and the next day blessings of a new life and new hope carried on the wind. That sunny day is coming for all of us again. Stay focused on what you can do and what you can control.

As the late great Wayne Dyer once explained, “There is ain’t no use in worrying. There’s no use in worrying about things you can’t control because you have no control over them. There’s no use worrying about things you can control because you will take care of them.”

Everything happening right now will get handled. Life will return to something like the normal we knew before, only with profound new opportunities to remake the world into our highest vision of what it can be and of what we can be.

Stay strong. Stay safe. Stay inspired.

Just in case no one has told you today, you ARE awesome!


I Have a Dream – The Affirmation Spot for Friday January 17, 2008

Making The World A Better Place Today – The Affirmation Spot for Wednesday January 16, 2008

Today’s affirmation is:

“I make my world. My world is what I make of it and I choose to make it a compassionate place to be.”

hands1.gifHas the world gone nuts? It seems so some days. Thankfully, you need not wait for change to occur in the world. You can start right now to create a more sane and compassionate world in the ways you touch it.

The simple things are still the recipe for greater happiness. Treat others with kindness even when they don’t return the favor. Only use what you need. Maintain a measure of mindfulness with regard to your thoughts and activities. Join with others  who share your hope for a better, more evolved world and take the first steps today. Smile, lighten up, have fun, and enjoy your life on this beautiful world and in this marvelous Universe.

Take the Ten Commandments, The Golden Rule, the Five Precepts of Buddhism, or other ageless tenets and try living by them. Not under the commandment of any God, religious organization, or out of fear of punishment, but out of a recognition that they make rational sense and create a better world.

The philosopy you hold – Christian, Buddhist, Jew, Muslim, Hindu – is not what is ultimately important. What is important is being the most ethical, compassionate Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Jew, or Buddhist you can be and the world will be a better place for it.

During his 1989 visit to Los Angeles, The Dalai Lama said, “We don’t need temple, we don’t big Cathedral. We need warmth of heart. We, each of us, have a responsibility to shape the future of humanity. So let us try and contribute as much as we can.”

You have the power right now to do the good that you see needs doing in the world. Certainly, collective action by a group is important, but your actions or inactions in your life today affect the world around you in big ways.  Never underestimate yourself and the power to influence things.

If someone cuts you off in traffic, don’t respond with anger that puts negative energy out into the universe. That helps. Not giving in to your own prejudices and weaknesses that contribute the problems in the world. That helps. Going out of your way to be friendly to a stranger just because. That helps.  There is no end to what you can do that will make the world a better place.

The problems we face in the world are a result of our interpersonal conflicts and our own internal conflicts projected out onto the world. If you do not address the anger and fear you feel in your own hearts you will only be bandaging the problems of the world.

With just a little effort today, you can make all the difference!

 Be peaceful Be prosperous!


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A World About to Be Born – The Affirmation Spot for Wednesday January 9, 2008

sun.gifThe sun is rising; the clouds have passed away. And in the minds of at least a few, a greater consciousness has arisen.

Tradition is no more. There is only awareness: an awareness of radiant possibilities and transcendent hopes for a world about to be born.

A world in which our fondest dreams shall come to pass. Where the greatest potentiality of humanity is realized: that each member of the human family will awaken to the inner light that opens one’s heart and frees one’s mind to look across culture, race, gender, religion and vast distance and see oneself.

When human beings can join together in this moment, free of all constraints and limits; simply experiencing their existence and connecting to the life force that flows through the universe in the most real and sincere way —THAT IS NIRVANA.

I speak not of a mystical experience to be had by a select few, but rather of the courage of anyone to remain completely present in this moment without attachment to outcomes or results. So I call myself a dreamer resolved to stay with this moment, where my heart may express tenderness and appreciation for all that is. For my heart is the birthplace of compassion for myself and this world.

Be of good cheer, o patient ones, for this new day dawns; a day of wonder and hope. A day, when filled with joy, all people shall attain their full potential. Long has been the night of toil and pain. Too long have brothers and sisters lived according to their fear of each other rather than their love for each other. But no more, the blinders have come off.

Finally and forever the Human Race will stand in the radiance of the truths that have lived within each of us all along. Truths that can no longer be ignored or distorted. The truth of our UNITY and our place in this planet’s web of life and in the greater cosmos beyond.

Be peaceful Be prosperous


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Bhutto Assassination Proof of Work to Be Done – The Affirmation Spot for Thursday December 27, 2007

Welcome to The Affirmation Spot. If this is your first time to the site, be sure to click one of the subscription options (top left) to be notified each time the blog is updated.

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Enjoy today’s post. 

‘He offended me, he hurt me, he owes me, he took what was mine.’ Those who dwell on such thoughts will never be free from hate or find peace within.

‘He offended me, he hurt me, he owes me, he took what was mine.’ Those who dwell not on such thoughts shall be free from hate and find peace within.

For hate only feeds on itself; but love overcomes hate. This is an Eternal Law.

Few know that our purpose in this world is to live in harmony. Those who become aware of this cease their quarrels immediately.

~ Buddha (Dhammpada Chapter 1, verses 3-6)

benazir_bhutto.jpg‘The Buddha’s words are extremely timely today.

The news from Pakistan this morning is dire. Former Prime Minister and opposition leader Benazir Bhutto was assassinated after a campaign rally in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. This nuclear-armed nation is about to be thrown into chaos and turmoil. Many on both sides will likely call for armed conflict.

Unfornately, 2500 years after these words were uttered too many human beings still don’t “get it”. Our leaders don’t “get it”. Our media certainly does not “get it”. Our arms dealers don’t “get it”.  We clamor for war. We clamor for revenge. We support leaders as “strong” who feed our desire for revenge and war.

The “it” is that violence is the birth of hatred and chaos, not the solution to it.

Even in the western nations, we extoll the virtues of our military prowess and take pride in the fact that we are better able than others to wreak havoc on our enemies. We honor the warrior above the peacemaker and so we get more of what we reward.

Most of all, we promise with a straight face that we will stop killing “them” right after they stop killing “us”. It’s circular logic because there are two sides to the “we” and “them” equation and both sides promise to stop the killing as soon as the other side does. And thus, the killing never ends.

In these few simple verses (and others like them in many sacred texts), rests the solution to the problem. But, we must be willing to take the medicine, if we are to be healed. 

We are reminded incessantly by the purveyors of war and vengeance that this is “unrealistic”.  “Neville Chamberlain, Neville Chamberlain,” they shout. “Peacefulness is weakness.” “We must be strong or our enemies will destroy us.”

The “kill them before they kill us” method has enjoyed a 10,000 year trial run in human civilization. It has utterly failed to solve our problems, but it does line pockets and create jobs. No other product or idea has failed so miserably and yet lasted so long. It survives because it plays on our lowest instincts such as fear and selfishness.

Pakistan is a perfect look into our own future, if we fail to take the medicine. If we fail to understand, as the Buddha says, “that our purpose in this world is to live in harmony.” If we fail to grasp that the vengeance mindset that counts every offense against us and ignores our own faults, is a mindset dooming us to destruction; then we are sealing our fate.

The expiration date on that mindset is fast approaching. The weapons of mass destruction genie is out of the bottle and we are, in a very few decades, going to be faced with a stark choice. Adversaries the world over are going to stand nose-to-nose with nuclear, chemical, and biological weaponry.

The question is will we choose to change or race down the fast track to destruction? The force of habit is hard to stop. We are a world addicted to violence. Sometimes an addict cannot stop himself even at the cost of self-destruction.

Here is the challenge for those of us who “get it” in 2008. We must increase our efforts bring positive change in the world. We must first convince our fellow human beings that a better world is possible. Shockingly, many don’t believe that it is.

  • We must “be the change we want to see in the world.” We must work on our own thoughts and actions to stay positive and focused on a better future. 
  • We must make intelligent, self-interested arguments that counter fear-based and selfishness-based arguments by capitalizing on positive core human instincts.
  • We must be patient with our fellow human beings. They have been conditioned to accept this nonsense for a long time and it is going to take time for them to change. 
  • We must recognize that help is not coming any time soon from our leaders and media who thrive and profit on the conflict. These institutions will probably be the last to change. We will have to force the change by changing hearts and minds.
  • We must see through arguments, even highly emotional ones, that rest on logical fallacies.
  • We must call attention to those logical fallacies and challenge their validity at every turn.
  • We must create a clear vision of what the world will look like without the conflict.

There is hope. There is possibility. There is opportunity. The world need not suffer constant chaos and violence.  For that to come about, though, enough people must believe.

Think about it today. Do you believe a better world is possible or have you bought into the assumption that nothing more is possible and so you accept what is?

I hear people say things like, “I don’t like war, but there has always been war.” “I know our leaders are corrupt, but leaders have always been corrupt.” We need not accept these as immutable truths.

John F. Kennedy quoted George Bernard Shaw in his inaugural address in 1961, “Some men see things as they are and ask why. Others dream things that never were and ask why not?”

Today as the chaos heats up in Pakistan and elsewhere around our tiny marble of a world. I’m asking you to think about a better world and ask, “Why not?”

Be peaceful Be prosperous


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