Twice Victimized

Today’s Thought

We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims.
~Buckminster Fuller

wrists_ropes_brokenGood morning, my friends. I want to talk about victimization today. Sadly, we live in a world where many, many people have been victims of horrific events in their lives. Victimization comes in many forms – physical, psychological, spiritual, sexual, violent. The way humanity currently operates – selfishly, greedily, thoughtlessly – this is too common.When these things occur in our lives, they can temporarily knock us off course or, for some people, it can be a life-destroying situation. It’s natural and healthy to take some time to assess and heal. The amount of time necessary is different for each person. Yet, heal we must or we risk being victimized a second time and a third and fourth by our own victimhood.

Our popular culture has elevated victimhood to a badge of honor. Something that empowers you. Any careful assessment of that philosophy will quickly show you that’s faulty logic that will only keep you locked in a downward spiral.

I have some good news, but some of you will find it hard to hear. You may even become angry in defense of your victimhood. That’s OK. It tells you it’s your good friend, but it’s not. It’s that destructive kind of friend who promises to protect you from being hurt again. In reality, it only protects you from living your life. Please know I am coming from a good place in sharing this with you. You see, I lived it for a number of years in my life.

There is a way out and up for you. It requires you to do something challenging and difficult, but necessary, to get your life back on course. It’s time to release and forgive your victimizer. More often that not, your nemesis is an unhealed victim themselves. That doesn’t excuse their actions, it does help us to see them again as a human being, just like us, dealing with demons.

Secondly, and even more importantly, it’s time for you to release the guilt or other negative feelings you hold on to…the ones that are causing you to remain a victim instead of the sovereign champion of your life.

Over my years, running The Affirmation Spot (@affirmationspot), I’ve had so many people reach out to me suffering from this victim state. I posted a number of original quotes for them to post in their daily lives to remind them that being a victim is something that happened to them. It IS NOT who they permanently are and it IS NOT who you permanently are either.

I hope they help you claim your courage and your determination to shift course and have the life you deserve.

  • Every time you start to play the victim today stop yourself and remind yourself WHO really you are.
  • Whenever I play the victim role, I have given my power to someone else to decide who I am. Today I refuse to do it!
  • To understand your thinking creates your circumstances, is not blaming the victim. It’s empowering you not to be a victim anymore.
  • Victimhood becomes a comfort zone. You remain a victim as long as you play a victim. Stop it! You’re better than that!
  • As long as you play the victim, you’ll be the victim. Your hero is waiting for you in the mirror.
  • No one can victimize you as completely, as your perpetual belief that you are a victim.
  • You are the director if your life. The only way you keep playing the victim is to keep casting yourself in the role.
  • Today I choose to be the beneficiary of my positive thinking rather than the victim of my negative thinking.
  • You are a victim of your conditioning, until you become master of your thinking.
  • Every time you play the victim, you give your power away.If your bliss is playing the victim, who are your dreams to stand in the way?If you believe you’re a victim, you are. If you believe you’re unstoppable, you are.

Don’t let your victimizer win by taking the life you might have had from you. Free yourself to be who you want to be!

Stay inspired!


Stephen Hawking Passes at 76

Today’s Thought

Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.
~Stephen Hawking

hawking_brief_historyI first became aware of Stephen Hawking in a bookstore back in 1988. While searching for the latest Star Trek: The Next Generation novel, I came across an interesting looking book titled A Brief History of Time. I was reading everything I could get my hands on about popular physics at the time and Hawking’s book was among the best I’d read. He was among the first to try to describe what being inside a black hole would be like and, of course, he believed he’d found a mathematical equation for the beginning of the universe that required no care-taker God.

A couple years later he appeared on my favorite TV show – Star Trek: The Next Generation – in a holodeck scene with Data, an actor playing Albert Einstein and an actor playing Isaac Newton. The scene was a humorous one with Data playing poker with his idols. Hawking made the scene by dissing on Einstein, something he did in the real world quite a bit as well.

His intellect was known the world over, as was his famous electronic voice made necessary by his Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS). It certainly is a triumph of the human spirit to achieve all he achieved while battling such a devastating disease.

In recent years, he used his platform to warn about the perils of our modern society, including climate change, artificial intelligence, and the dangers posed to humanity by contact with advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. While I may not have always agreed with his conclusions, the fact that he was saying it always required one to stop and think.

The world has lost a one-of-a-kind. I hope he finds peace back in the place that precedes his quantum singularity.

Ray Davis
for 6 Sense Media