5 Ways to Stop Comparing Yourself to Other People

Good morning, my friends.

We’ve all done it – compared ourselves to someone successful as a means of beating ourselves up. You want that life, that look, that luck.

The problem is, it’s empty calories and wasted time. It draws us no closer to our goals or our greatness.

Here are five ways to beat the comparison game and get back on your path.

Have a beautiful Wednesday!


About Advice to Feel All Your Feelings

I keep seeing content on social media encouraging people to ditch positivity and “feel whatever you feel.” “It’s a matter of being authentic,” they say. This is advice that can quickly leave someone at dead end on their path.

As with most incomplete advice, there’s a grain of truth in it. Of course, you should never bottle up your feelings and try to put a happy smile on them. That’s not what true positivity is about anyway. However, not all feelings are created equal.

There definitely are feelings that support a healthy you and collectively a saner civilization. There are other feelings that may seem productive, even empowering in the short term that are ultimately corrosive and destructive to people and to cultures.

This idea that ‘I’m just an angry or sad or depressed person and that’s authentically who I am,’ is not a place to validate someone and leave them. Yes. We all feel those things sometimes. That’s human. However, those feelings, over the long-term, are not a place we should encourage anyone to remain out of homage to “you have a right to feel what you feel.”

Personal development, professional counseling, or other tools that help steer someone in more productive- dare I say it positive – directions become necessary when someone gets stuck in emotions that may be how they feel, but are not sustainable over time.

In short bursts, negative emotions can propel us forward. Long-term they’re toxic. Positive emotions should never be used to mask real pain, but they are superior mode of being to persistent negative feelings.

Getting back to a place where positive emotions can become the dominant emotions in a person’s life is a worthy aspiration and achievable one. If you’re going to encourage someone to “own those negative emotions,” please be sure to share the warning signs of when that’s no longer healthy and ways to find your way back to balance and well-being.

If you find yourself caught in a swirl of constant negativity, please be sure to seek help or start a journey of self-discovery that can open doors to a beer life for you.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you are amazing!


Speaking It Into Existence

The Universe has your back. Affirmations not only change your thinking. They also change the vibration you’re putting out into the Universe. You are speaking into reality your aspirations.

Consider this. Practically every mythology on the planet states that the Universe was spoken into being. Not only are words powerfully creative within the Universe. They are literally its source, not according to one or two mythological accounts, but according to literally hundreds. Speaking things into existence is as old as time and as powerful as The Universe itself.

Affirmations are simple. String a few powerfully positive words together and infuse your consciousness with them and over. The Universe was literally built to respond to powerful intentions. Make sure you’re consciously giving those intentions to respond to.

You ARE the heir to this process! You can speak a different moment, a different day, a different life into existence. We can can speak a different world into existence.

What do you want to speak into existence today?


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Miracle in Progress

Hello, fellow Affirmers!

There! Did you see it? There’s a miracle in progress. Where? Everywhere you look. The ants are building ant hills. Your heart is beating, beating, beating. The season is effortlessly changing again. The Earth goes around the Sun, as the Sun goes around the center of the galaxy. Everywhere you look, there’s a miracle.

You’ve heard the expression, “Don’t take your eye off the ball”. I think we should amend that to, “Don’t take your eye off the miracle.”

The moment you take your eye off the miracle, you begin to get into trouble. You start seeing “us” and “them”, “enough” and “not enough”, “future” and “past”, and you worry about all of it. Your worry turns into a soup of negative internal emotions that spill out into your world as unhappiness, anger, hatred, and even violence.

None of this is possible when you have your eye on the miracle. For in that vision of the world, you see how rare, precious, and amazing you are. You see how rare, precious and amazing everyone and everything around you is. We are all survivors, here in this place and time against overwhelming odds. Yet, here making our stand, being who we came here to be, and contributing our own uniqueness to the miracle.

So, when the moment gets you down today, remember the miracle. When you’re tempted fall into negativity and doubt, remember the miracle. It’s always right there, completely self-evident in every moment, if only you’ll look.

Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.


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As We Thinketh, So Shall We Be

That statement holds a ton of power and also a lot of responsibility. Many people will argue against it, citing all the reasons we’re just powerless leaves floating down the rushing river of existence. I wonder.

We’ve been told that our minds make our world from time immemorial. It’s time for us to start understanding the power we possess to shift the inertia of history and of our lives.

“Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is.” -Bhagavad Gita

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought: we are formed and molded by our thoughts.” -Dhammapada

“As a man thinketh in his heart, so shall he be.” -Proverbs 23:7

“You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.” -James Allen

“We become what we think about most of the time.” -Earl Nightingale

“What you think about, you bring about.” -Bob Proctor

“If you think you can, you can. If you think you can’t, you’re right.” -Mary Kay Ash

You can choose to believe all these sources are wrong or you can get used to the idea that what you need to succeed does and always has resided within you.

Stay inspired!


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