Balancing Acceptance and Not Giving Up – Day 240 of 365 Days to a Better You

The caterpillar must be a caterpillar, while never ignoring he is becoming a butterfly. You and I must accept our caterpillar-ness in this moment without conceding our butterfly-ness for a single moment.

I’ve found that deep breathing and affirmations work well together. So, I often incorporate breathing right into the affirmation.

Today’s affirmation is: Breathing in, I completely accept that what is is. Breathing out, I am absolutely determined Ed to change it!

I’ve been using a version of this affirmation for years. It hepls me balsnce two very important, but seemingly contradictory, principles. Those are acceptance and a strong desire for change.

Acceptance of what is is a critical foundation for any change. I can’t thin’ of an instance where denial of a present reality is useful or healthy. However, that reality might be something you’re absolutely determined to change.

  • You accept your current state of health as your real starting place, but you want to inspire change to live healthier. You can modify this very flexible affirmation to something like the following. Breathing in I accept that I am out of shape. Breathing out I am exercising every day to change it!
  • You accept the current state of conflict in the world. You can modify this affirmation to something like: Breathing in, I accept that peace is not our current reality. Breathing out, I am working like hell to change it!

You can apply this affirmation to virtually any current and desired state of affairs.

Using the affirmation regularly grounds you. It commits your mind to both acceptance and a determination never to give up on what you know can be. I recommend using your affirmation with with more aspirational affirmations to tilt the balance in favor of the desired state.


  1. Breathing in, I accept that I have a C in chemistry. Breathing out, I am working my butt of to make that an A.
  2. I am a great student!
  3. I own chemistry!
  4. I am acing my final chemistry exam!
  5. I deserve to make straight A’s!

Give this a try. I think you’ll find it an effective way to deal with the now, while continuing to work for your goals.

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See Your Adversary’s Perspective – Day 8 – 365 Days to a Better You

How did yesterday go? Did you discover your definite purpose and put some steps into place to develop a burning desire to achieve it? Here’s one more hack on finding that definite purpose. It lives at the intersection of passion and talent. What is something you’re really good at and you’d do it for free? Figure that out and your on your way to finding your definite purpose or life’s mission.

Forward! Even though it’s only Day 8, I’m going to give you one of your hardest missions – at least for many people – you’ll have all year. Do you agree that you’d be better and the world would be better with a little more understanding? It seems we live in a world where people just can’t have honest dialogue anymore, everyone is throwing labels around, and people “unfollow” someone the moment they disagree with them on the slightest point. It’s not a recipe for personal or societal happiness.

Today I want you to walk a mile in your adversary’s shoes. I want you to read something, watch something, talk to someone that you normally completely disagree with. However, rather than seeking to win an argument against them, I want you to really listen and try to understand where they’re coming from, why they believe what they believe, and where you could find some common ground with them.

This could be someone you disagree with politically, spiritually, lifestyle-wise, you name it. Truly pick a person or perspective that normally gets under your skin.

You might be thinking, “Ray, why are you asking me to do this? That person, that network, that idea just sets me off.” That’s precisely WHY you need to do this. Maybe you’ll come away with a little greater understanding for building some bridges.

At the very least, maybe you’ll gain some insight on what it is about that person or idea that sets you off. After all, they may be the match, but there’s something inside you that burns, frustrates, and takes you off track every time you’re exposed to it. In a world where you almost can’t avoid being exposed, maybe it’s time to recognize what that is within you and do some work on it.

Wondering if this can really be done? I’ll leave you with this video. If you’ve never seen it, you may be shocked that something like this could happen. If you have, it’s a great reminder.

I believe your dreams! Meet me halfway and believe in them too!


A New Sun Is Rising – The Affirmation Spot for Saturday November 17, 2007

Today’s affirmation is a couple of paragraphs I wrote to record a dream I had a few years ago. May it create hope in all who read it today.

The sun is rising; the clouds have passed away. And in the minds of at least a few, a greater consciousness has arisen. Tradition is no more. There is only awareness: an awareness of radiant possibilities and transcendent hopes for a world about to be born.

A world in which our fondest dreams shall come to pass. Where the greatest potentiality of humanity is realized:  that each member of the human family will awaken to the inner light that opens one’s heart and frees one’s mind to look across culture, race, gender, religion and vast distance and see oneself.   

Be of good cheer, o patient ones, for this new day dawns; a day of wonder and hope. A day, when filled with joy, all people shall attain their full potential. Long has been the night of toil and pain. Too long have brothers and sisters lived according to their fear of each other rather than their love for each other. But no more, the blinders have come off.

Finally and forever the Human Race will stand in the radiance of the truths that have lived within each of us all along. Truths that can no longer be ignored or distorted. The truth of our UNITY and our place in this planet’s web of life and in the greater cosmos beyond.


The Affirmation

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Mistakes Are Part of Being Human

Today’s Affirmation:

“I make mistakes in my life. It is part of being a human being. I forgive myself for them and I move on to bigger and better things.” 

tng_data_picard.jpgFor Today’s thought, I take from a scene from Star Trek: The Next Generation (yes wisdom and insight can come from anywhere).  I’ll provide minimal background for those not familiar with the show.  The scene is between Data (an android officer always trying to understand and grow closer to his “humanity”) and Picard (Captain of the Enterprise).

Data has removed himself from duty after losing at a game of strategema to a “biological” life-form visting the Enterprise.  Convinced that he must have a system malfunction for such a thing to have happened he removes himself to his quarters where he sits in “self-doubt” analyzing himself for system malfunctions. Finally, after two other shipmates attempt, Picard comes to Data and orders him back to duty.

Data says, “Captain, I do not think that would be wise. Clearly the fact that I could lose a game to a biological life-form indicates that I am imperfect. You cannot count on my assessments as they may be flawed. I must find the malfunction. Otherwise I might make a mistake.”

Then Picard says something rather profound. “Yes, you might make a mistake. That’s called being human, Data.   You know, it is possible to make no mistakes and still lose.”

Mistakes are those things none of us like to make. They cause us embarrassment and sometimes real pain.  Many spend their entire lives trying to avoid them at all cost and missing out on much life in the process.Having made a mistake we often act as Data did.

We put our lives on hold, afraid to take the next step for fear we are flawed and incapable. That disempowering message is, afterall, something many of us had drilled into us from an early age. And yet, in one of the great conundrums of our society, we feel we must be perfect and never make mistakes.

We conceive that our lives would be far less stressful, if only we could avoid them all together.  Picard’s statement equates making mistakes with being human, in other words, as long as we ARE human we WILL make mistakes. An acceptance factor is in play here.Secondly, he says it is possible to make no mistakes and still not achieve all we desire.

We spend much time playing if only…If only this my career would be better, if only that my relationships would be better. We often are left wondering what we could have done differently to change something. 

The answer, sometimes, is NOTHING. We may have done ALL we could to help someone, or get a good education, or raise our children, or advance in our careers. It IS possible to make no mistakes and still not achieve our intention. Yet, we may look back and feel inclined to judge ourselves for what we did or didn’t do in a given situation.

We need not riddle ourselves with guilt, self-doubt, and regret  regarding such things. If we can accept that we will make mistakes, but also that they are not the end of the world; and accept that even if we don’t make them things will not always turn out our way we can achieve some measure of peace.

This is not intended as some relativistic “let’s all live in mediocrity”  or “not strive for excellence” message, but rather as a reminder go a little easier on yourself when you slip along the way. Once we can do that we can expand that understanding to others. Another example of how creating a happier more sane world starts within and spreads to without.

In his book Happiness Is a Choice, Bernie Neal Kaufmann relates a Native American Medicine Wheel regarding mistakes. Kaufmann describes the wheel in this way.

  • The top of the wheel reads: “I accept my mistakes.”
  • The left side of the wheel reads: “I learn from my mistakes.”
  • The bottom of the wheel reads: “I learn from the mistakes of others.”
  • The right side of the wheel reads: “I learn from the mistakes of my teachers.”
  • Finally, the center of the wheel reads: “I understand there is no such thing as
    a mistake.”

When we choose to live by this very astute advice we understand that everything that happens…including our mistakes…are a blessing and a teacher.

Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.


Ray Davis is the Founder of The Affirmation Spot and the author of Anunnaki Awakening: Revelation – order your signed copy today at He advocates for the potential of the human race. He’s life-long history buff and holds a B.S. in History Education. He’s always been fascinated by alternative views of history.

anunnaki_cover_full_colorAnunnaki Awakening: Revelation is turning heads and opening minds. Humanity’s past is checkered, secret, and dangerous.

White House Correspondent Maria Love is on to the story of her life and with the help of an Anunnaki leaders seeks to unravel and reveal history’s biggest conspiracy. The Awakening has begun!

Psychology of Seasons – The Affirmation Spot for Friday November 2, 2007

autumn_leaves1.jpgA pleasant good morning to all my friends around the world who are sharing our tiny planet with me on this Friday.

I took my black lab Mia for a short walk earlier this evening. As I’m prone to do, my eyes wandered upwards to take in the beautiful sight of the pitch black skies of Autumn. The stars seemed especially bright this evening and Jupiter was like a beacon…almost close enough to touch.

We live on an amazing planet orbiting within a magnificent solar system that thrives in a wonderous universe. It’s so easy to forget how miraculous are the workings of our world. We are spinning around at a tremendous rate and flying through the galaxy at break=neck speed and yet we often forget to take the time to just reflect on this mystery.

I’m always struck by the significance of the circle in it all. The circle figuratively and literally represents the cycles great and small that make up our existence.

Today I’m going to be a bit indulgent by sharing a poem I wrote some years ago. It ponders the part of our annual cycle we call Autumn or Fall in the northern hemisphere. It’s a time of death in the natural world as we transition from life-giving Spring and vibrantly alive Summer to the seasons of dying and death. It strikes a hopeful chord, however, reminding us that the cycle will come around again in due time, if we have the patience and the wisdom to wait and watch.

Here is the poem. Have a peaceful and productive weekend!

“Psychology of Seasons”

A sun-drenched sky
on windy autumn day;
out across open fields
passing clouds make shadow play.

Silent beauty in multi-hues
but ominous in a sense;
for though today be delightful
darkness soon gains precedence.

Shortly days will end too soon
as the leaves of autumn blow.
The gods withhold their aid
to the life-forms down below.

A chill will permeate the air
and death will be around.
Evidenced by dying trees:
their leaves spread on the ground.

Depression need not be our course;
all things must come to pass.
Death is an integral part of life;
perennial as fields of grass.

For very soon rebirth takes place
and all springs back to life.
To our hearts the glow returns,
bringing end to stress and strife.

Given time we come to find
and perhaps appreciate
the coming of darkness and death
who’s end gives cause to celebrate.
The Affirmation 

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