Political Affirmations and Truisms – The Affirmation Spot for Thursday October 28, 2010

Thought for Today

“In order to become the master, the politician poses as the servant.”

~ Charles De Gaulle

Over the past several days, I have had several people share with me how tired they are of this political season. Few things in American life expose us to more negativism and leave us feeling more slimy than political campaign ads. It seems there is little many of these politicians won’t do or say in their thirst to rule over the rest of us.

Make no mistake, Charles De Gaulle had it right. Politicians speak of themselves as servants, but think of themselves as masters. They believe they know what is best for the rest of us and – right, left, Democrat, Republican – they seek to impose their wills upon the people rather than allowing the peoples’ collective wisdom guide them.

Worse yet, the system has produced generations of either/or thinkers caught in a hopeless ping pong match between two parties whose clever branding keeps people believing that political salvation lies just beyond electing “my party” to power one more time – this is the time. I know it is. It must be.

This self-perpetuating system locks out voices not deemed “mainstream” (i.e. linked to one of the two parties). Disempowers people by convincing them that there are only two choices – vote for “the lesser of two evils” or drop out of the system completely.

Millions torture their minds daily with visions of the horrors that will befall the nation if that other – evil – party is allowed to have power. They are exhorted by talking heads – radio and TV – who pose as bringers of news and information, but are simply party mouthpieces conducting daily revivals for the party faithful. They whip up the fear, whip up the doubt, whip up the division.

My friends, this blog is about empowering you and me and empowering our minds. That is my commitment to you. Many times that comes in the form of affirmations or feel good stories, but there are times when the hard issues must be dealt with and I will not avoid them. Our minds have been enslaved by these two parties to believe there is no other way to the future, but through them.

The time has come to stop giving your power to personalities and political parties and begin again to claim it for yourself and for each other. We have been divided and conquered by this political class and it is high time that we unite take our power back. We must stop waiting on heroes and realize that we are the heroes.

I hope these affirmations will help to re-engage a healthy independence and skepticism of the powers that be. I hope they will help to re-energize your thinking and bring you back to that calm political center where sound decisions and reasonable dialogue can take place. Vote your conscience next week. Vote for yourselves and your families. Don’t vote based on “Tastes Great” vs. “Less filling”.

The time is now to take back our thinking and take back our power. Select the political affirmations and truisms below that resonate with you and keep them near you this political season.

  1. One awakened mind begins a revolution. Many awakened minds begins an evolution.
  2. Until we question our beliefs, we are simply the product of someone else’s programming.
  3. I am a free human being empowered to share this Earth peacefully with all of existence!
  4. I believe in humanity. I believe in our potential. I believe our best days lie ahead!
  5. We are exiting a era marked by fear and disempowerment and entering an era of awakening and possibility.
  6. The status quo is a powerful drug, but every day is a rehab of new possibilities.
  7. I have the right to support the troops and oppose needless wars at the same time!
  8. I have the right to speak my mind as a free human being even when it is against the prevailing trends!
  9. Sometimes status quo can seem permanent. Just remember that every status quo replaced a previous one because of determined people.
  10. Regardless of my party affiliation, I intend to hold elected officials of both parties accountable.
  11. Fear is the greatest weapon of the status quo. An open, empowered mind is your way beyond that fear.
  12. Today I unchain my mind and walk consciously into the light of freedom.
  13. I am not left. I am not right. I am awake!
  14. I don’t believe in blue states or red states. I believe in empowered states of mind.
  15. When institutions fail to serve the people the people should cease serving the institutions.
  16. Where ever tyranny chains hearts, I am the loudest voice for freedom!
  17. I reject war, torture, terrorism, or dogma as solutions to humanity’s disputes. The needed change lives within us!
  18. Society can chain your hands and feet, but only you can unchain your mind.
  19. I demand leaders who take my interests to heart. When they don’t they lose my vote.
  20. I believe in restoring a political environment where WHAT is right supersedes WHO is right!
  21. I refuse to participate in being divided and ruled as “Us” vs. “Them”.
  22. I seek a politics of common ground rather than one of battle ground.
  23. My life and my thoughts are my responsibility. I will never cede them to government, media, or any other institution.
  24. Tolerance only for those who agree with me is no tolerance at all. Today and always I am tolerant.
  25. I believe in empowered people not empowered institutions. Empowering institutions is poor substitute for empowering ourselves.
  26. The time has come for peace on this planet and leaders who cannot lead us there are not fit to lead!
  27. The peoples of this planet want peace, prosperity, and happiness. It’s time now to have leaders who are aligned with that desire.
  28. If being controversial shakes up the status quo, then I will shake, shake away!
  29. I refuse to be divided against my neighbors for the empowerment of the political class.
  30. I select my leaders carefully. I do not respond to fear. A leader seeking power through fear reaches for tyranny next.
  31. Fear – imposed from within or without – is mental tyranny. Beware of leaders who constantly inject you with it to support their agendas.
  32. Group-think is one step away from not thinking at all. You’re an individual. Think for yourself.
  33. Status quos were made to be broken.
  34. Real truth and real love never have to hire fear as their salesperson.
  35. We can live in the sunshine of our hopes or the shadow of our fears. We must select leaders who are sun-bringers.
  36. This world can run on fear and hatred or love and compassion. We must choose the planet/nation we want.
  37. Freedom is purely and simply oxygen to anyone seeking self-development, achievement, success, or enlightenment.
  38. The powerful have always sought to control humanity through fear. Empowered thinkers look beyond fear to truth.
  39. Fear closes minds. Love opens them.
  40. Everything enters the realm of possibility when you release the power of the status quo. Break its chains! Escape its gravity!
  41. I have the freedom to explore my existence and its meaning on my own terms.
  42. I am constantly unbuilding the box they would build around me. Freedom is my destiny!
  43. Today I empower myself to think outside boxes and push my paradigms!
  44. In the political history of humanity, freedom is simply tyranny contained. Those who wish to be free and empowered do well to remember it.
  45. Our thoughts create our world. If six billion people on this planet demanded peace, justice, or freedom we would have it immediately.
  46. I am a free human being empowered to reject tyranny and oppression in all its guises.
  47. Even Stalin allowed people freedom to agree with him. The real test of a nation’s commitment to freedom is how it tolerates dissent.
  48. Freedom persists only where populations are informed. “Us” and “Them” are tyranny’s two favorite constituencies.
  49. The freedom to think, act, express, dream, change, and simply be are are prerequisites for human dignity and happiness. They are non-negotiable.
  50. Giving freedom to others is about looking at the world through enlightened self-interest rather than dogma or fear.
  51. Let us create a world where kindness is seen as strength and violence is seen as failure.
  52. Tyranny always comes bundled in a thousand good reasons, but not one good one.
  53. Modern tyrants are more sophisticated. They don’t put tanks on the streets they place chains on the mind.

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Ray Davis is the founder of The Affirmation Spot. He’s been studying and practicing personal development for 30 years. He’s also studied many of the world’s spiritual traditions and mythologies.

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The Trust/Fear Cycle – The Affirmation Spot for Wednesday October 27, 2010

My Thought for Today:

“Fear consumes us unless and until we give in completely to trust.”

Let me ask you a question. What makes it hard for you to trust other people? Take a moment and think about the reasons you have a hard time trusting people? Come up with a few reasons before you continue reading.

I’m guessing that if you examine your reasons, they center around past hurts and the fear of feeling that way again. Maybe you feel others will take advantage of you or you have even experienced others taking advantage of you in the past. Maybe you fear looking foolish by “putting yourself out there” only to have someone betray you. These are all valid reasons to fear trusting.

Let me ask you this. What steps – mental or even physical – do you take in your life to avoid having to trust others for fear of being hurt or being taken advantage of? Think about how you feel when you are asked to trust. Think about how you respond when asked to trust. Now ask yourself why you feel that way?

Do you put up walls or even aggressively push people away? Do you believe you are doing this “protect yourself”?

Now step outside of yourself and focus on the other person who is considering the possibility of having to trust you. Is it possible he or she has also had past hurts? Has also learned defense mechanisms to avoid or limit exposure in a trusting relationship?

Perhaps you have both been hurt in the past and would have no intention of hurting the other. However, your past conditioning prevents you from finding out because you have shields up. Instead of experiencing and growing trust, you both do things that continue to reinforce your belief that trusting others in dangerous. You wind up hurting each other simply due to a failure to see this situation as unique and to be authentically you.

Now expand this scenario to every relationship in your life. In fact, extend it to all the relationships on this planet – individual, ethnic, national, political, religious. Too often, we are operating with our trust shields up for fear of being hurt.

How much pain, bloodshed, and unhappiness do you suppose this mindset creates on our planet – not to mention your life – every day?

“But, I have been hurt,” you argue. You’re right. You have. That person you want relationship with has as well. So has that other ethnic group, religion, or political party. Can you not see their pain through your own?

We have all been hurt, not because we trust too much, but because we trust too little. We are aggressive and defensive in an attempt to protect ourselves when simply seeing each situaion as fresh and unique could lead to a different outcome. When being our authentic selves instead of our on-guard selves could create new connections and possbilities. When remembering our common humanity and acknowledging our common fears could breakdown desperate paradigms and transform this world.

So, what is the answer? How do we change it? Well, none of us can do the work of changing this situation for others. We can only be cognizant of the ways we contribute to it in our own lives and strive to do better.

Maybe, just maybe, we will find that when we drop our shields and trust more others will be willing to do the same.

Stay inspired!


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THE Self-Empowerment Affirmation

woman_eyes_closed_looking_at_sunThis was my personal annual affirmation back in 2008. After sharing it with a few people back then, I was encouraged that it would benefit other people.

I came across it again last night and decided it was time to share it again. May it add positive energy to your day, your year, and your life!

THE Self-Empowerment Affirmation

“Who I am is not for sale at any price! I am brilliant and beautiful and a best friend to everyone who knows me. I am peaceful and happy and more successful than ever before. I am relaxed and confident and trading in my old fears on new hopes.” This is a wonderful time in your life; a time of breakthrough, options, and opportunities for new paths to follow. Be excited and ready for the challenges and the triumphs that lie ahead. “No, my self-worth, my happiness, my freedom, my unbounded optimism about what is ahead is not for sale at any price!”

Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.

Ray Davis is the founder of The Affirmation Spot. He’s spent more than 25 years studying personal development and especially writing, recording, and using affirmations to achieve his goals. His eBook – The Power to Be You – offers 416 life-changing and original quotes, ideas, and affirmations to take you to new levels of achievement and reflection.

anunnaki_cover_full_colorAnunnaki Awakening: Revelation, Ray’s first novel,  is turning heads and opening minds. Humanity’s past is checkered, secret, and dangerous.

White House Correspondent Maria Love is on to the story of her life and with the help of an Anunnaki leader seeks to unravel and reveal history’s biggest conspiracy. The Awakening has begun!
Is it fact or is it fiction? You decide!

The Parable of Fear and Success

My Thought of the Day:

“The fear of failure is the shortest route to it. The fear of success is a close second.”

Here is a brief little parable about fear, failure, and success that dropped into my mind out of the ether today. Thought I would share

Once I feared failure, but failure came and I survived.
Then I feared success, but success came and I thrived.
Then I feared losing my success, but my success ebbed and flowed and my life kept moving forward.
Finally, I chose not to fear, but simply to do my best and make the most of each moment; allowing the results to take care of themselves.

Stay inspired!


Check out The Power to Be You Video

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One With The Ocean Affirmation: The Affirmation Spot for Wednesday October 19, 2010

Today’s Affirmation:

I am one with the ocean. The ebb and flow of the sea merges with my breath to create a profound calm.

Here is something to ponder today. We have two choices in every moment of our lives. Both are always open to us in every situation. We can change the world or we can change our thoughts about the world. One may take longer, but more universal. One takes just a moment, but can transform us.

What is not an option is helplessness. You were not born to be helpless. You were born to be great and amazing. There is never a situation that cannot be morphed by changing the world or changing your thoughts. Which tool you use depends on you and the situation.

For now, use today’s affirmation as you watch this stunningly beautiful video from The North Shore of Oahu, HI. Blend your thoughts, your breaths, and your transitioning posidigms into something great today. And, if for just this moment, experience Sir Edwin Arnold’s beautiful metaphor by becoming “the dewdrop [that] slips into the shining sea.”

Enjoy your North Shore meditation!

Stay inspired!


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