Hurricane Gustav Closes on New Orleans – The Affirmation Spot

Focus on the Best Possible Outcome!

Hurricane Gustav continues its march towards New Orleans. It now appears that the Category 3 storm will come ashore just west of New Orleans sometime Monday morning. Forecasters are predicting the storm’s most dangerous eastern edge will strike the city ravaged by Hurricane Katrina just three years ago.

It really is amazing that people whose homes were finally rebuilt after Katrina are now facing the risk of loss again. Meanwhile, the thousands who remain in trailers three years later may see their dream of returning home pushed back even further.

There are many groups and organizations mobilizing the help in the expected relief. Here are some links to some other reputable charitable organizations mobilizing to help with Gustav. I hope you will consider helping the charitable organization of your choice as we work together to help those about to be affected by Gustav.

Political Campaign Responses

Let’s all focus our thoughts on the best possible outcome for our friends on the Gulf Coast and our actions on doing what we can to help.

Stay inspired!
