The Sage Who Sees – Day 260 of 365 Days to a Better You

Thank you so much for taking a few minutes to read today’s post.

Do you ever feel different; like you don’t quite fit in with the ways of this world? I do. It’s not something I came to as an adult. It’s who I’ve been my entire life. It’s like what’s intuitive to me is counterintuitive to our civilization. My polarities are reversed.

My own mother once asked, “Why can’t you just fit in?” Do you vibe with that?

There’s a great quote in the Bhagavad Gita that explains why you and I might feel this way.

“In the dark night of all beings awakes to Light the tranquil man. But what is day to other beings is night for the sage who sees.”

    • The world lusts for war. You seek only peace.
    • The world strives for bottom lines. You believe people are the bottom line.
    • The world adulates at the alter of fear. You have always known love is the answer.
    • The world wants to be cool. You’d rather be wise.
    • The world looks without. You have always gone within.
    • The world sees the dark clouds. You see the bright sun behind the dark clouds.
    • The world clamors for instant gratification. You opt for sustainable gratitude.

    I’ve long suspected something. While you and I see ourselves a unique, I’m not so sure we’re that unique. Maybe what comes natural to us is the secret yearning of most people. In fact, I’m certain of it. They simply can’t bring themselves to believe it’s possible. They retreat into the herd safety of the mass consciousness.

    As the sage who sees, I believe our mission is to light the path to this greater realization the same as our teachers and mentors have lighted it for us.

    Your poles are not reversed because there’s something wrong with you, Don’t give into the gravity of that thinking. Your poles are reversed because you’re here to be a beacon to the world that can be if only a critical mass of people would believe. And today, today, we’re one step nearer than ever before.

    You’re absolutely awesome just as you are! Keep following your bliss!


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    The Inner Journey Begins – Day 247 of 365 Days to a Better You

    Today those of us residing in Earth’s northern hemisphere crossed the threshold from Summer to Autumn. While Spring into Summer and Autumn into Winter are certainly transitions, they’re really just expansions of a trend already underway. Winter into Spring and Summer into Autumn represent transitional moments that result in profound shifts.

    There’s little doubt that human psychology is hugely affected by the seasons. While the season change goes almost unnoticed in our modern culture, the ancients took note of, celebrated, and revered these rites of passage.

    If you think about it, Spring and Summer with their growing warmth, expanding light, and blooming of life represent the outer world and our external life. The six months that began today, comprised of a gathering darkness, a pronounced chill, and the symbolic death in the natural world around us, are a metaphor for the inner journey.

    In mythology, darkness often represents the night of the soul where the traveler dies to his old self and finds rebirth as a hero, ready to emerge back into the sunlight of the outside world. It is from darkness that light emerges. It is from the depths that the greatest heights are reached. It is in “the belly of the beast” that our true mettle is tested,

    I’ve always found it important to connect with these cycles and metaphors. In the darkness, there is opportunity. It’s hard to argue that human life, culture, and psychology can be divorced from the natural forces that shape us.

    So, let us embrace the darkness. Let us use this metaphor as a reason to go deep within, touch what’s real, and come back stronger for the experience.

    We all walk this inner journey. It’s a journey we must travel alone. There it’s just you and the universe, you and your emotions, you and your thoughts. Not even the closest people in your life can walk that road with you.

    We can walk it consciously or unconsciously. That is our choice. This time of the year, nature is leading you in the direction of walking it consciously. Let’s do ourselves a favor and answer that call.

    Thanks for spending a few more minutes with me. If you’re taking something away, please share it with s friend.


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