Be The Conscious Opposition – Day 300 of 365 Days to a Better You

Today’s Affirmation

Even in the face of a world run on negativity, I am a conscious light for the change that can be,

Fear, division, anger, blame, tribalism. Observe traditional media, social media, or pop culture for 15 minutes and you’ll find it teeming with these mindsets. You couldn’t, if you tried, create a list of characteristics more destructive to the human hearts and human aspirations than these. Yet, this is mental bath we’re all bathing in daily, if we’re not conscious.

These values will win the day and win in your life unless you raise the vibration of your thinking and boost your immunity to them. What our world desperately needs is a conscious opposition, a conscious counterculture.

Where fear rules, sow love. Where division and tribalism are winning, practice unity. When the world preaches anger and vengeance, be the lone voice, if necessary, for peace and understanding. In a culture of blame, stand for accountability and personal responsibility.

The way to change the prevailing culture is not to match anger with anger or to checkout to your personal Nirvana. Be the embodiment of higher vibration through active engagement with this world.

How? Here are some practical ways to be part of the conscious opposition in your daily life.

  1. Challenge the status quo and conventional wisdom. The reason these negative values win is because they pander to the easiest and lowest vibrations in us. They win through the inertia of habit. “That’s how it’s always been and how it will always be,” say the systems defenders. Show others there is a conscious alternative to these habits.
  2. Be engaged. Don’t remain silent when you see these negative mindsets winning. It’s scary to speak out. You may fear what your friends or family will think. You may believe it’s safer to avoid controversial topics. The negative status quo relies on forward thinkers to remain silent. Make your conscious voice count.
  3. Practice what you preach. It’s easy to see these negative mindsets winning and become angry yourself. It’s easy to think your righteous anger is better than the status quo anger. Don’t fall into this trap. The only way to raise the vibration in your world is to raise the vibration. Your anger is as destructive as what is. If you say you’re for conscious change, then be it.
  4. Maintain the health of your consciousness. The negative mainstream of consciousness has the advantage of the 24/7 news cycle feed8 g the masses all the division and negativity they can swallow. The prevalence of these mindsets in the world can even wear you down and weigh you down, if you’re not careful. Know what feeds your positive vibration and keep it strong so you can be light in the darkness.
  5. Believe positivity can win. The negative mindsets in the world often win on the power of their supposed practicality and invincibility. After all, if someone mistreats you, it makes perfect sense to get them back, right? “it’s just human nature,” so e argue, “there’s no changing it.” Nonsense. Our thinking and our unconscious agreement created the status quo. Our thinking and our conscious choice to change it can reset the game completely. You must believe positivity can win. If not you, who?

We are not stuck on an unalterable path. The world can change, if you and I are willing to be the example of the world that can be,

In case no one else reminded you today, YOU are awesome!


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Yoga Affirmations

Yoga is different things to different people. For some, it’s a spiritual practice. For others, it’s part of their fitness routine. Another group uses it rejuvenate mind and spirit. Regardless of your reason for doing it, here are some affirmations for all the yoga fans out there.

  1. Yoga time is my time.
  2. Breathing in, I commit to my yoga practice. Breathing out, I enjoy its benefits.
  3. The more I do my yoga, the easier it becomes!
  4. Today my yoga routine is an elixir for body, mind, and spirit! I feel renewed!
  5. I am mastering more and more challenging yoga poses.
  6. Yoga is my zero stress zone.
  7. My yoga practice connects me to the flow of the universe.
  8. My commitment to yoga is my commitment to me.
  9. My yoga makes me happy, healthy, and strong.
  10. My yoga brings me peace of mind.



Visit the TAS website for thousands more affirmations.

When Nobody’s Watching – Day 299 of 365 Days to a Better You

Virtually every human being has two versions. Yes, I mean you and I mean me. There’s the public you and there’s the private you.

The public you, unless you’ve attained sainthood or enlightenment, tries to impress, to fit in, and to stand out. It tends to pretend you’ve got it all figured out and you’re damn near flawless. It’s the “Facebook self” you present to the world.

Don’t misunderstand me you’re every bit the one in a trillion miracle we’ve talked about previously. It’s just that you and I are still works in progress.

Then there’s the other you…the person you are when nobody’s watching. This is the person your public side tries desperately to hide. This person has imperfect thoughts and sometimes does imperfect things. It’s the person you’d be embarrassed to show the world…the person you wish you weren’t.

Take heart! You’re not alone! This is an ubiquitous human experience. Practically every person you meet is struggling with this same dichotomy.

Consider this. Don’t feel ashamed of that private self or beat yourself up over it. It’s an amazing blessing in disguise. It’s a great barometer for measuring who you honestly are compared to who you fervently aspire to be. That self makes it real in a way your Facebook self would never tolerate. Without such truth-telling, how can you ever hope to be your best self?

It’s the great work of your life to bring that real you into ever better alignment with your aspirational you.

Here are five easy (not simple) steps you can take to make it so.

  1. Take honest stock. Where are you really?
  2. Where do you want to be? Get as clear a vision as possible of who you want your private self to be.
  3. How will you bridge the gap between the two? What do you need to start doing? What do you need to stop doing? What do you need to do more of?
  4. See yourself and speak yourself and act yourself into a better you each day.
  5. Absolutely unquestionably know that you have an enlightened being living within you and ready to emerge if you’re willing to do the work.

I love each and every one of your private selves. If no one else has reminded you today, you are AWESOME!


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Let Gratitude Be Your Attitude – Day 298 of 365 Days to a Better You

Gratitude gets a lot of good publicity these days. You can scarcely scroll down your social media feeds without seeing at least one reminder to be more grateful.

You’re told you should be grateful for family and friends. You’re told you should be grateful because you have more stuff than some other people. You’re told you should be grateful because you’re still breathing and walking upright; a joy denied others.

These are excellent reasons to be grateful. Yet, as noble as they are, they still miss the point. Gratitude, like most other higher vibration human feelings, does not flow from the outside in. It must grow from the inside out.

We must plant it and grow it and nourish it whether the outside world presents us with reasons to feel it or not.

As our gratitude for all the blessings great and small in our lives grows within us, we begin to attract a grateful energy back to us. This creates a powerful energetic loop of gratitude that keeps us warm on the coldest of life’s nights and in the bright sunshine of our greatest joy.

Gratitude is more than something we feel for the people and the things around us. It’s an energy that we build within ourselves. The more we feel it, the more it grows.

Start every day with a giant thank you for all you are, all you have, and all you love. Then let that feeling inform your whole day.

To all my American readers, I wish you and those important to you a Happy Thanksgiving. To readers elsewhere, you don’t need a special day to feel grateful. Every day is that day.

In case no one else has reminded you today, you ARE awesome!


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I Am Human – Day 297 of 365 Days to a Better You

I am human.

I have let anger boil when I should have let compassion rain down. I have felt afraid when the moment called for bravery. I have taken when I should have given. I have ignored the needs of others when those needs were right in front of me. I have wanted to be right more than I wanted to be good. I have failed to say thank you more times than I can count. I have lived a lesser version of me, when my greatness shined right in my eyes.

I am human.

I have been a hero in small ways and large. I have tipped more than the service called for. I have handed people money on the street rather than walking by. I have said yes when I really wanted to say no. I have put the good of others ahead of my own. I have succeeded when everything said I should have failed. I have stood against the odds, my fears, my selfishness, and all the negativity the world could throw at me. I have seen my greatness and that of those around me and reminded us all of it.

I am human.

Some moments I’m brilliant and some I am dumber than a rock. I wake up each day and I do the best I can as my awareness, experience, and circumstances allow me to see it. I will do better tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. I will encourage others to do the same. Together we will create the world we are capable of having; a world better than today, and yesterday, and the day before that.

We are human!

If no one has reminded you today, you are AWESOME! Have a fantastic evening and I will talk to you again soon.


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