Kinder to Myself and Others Affirmation

Good Friday evening! Couldn’t you use a little more kindness? Couldn’t the world? Where will it begin, if not with you and me.

This affirmation reminds you to choose kindness today, not because you “have to be kind,” but because you know it’s the best space live in. Start with yourself and work outwards.

Have a beautiful evening, my friends!


Friday Morning Motivation Affirmations for Friday December 30, 2022

Hello, my friends!

These affirmations will help you own every Friday. Be sure to bookmark this one and use it as part of your Friday morning routine.

Have a fantastic finish to your week!


Leader Within Affirmations

Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate the holiday. Today’s affirmation is meant to call out the leader within you. If becoming more of a leader in 2023 is one of your goals, these affirmations, listened to regularly, will help.

There are three affirmations to help you and a background voice saying, “I can do it.”

Wherever you are on your journey today, know that you are right where you need to be right now and that you are perfectly positioned to achieve all your goals.

Keep going!


The Universe Has Your Back

Good Saturday to you, friends!

You and I live in a world that can seem uncertain at times. Often this feeling is driven not by actual events, but by our thinking about those events. That feeling of disconnectedness that creates that aloneness is driven by dozens of “facts” and mindsets propagated profusely through popular culture.

The truth is we are in this universe, and we are of this universe. It’s not a stretch to call us children of the universe. Here’s profound truth, though. We are also part the intelligence, wisdom, and power that underlies this amazing universe.

Our choice to live in these bodies for a few decades may obscure that fact, but it is nonetheless a fact.

We are not disconnected from that fact, but we are misaligned and misinformed. This mantra, used regularly, helps remind you that you are not this separate spark trying to survive alone, but you are part of the massive fire of consciousness. You are not the lone drop of water; you are part of the ocean.

And, the universe DOES have your back.

May your day be peaceful and prosperous.
