Finding the Truth According to Alan Cohen – Day 313 of 365 Days to a Better You

Through the ages, poets and philosophers have sought to define truth. It’s unlikely that anyone will ever come up with a definition that will satisfy everyone. Words can only eat around the edges of the topic.

Today’s post is an extended excerpt from Alan Cohen‘s book, The Dragon Doesn’t Live Here Anymore.

The real organ of truth is not the brain, but the heart. …. Hafiz, the Persian poet, said, ‘ O you who would learn the marvels of Love from the copybook of reason, I am afraid that you will never really see the point!’

We feel or sense Truth more than we think it. We know it more than we understand it. We can see it more than we can explain it. When we attempt to analyze Truth, we lose ourselves in the dead-end labyrinth of the thinking mind. When we love Truth, however, the storehouse of universal wisdom is opened to us. Our respect for Truth is our investment in its understanding, and our suffering the price of its denial.

The Truth, we discover, cannot be found in a book. We may find words and descriptions of the Truth in a book, but not the Whole Truth, for the Whole Truth is fathomless, ever free of containment, confinement, and conformity….

Truth re-creates itself by its own beauty. There is nothing secret about Truth it will find us where ever we are….

It is said ‘The Truth hurts.” The Truth has never hurt anything; only illusion hurts. The Truth knows only how to heal. Those who resist Truth resist healing, and those in need of healing can find it by embracing Truth.

The Truth brings with it a peace and satisfaction that falsehood cannot imitate. The lover of Truth lives only for the vision of his ideal and he is nourished only by his awareness of it. ….

The Truth is simple … When we return to simple things the Truth reawakens in our heart like a long-exiled lover. If you want to know what the Truth is, put aside your textbooks for awhile and walk along the seashore at sunset. Take a child to the park. Gaze at the stars. Observe the gentle rhythm of your breath. Listen to the sound of the bamboo flute.

Cohen is talking about the timeless, changeless, yet uniquely individual Truth that flows through each of us at every moment. He suggests that by aligning ourselves with it, we will find peace and contentment. By living it we can become truly who we really are without pretense.

Are you living your truth or are you living according rules written by someone else? As long as you live by someone else’s rules, you will never be the person you are here to be. That would be a real shame.


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Stop Missing Profound Truths – Day 286 of 365 Days to a Better You

Sir Winston Churchill once observed, “Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.”

The universe is constantly placing truths before you; flashing like the bright lights of Las Vegas.  They’re impossible to miss unless you’re caught up in this “rat race” mindset. At “rat race” speed, your mind is clouded with marching orders, burdens, and you’re always in a hurry. When you’re in that mode, profound truths could bite you on the nose and you’d miss them completely.

These truths are important. They could be telling you how to achieve your next goal or answering a question you asked the universe in frustration, but never waited for the answer.

What’s the solution?

  • Just be more.
  • Feel more.
  • Stop, look, and listen more.
  • Go within more.
  • Breathe consciously more.
  • Love more.
  • Give others the benefit of the doubt more.
  • Accept more.

Do these things and you’ll drop out of rat race mode and see the world more clearly. As you see the world more clearly, the truths trying to make themselves clear to you appear.

Those truths don’t respond to your hurry, worry, or your distraction. They only show up when you fully show up.

Just in case no one else has told you today, YOU ARE AWESOME!


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Truths About Truths – Day 223 of 365 Days to a Better You

If we’re being honest, no two people have exactly the same concept of truth. There may be overlap with other people and overlaps may be significant enough to coalesce into a religion, a political party, or some other social institution.

Still, the gap between people on truth leaves us like the blind men and the elephant in the famous story. We are left describing aspects of truth without being able to fully define it for ourselves, much less sync with someone else. Discovering our truth is the work of a lifetime.

Our passion for our version of the truth is well-documented. Humans are willing to blast each other on social media or “bomb others back to the Stone Age” over our incomplete versions of truth.

Philosophers, poets, and sages, including yours truly, have tried to describe its ephemeral nature using the inexact tool of language. Here are some truths about truths. May they aid you in triangulating your truth.

    1. Beauty is truth, truth beauty,’ – that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

~John Keats

    1. Truth can be stated in a thousand different ways, yet each one can be true.

~Swami Vivekananda

    1. The truth will set you free.


    1. The truth is out there, but the path to it is inside you.

~Ray Davis

    1. Truth never damages a cause that is just.

~Mahatma Gandhi

    1. What I know for sure is that speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we have.

~Oprah Winfrey

    1. Truth without love is brutality, and love without truth is hypocrisy.

~Warren Wiersbe

    1. But I suppose the most revolutionary act one can engage in is… to tell the truth.

~Howard Zinn

    1. Today I bent the truth to be kind, and I have no regret, for I am far surer of what is kind than I am of what is true.

~Robert Brault

    1. Once you reject fear, you will become the perfect candidate to receive and reflect Truth.

~Suzy Kassem

    1. Those who know the truth are not equal to those who love it.


    1. Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain’t goin’ away.

~Elvis Presley

    1. First and last, what is demanded of genius is love of truth.

~Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

    1. The truth is effortless.

~Rashida Costa

    1. Truth is the property of no individual but is the treasure of all men. ~

Ralph Waldo Emerson

    1. In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

~George Orwell

    1. Once you go inside and weed through the muck, you will find the real beauty, the truth about yourself.

~Lindsay Wagner

    1. Truth isn’t always beauty, but the hunger for it is.

~Nadine Gordiner

    1. Humility is truth.

~Mother Teresa

    1. Three things cannot long be hidden – the sun, the moon, and the truth.


May your pursuit of truth today lead you to greater insight into yourself and the world.


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