Three Thoughts Before You Go to Sleep

No matter what you’re threatened with or how much you’re laughed at, never stop beating these drums.

A river has hope because it never stops moving forward.

Question to ask ourselves everyday: Am I helping to move the world forward or participating in its dysfunction?

Hope you had an amazing day. Remember, wherever you are on your journey, you’re awesome!


Random Thought #18 – The Human Spirit

The human spirit is about triumph over adversity,
daring in the face of challenge, and
love conquering fear.

We’re not here to bow to our limits. We’re here
to undo them.

Our highest mountains are within reach. Our boldest dreams call but for our courage to become them.

Random Thoughts #6

  1. What is is, but that doesn’t mean it’s what has to be.
  2. Be change maker not a complainer.
  3. The world remembers those who shift paradigms not blame.


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