Our Lives Are Made of Moments Design

I tweet from momentary inspiration a lot. Over the years, it’s allowed me to coin many quotes.

As I’ve begun to design motivational print-on-demand apparel, I’ve started drawing on that database of original quotes.

The latest pulls on a quote that reminds us how precious this moment and the next moment and the one after that are.

Our lives are made of moments. Never waste one.

If this design resonates with you, consider ordering it in your favorite form and sharing with the people you encounter. Every little bit raises the vibration.

Your order automatically enters you into our monthly drawing to WIN a custom-designed t-shirt.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you are awesome!


Positivity Works Tee + More

Positivity matters. It matters in our lives and in our world; especially right now. Express yourself to the world each time you wear this design. Let the world know that you believe in the power of positivity to transform people and societies.

John’s Hopkins University recently found that people with a positive outlook are one-third less likely to suffer a heart attack. Stanford University found in 2018 that a positive attitude literally makes your brain work better.

I’ve spent 30 plus years focused on ways to spread positive messages and mindsets through a variety of media. However, in this past year, through personal trial and error and a ton a research, I’ve discovered that there’s no better way to own your positive thinking and emotions than to wear them.

Plus it has the added benefit of spreading that positivity to anyone you meet without saying a word.

Express to everyone you meet your belief that positivity is a powerful force at work in lives and in the world. This design features a colorful display of the word positivity and proudly expresses your commitment to spreading it.

You can order this design (shirts, hoodies, mugs, and more) from our TeeSpring Store today and start spreading a little positivity wherever you go.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you ARE awesome!


View our entire and growing motivational apparel collection on the TAS Website.

Are You One Motivated Mama?

One Motivated Mama

Are you that mom? You know, the one that has a full-time job, runs a side-hustle, or a full-time business, and still is the glue holding your family together?

You have everything you want and you’re proud of it. This design expresses and celebrates the motivation that keeps you on track toward your highest dreams.

Honest Expressions by The Affirmation Spot is a line of apparel my wife and I are designing together to help us build another stream of income for retirement.

For many years The Affirmation Spot has shared content meant to inspire and motivate. Now you can wear what motivates and inspires you and share it with the world. The design comes in a variety apparel options and colors. You’re sure to find one that fits you.

If you’re that mom or someone you know is, you can check out this design here.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you are awesome!


Honest Expressions Apparel by The Affirmation Spot

Hey, my friends. Happy Saturday!

I am a HUGE believer that every one of us should secure our economic well-being by creating multiple revenue streams. A job or a small business alone is not enough to ensure that our families are economically secure today and that we can continue to live the lifestyle we deserve in retirement.

We should diversify and create multiple revenue streams. The simplest form of this is to take part of our current income and invest it. This may be through a 401(k) at work, a personal IRA, or a personal brokerage account. Years ago people put their money in savings accounts or CDs, but the rates on those today simply do not keep up with inflation. You need to find a place to put your money where it can work for you.

Another way to create more economic security today and for your future is to create multiple revenue streams. For April and me, retirement is no longer this far off time. Purely by age, we’ll be at retirement age in the next decade. By desire, we’d like to get there a little sooner.

One of the revenue streams we’ve begun working on is creating apparel designs and selling them over on TeeSpring. Our “line” is called Honest Expressions by The Affirmation Spot. Our vision is to create apparel that speaks your heart and speaks your mind.

The designs center very much around the kinds of themes you’ve seen me write about on this blog for years – personal development, affirmations, mindset, and a positive vision for the future.

Two of our latest designs speak both to the challenge and frustration 2020 has posed for all of us and to our ability to thrive and smile, despite those challenges.

I’d humbly ask you to take a look at the designs in our store. We’re adding more all the time. If something speaks to you and for you, order it.

I’d also love to hear your ideas for more designs!

Here are links to the two designs. Thank you spending a moment of your time to take a look!

2020 Total Insanity