One With The Ocean Affirmation: The Affirmation Spot for Wednesday October 19, 2010

Today’s Affirmation:

I am one with the ocean. The ebb and flow of the sea merges with my breath to create a profound calm.

Here is something to ponder today. We have two choices in every moment of our lives. Both are always open to us in every situation. We can change the world or we can change our thoughts about the world. One may take longer, but more universal. One takes just a moment, but can transform us.

What is not an option is helplessness. You were not born to be helpless. You were born to be great and amazing. There is never a situation that cannot be morphed by changing the world or changing your thoughts. Which tool you use depends on you and the situation.

For now, use today’s affirmation as you watch this stunningly beautiful video from The North Shore of Oahu, HI. Blend your thoughts, your breaths, and your transitioning posidigms into something great today. And, if for just this moment, experience Sir Edwin Arnold’s beautiful metaphor by becoming “the dewdrop [that] slips into the shining sea.”

Enjoy your North Shore meditation!

Stay inspired!


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Say Absolutely! – The Affirmation Spot for Tuesday April 27, 2010

Today’s Thought:

“When failure becomes your teacher, success becomes your future.”
~ Ray Davis

Have you ever noticed the power that words have to transform people and situations? Years ago I was teasing someone at work by saying “absolutely” to every thing she said. For some reason, it put me in the habit of saying “absolutely” to things in life.

When someone would ask me a question, rather than saying yes or sure, I got in the habit of responding, “absolutely”! I became aware that my own sense of resoluteness and confidence was buoyed by saying the word. I also noticed that other people seemed to respond well to someone saying, “absolutely”.

People would comment that someone saying that word so enthusiatically was refreshing and inspiring. So, I kept doing it. Today I answer absolutely practically and metaphorically in life. I’ve found the word has a power and surety about it that people seem to want to experience.

So, here is my challenge to you. When someone asks you to do something tomorrow say enthusiastically, “absolutely”! Amid the gray, unenthusiastic responses they experience all day, your “absolutely” will stand out.

Do I guarantee it? Absolutely!

Stay inspired!


55 Things to Be Grateful For – The Affirmation Spot for Wednesday April 7, 2010

Today’s Affirmation:

Growth Affirmation: My life is filled with one positive experience after another. I make use of every experience in my growth.

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Here are 55 things to be thankful for. Some may seem counter-intuitive. However, even the negative sometimes is worthy of our thankfulness. I’ve probably left some off my list. Leave a comment today and let me know what you are thankful for.

  1. Sun – without it’s warmth and light we could not exist.
  2. Earth – the beautiful planet that sustains us.
  3. Water – the sauce of life.
  4. Life – each and every morning we wake up is a new chance to be the person we want to be.
  5. Shelter – something to shield us from the elements.
  6. Children – the happy nature and innocence of children remind us how we are meant to be.
  7. Food – an absolute blessing for those who struggle for it and something to be more appreciative of for those of us who never worry about our next meal.
  8. Faith – our faith in ourselves and in something greater than ourselves.
  9. Minds – the power to think, to reason, to grow, and to adapt.
  10. Lines – for making us slow down and enjoy where we are.
  11. Compassion – for getting over ourselves to consider and understand someone else.
  12. Hope – reminds us there is a potential upside to every situation.
  13. Giving – when we give we remember that nothing truly belongs to us and it frees us from our attachments.
  14. Receiving – the opportunity to have our needs met while allowing others to give.
  15. Fear – for teaching us love, strength, and humility.
  16. Work – whether a career, a hobby, or community work; the sense that we have something to do when we get up in the morning is something to be thankful for.
  17. Friendship – those people who choose to spend key parts of their lives with us.
  18. Family – those people we wound up with by fate, but stay with out of love.
  19. Anger – for teaching us the benefits of peace.
  20. Peace – peace within and as much peace without as we can muster.
  21. Sight – the ability to see the beautiful world we inhabit.
  22. Love – the glue that holds us together.
  23. Difficulty – for making us strong and giving us something to compare with the heights.
  24. Stars – the wonder and glory of the night sky.
  25. Hatred – for reminding us to love (may we need ever-less reminding)
  26. Surprises – the wonderful things in life that we didn’t expect.
  27. Visionaries – people who see the world not as it is, but as it could be.
  28. Change – the ever-present possibility of improving ourselves and the world.
  29. Purpose – the plan to achieve something in this life and the firm belief that you can.
  30. Wind – a source of comfort, energy, and a metaphor for change.
  31. Music – the soundtrack of our lives.
  32. Possibility – the memory that something more and different is out there.
  33. Today – an opportunity to make the most of what we have.
  34. Tomorrow – the hoped for opportunity to continue our dreams.
  35. Joy – the deep and intense happiness about being alive.
  36. Freedom – the ability to think, act, and be who you are.
  37. Acceptance – the ability be at peace with how things are for the moment.
  38. Learning – the opportunity to enhance our potential.
  39. Success – the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of our work.
  40. Adversity – for reminding us how strong we can be.
  41. Grass – for carpeting our planet and being a nice place to lie and look at the sky.
  42. Soil – a medium to grow food and plants.
  43. Moon – the most beautiful object in the night sky and the timepiece marking our lives through its phases.
  44. Innovation – for improving our experience of life.
  45. Dreams – the fuel that drives us through tough times and gives a reason to aim high.
  46. Options – the ability to choose.
  47. Sharing – the opportunity to pool our talents and resources.
  48. Flowers – they add beautiful sights and smells to our world.
  49. Mountains – they provide beauty, challenge, and the ability to see a long way.
  50. Oceans – beauty, unimaginable power, source of life and transportation.
  51. Competition – the opportunity to test ourselves and to improve.
  52. History – for teaching us the lessons we need to learn over and over until we get them.
  53. Future – for giving us the opportunity to try again.
  54. Death – for reminding us of life’s value.
  55. Meaning – the search for which makes our lives the journey that they are.

Stay inspired!


Inspiring Words for Your Day – The Affirmation Spot for Monday January 21, 2008

Occasionally, I have these momentary streams of profoundness that flow through me. The great thing about having a blog is that I can share them with the world and hope they make a difference in someone else’s day. Here are a few original thoughts to perk up your day.

Leave a comment and let me know if they hit the mark. Or, share your own. Maybe you have something profound that needs saying as well. Each image links to related audio affirmations on The Affirmation

empowering_mp3_affirmations“Dreams are what happens when your passion collides with reality. Find your passion. Make it part of your reality. Your dreams will follow closely behind.”

“There is much darkness in the world, but I am starting to see signs of the dawn.”

the_affirmation_spot_affirmation_home_page“In the deepest, darkest moments of our lives; we are confronted by a light of unimaginable brilliance and are surprised to find it emanating from our very own hearts.”

my_world_audio_affirmations“How small the world we share. How great our foolishness not to recognize that fact.”

health_and_fitness_mp3_affirmationsFinally, a “poem” (it probably does not conform to poetic form) that I wrote a number of years ago. I was meditating and had this vision. I call it “Engaged!”. It ponders how small acts have universe changing impacts.


In profound contemplation

on a gray wind-swept beach at dusk.

Reaching for a stone, I hurl it into the sea.

Wondering, as I do, whose universe I’ve shuddered.

And, how my universe has been fundamentally altered by the act.

Then I watch a seagull feed her young and listen as the sun sinks beneath the waves.

Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.

Ray Davis is the founder of The Affirmation Spot. He’s spent more than 25 years studying personal development and especially writing, recording, and using affirmations to achieve his goals. His eBook – The Power to Be You – offers 416 life-changing and original quotes, ideas, and affirmations to take you to new levels of achievement and reflection.

anunnaki_cover_full_colorAnunnaki Awakening: Revelation, Ray’s first novel,  is turning heads and opening minds. Humanity’s past is checkered, secret, and dangerous.

White House Correspondent Maria Love is on to the story of her life and with the help of an Anunnaki leader seeks to unravel and reveal history’s biggest conspiracy. The Awakening has begun!

An Affirmation for 2008 – The Affirmation Spot for December 26, 2007

Check Out Our Cool Affirmation Apps:

Check out our new affirmation apps for Apple devices or search i-mobilize on the iTunes store. The Affirmation Spot is developing these motivation apps in partnership with i-mobilize. Click an app to view it – Love Magnet, Sales Booster, Confidence Affirmation, or Full Body Scan, and many more.

As Christmas passes, our focus begins to move towards the new year. 2008 holds potential for anything at this point. There is not yet one fingerprint on its possibility.

Today’s affirmation is:

“Who I am is not for sale at any price! I am brilliant and beautiful and a best friend to everyone who knows me. I am peaceful and happy and more successful than ever before. I am relaxed and confident and trading in my old fears on new hopes.

2008 is going to be a wonderful year for me; a year of breakthrough, options, and opportunities for new paths to follow. I am excited and ready for the challenges and the triumphs that lie ahead.

No, my self-worth, my happiness, my freedom, my unbounded optimism about what is ahead is not for sale at any price!”


As another journey around our home star begins in the next few days, begin visualizing 2008 as your big year.

Read this affirmation to yourself a few times today. Begin envisioning the new year as you’d like to see it right now. As the door of 2007 begins to swing shut, the window that is 2008 is opening.

Every possibility, every option, every hope, dream, and goal are back on the table.

Be peaceful Be prosperous

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