Optimism Affirmations – My Future is Bright Affirmation

Are you optimistic about your future, the world’s future? I find a lot of people are not. Sadly, they’ve bought into the negativity that pervades modern culture.

At a moment, when humans as whole live better and longer than ever before in history, we have managed to turn that into a state of unhappiness, even discord in our lives and in the world.

This affirmation, listened to regularly, infuses your consciousness with the firm belief that the future a bright place filled with amazing opportunities for you. The meditative music makes it perfect for listening any time during the day when you can get a few minutes to close your eyes, relax, and focus.


First-person: My future is bright. Amazing people and things are coming to me right now.

Second-person: Your future is bright. Amazing people and things are coming to you right now.

Stop and hear this! You are amazing. Never let anyone tell you otherwise.


Download this affirmation for your playlist here.

13 2022 New Year’s Affirmations

Hey, my friends! Let’s get 2022 off to a great start! Here are 13 affirmations you can use to get your year off to a great start. I also share a tip for changing your resolutions and goals for this you into a more practical and powerful tool – affirmations.

Here are the affirmations.

  1. 2022 is the year I am finally living up to my potential. I know I’m capable of doing more and this year I do.
  2. I am choosing happiness in 2022.
  3. This year I am charting a clear path to success and I am achieving my goals.
  4. This year I am releasing unproductive energy in my life.
  5. This year I am releasing toxic people from my life.
  6. This year I am choosing to be creative instead of afraid.
  7. This year I am dreaming bigger than I ever have before and I am going for my dreams.
  8. This year money flows easily into my life. My income is increasing. I am abundant and blessed. Money even comes from unexpected places.
  9. This year I am healthy and strong and at my ideal weight. I choose my well-being in 2022 and make it a priority.
  10. This year I making the most of my opportunities and my talents.
  11. This year I am winning by days by winning my moments, I am winning my weeks by winning my days, and I am winning this year by winning my weeks. I make progress one breath and one moment at a time.
  12. This year I stay more aligned to my core beliefs and values than ever before.
  13. This year I am the person I came to this planet to be. I am the right person in the right place at the right time to to be fully myself.

Wherever you go in 2022, make sure your mind is on your side. Know that I am!


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5-Minute Morning Affirmations – Confidence Affirmations #1

Good morning, my friends. Last week I started a series of videos on my YouTube channel called 5-Minute Morning Affirmations. These are meant to be quick hit motivational videos to get your day off to a great start.

Today’s installment is the first in what will be an ongoing series on Confidence Affirmations. These 10 affirmations are guaranteed to get you pumped, confident, and ready to face any day.

As always with video and audio affirmations, regular conscious listening along with passive listening to these affirmations help them seep into your subconscious where they can really begin to rewrite the automatic programming that drives your thought stream on a daily basis.

Enjoy the video and I’d love your feedback either here or on YouTube. Thanks for your support!

Wherever you are on your journey today, know that you ARE awesome!


Blessings of the Sea Affirmations

Happy Wednesday, my friends. My latest video is a beautiful meditative experience. It makes a perfect morning or evening affirmation. The underwater ambience and sounds mix with gentle electronic music to create a deep relaxing moment in your day.

The affirmations cover a wide range of topics and start or end your day on a peaceful up-note. This definitely experience that benefits from both the audio and visuals. Either way, be sure to use headphones for the best experience.

As with all affirmations, listen regularly for best results.

The Affirmations

  • I swim happily in a sea of complete health and well-being.
  • I swim happily in a sea of complete success and abundance.
  • I swim happily in a sea of complete peace and joy.
  • I swim happily in a sea of complete love and compassion.
  • I swim happily in a sea of complete wealth and wisdom.
  • I swim happily in a sea of complete freedom and opportunities.

Wherever you are on your journey today, know this! You are awesome!


Manifest Anything Affirmation

You are a born creator and manifestor. Even though that knowledge and the memory of it has been educated and conditioned out of you. This affirmation helps you reclaim the mantle of someone able to create the life and the world you seek. Don’t sell yourself short. You are a creative force!

Just remember, everyone else you encounter today has the same capability. Together, we can create a world logic, common sense, and our current institutions claim is impossible.

The Affirmation:

  • First-person: I can literally manifest anything I desire into being and I do so each and every day.
  • Second-person: You can literally manifest anything you desire into being and you do so each and every day.

Wherever you are on your journey today, you are awesome!
