About Ray

Ray Davis founded ray_author_crop_rebrushedThe Affirmation Spot (TAS) in 2007. He has authored two books – an eBook The Power to Be You: 416 Life-changing Thoughts and Anunnaki Awakening: Revelation. Revelation is the first of a trilogy. Book 2 is now in work.

Ray has nearly 60,000 followers across social media where he shares his three passions – empowered thinking, alternative information, and photography.

The following are his most popular social media accounts.

Facebook: Anunnaki Awakening Page, The Affirmation Spot Page
Twitter: @Affirmationspot @AnunnakiAwake @Buddha_Insights @HawaiiPhotos
Google +: Author of Anunnaki Awakening
Instagram: AnunnakiAwakening
Pinterest: Ray Davis (soulerflare)

Ray on Affirmations:

I’ve personally experienced how affirmations are a tool for transformation when used with commitment and repetition. I’ve written, recorded, and used my own affirmations for more than 25 years.

One problem with affirmations is finding the time to use them. MP3 audio affirmations solve that issue by making them a mobile, multitasking tool. TAS is my way of sharing the power of audio affirmations with others. My website offers downloadable mp3 affirmations and other audio motivation tools.



Ray on his Writing:

I write to empower people. With The Affirmation Spot that means writing about positive, empowering ideas to inspire people to reach for their personal best and follow their dreams.

When it comes to alternative information, that can be a rather negative world sometimes. With open eyes and some critical thinking, it’s plain to see that something isn’t right in our world today. Institutions – government, religion, science, etc. – don’t really work for the betterment of humanity.

We’re presented with two predominant views of our existence – that we’re a biological accident resulting from a bigger cosmic accident (mainstream science) or that we’re bad, sinning creatures only here to be saved and/or judged by God (mainstream western religion).

Meanwhile, we spend the best hours of our lives working in cube farms producing our little piece of a profitable enterprise. Our reward is a positive quarterly report, a couple of weeks of vacation, and a small raise.

Media and government condition us on who to love, who to hate, to to go to war with, what to buy, and to keep on buying. Our happiness becomes our escape into the false reality of television and the Internet. The truly BIG questions of our existence remain unexplored.

My writing – in both the motivational and alternative information worlds – is aimed at empowering people. Empowering them to examine the human past, the human present, and human destiny. Empowering them to do the same for their own lives and our collective life on this planet.


Here are a few of the interviews I’ve done over the past couple of years.


7 thoughts on “About Ray

  1. Did you talk to this woman on the phone or how did you conduct this interview? Was interesting. I only wished she had mentioned God’s working in her life that helped her. Anyway, good spot!

  2. I, too, believe in positive affirmations for improving our thinking & thus improving the way we live our lives. I have gotten into Eldon Taylor’s “whole brain” theory and have used his subliminal cd’s with great outcomes. Cheers to you for believing in the power of positive affirmations and for making it available to others!

  3. Hi Ray,

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  4. Randall,

    Fantastic concept! People certainly need a place they go at work or at home to “let it all go” for a few minutes.

    Thank you for sharing.


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