Guided Meditation with Affirmations for Attracting More Money into Your Life

Good morning, my friends.

This meditation with affirmations for attracting more money into your life is best listened to when you can relax or in the background as you move through your day.

Neuroscientists say that up 95 percent of your thinking is subconscious, and your subconscious mind makes about 90 percent of your decisions for you.

We like to think that we are reasonable beings making conscious choices, but often we’re on autopilot. That part of the mind is fed limiting beliefs, about money and other things, all day, every day.

Affirmations are a way to fight back and choose the thinking you want to “control” your paradigms. Listen to these affirmations regularly for 21 days and then periodically afterwards.

May money flow into your life like a mighty river!


15-Minute Guided Meditation with Affirmations for Attracting More Money into your life.

5-Minute Morning Affirmation – There Is Enough Affirmations

Scarcity or abundance? For most of human history, human beings struggled to survive through heartache, hardship, and scarcity.

Today, though, we live in an age of relative abundance, when more than ever before, our destiny is in our hands. Yet, many cling to those old mindsets that claim there’s not enough. These affirmations, listened regularly, remind you that there is enough and you are enough. In fact, you’re more than enough!

The Affirmations

  • There is enough.
  • There is always enough.
  • There is enough for me.
  • There is enough for everyone.
  • There is enough money to go around.
  • There is enough time to go around.
  • There is enough joy to go around.
  • There is enough love to go around.
  • There is enough health to go around.
  • There is enough kindness to go around.
  • There is enough peace to go around.
  • There is enough freedom to go around.
  • I am always enough.

Wherever you are on your journey today, know that you ARE enough!


Income Rising Affirmation Video

Hey, my friends!

Happy Friday. I’ve created my latest affirmation video. It’s an affirmation set to upbeat music focused on attracting more income into your life.

The Affirmation is read 12 times each in the first person and second person.

  • My income is rising day by day, month by month, year by year.
  • Your income is rising day by day, month by month, year by year.

Have an amazing weekend! Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you ARE AWESOME!


Download this affirmation for your personal playlist here.

17-Minute Money Flows to Me Mantra

Money, as we’ve discussed many times on this blog, is not meant to rule us. It’s meant to be a tool for us. It’s a form of energy and exchange in our world. This 17-minute meditative mantra is meant to help you attract more money and abundance into your life.

It’s recorded in first and second-person and each repeats nearly 100 times. For best results use headphones and listen to the recording regularly for about three weeks.


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Make Money Serve You – Day 280 of 365 Days to a Better You

It’s been well-noted that our primary educational does a rather poor job of teaching people about money. This leads many people to reach adulthood and be very vulnerable to getting neck deep into credit card problems and failing to begin saving.

We are a spend, spend, spend culture. We’re taught that stuff can satisfy us. We’re often far down the road to debt before we realize it’s not true. Some never learn and continue to try to fill empty spaces in their hearts with more stuff.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not anti-stuff or anti-abundance. I think the desired state of human civilization is a permanent state of mental, spiritual, and material abundance that finds balance with the earth. That should be the goal our civilization is working toward.

As usual, I believe the wisdom that’s needed to begin this shift in your life starts with thoughts and words. There’s plenty of professional money advice out there to help you actualize a shift in your relationship to money.

I’m going to share some #RayQuotes and affirmations that I hope will begin to shift your mindset and make you think more deeply about your relationship to money and stuff.

  1. Beware of the tyranny of stuff. Have stuff, but don’t let stuff have you.
  2. Money is my tool. I am NOT money’s tool. Money serves me. I don’t serve money.
  3. Refuse to live as a debt slave. Debt free is just plain free.
  4. I am smart with my money. I commit to my #budget and I stick to it. I set clear financial priorities and I stick to them. My financial health gets better every day.
  5. Today I am making peace with money. I know it’s a renewable resource. I know there is enough for me.
  6. My financial situation has a lot to do with choices I’ve made. Choice by choice I am gaining control of my finances.
  7. Money is just paper. Economies – global and personal – are built on mindsets not paper.
  8. I release my fear and anxiety about money. I know I can always get more.
  9. I refuse to be caught up in the consumer culture. I buy what I want and what I need. I’m unconcerned with keeping up with anyone else.
  10. I save first, spend next, borrow little.
  11. Maybe not right away, but your dreams can definitely pay the bills as well as a job. Throw yourself into them passion and persistence and you turn them into a money-making business. Put your soul into your goal and your outcomes can become incomes.
  12. Having multiple streams of income is the surest way to secure your financial future. Company’s diversify for this reason and so should you.
  13. My personal economy is robust and resilient!
  14. My talents and skills are UN demand. I am recession-proof!
  15. I am abundance always and everywhere.
  16. Money serves me. I don’t serve money.
  17. I am financially independent!
  18. I am heir to an abundant universe. Today I claim my inheritance.

Now is the moment to be smarter with your money. Now is the moment to invite abundance into your life. Now is the moment live the life you deserve.

In case no one else tells you today, you ARE amazing! Have a great day, my friends.


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