T.S. Eliot Quote on Exploration Leading Us Back to Us

Hello, my friends! Happy Monday! I hope your week’s off to a great start!

The great T.S. Eliot has one of my favorite quotes. It reminds us that however far we travel, we always come back to ourselves. In this YouTube Shorts video, I’ve tried to capture this concept.

Enjoy and I’d love to hear your story. Have you had this experience in your life?

Have a beautiful evening and let’s go get Tuesday!


Three Things to Ponder This Friday

Good morning, my friends. Here three thoughts to ponder and act upon this Friday! you know, research and your own experience tells you that even a small course correction can really change your day.

I’m not sure who needs to hear these today, maybe it’s you?

You’re amazing! Put your mind on your side.


A New Level of Thinking

We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.
~Albert Einstein

This is among my all-time favorite #quotes. I say it to myself several times each week. There’s a fundamental truth in it.

Whether we’re talking about the planet, a country, a company, or our personal lives; the way we thought yesterday probably won’t keep up with today. It certainly will not take us to the next level. If your goal is to get to the next level, whatever that means for you, your thinking must rise to meet the challenge.

What old, limiting thoughts do you need to release? What new ideas do you need to consider? What traps in your thinking have you fallen into in the past that you choose to side-step today?

So this morning’s #affirmation is:

I embrace better, higher thinking today than ever before. I consider ideas and possibilities I had never considered. I put my wisdom, my resources, and my effort into finding better solutions to life than I did yesterday.

Wherever you are on your journey today, keep your mind on your side.


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Three Thoughts That Will Shift Your Week

Good evening, my friends. I know that’s a big claim in the title. I really believe, though, that if you read these thoughts, ponder them, and flow with the implications they will shift more than your week.

Wherever you are on your journey today, remember you’re awesome!


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Motivational RayQuote for Tuesday December 21, 2021

Hello, my friends. I hope your Monday started your week on a good note.

The quote above reminds us that it’s free to believe in ourselves. The power of that simple act shifts moments, shifts days, shifts lives.

There are philosophies out there that literally discourage people from believing in themselves. It’s prideful, it’s selfish, it’s arrogant or narcissistic.

Taken to an extreme, it could become those things. The truth is most of us don’t suffer from too much belief in ourselves. We suffer from too little.

Don’t be afraid to put your foot on the gas of self-belief. You’ll know when it’s gone too far.

The second part of the quote reminds us of the consequences of failing to believe in ourselves. That cost everything- our hopes, our aspirations, our very progress along the path of lives is hindered.

So, buy into you. Buy into your dreams. Buy into the fact that your future can be much better than your present.

Wherever you are on your journey today, I believe in you!
