Monday is One-Seventh of My Life


Monday is one-seventh of my life and I always make the most of it!

It’s tempting to cruise through or even lose Monday! Many of us do jobs we don’t really enjoy. We want to hang in a little longer to the joys of the weekend. It’s totally understandable.

Yet, we are confronted with an undeniable fact. Monday is one-seventh of our lives. We’re fools to waste it in thinking that wishes it wasn’t here.

Here’s a thought, if you’re in business or sales or just want to get a jump on those who waste Monday. Use it as a competitive advantage. If you make successful, productive Mondays a focus, you’ll be ahead of competitors who spend the day just trying to get to Tuesday.

Monday can, thought about in a different way, become secret weapon in your happiness and success.

Wherever you are on your journey today, remember that you’re amazing!

Take care until next time.


Monday Monday: Make Monday Count – Day 233 of 365 Days to a Better You

The Mamas and The Papas had a major hit song in the 60s by this title. One of the lyrics reads, “Monday Monday, can’t trust that day.”

Many people in the world feel Monday physically, mentally, and spiritually. Hung over from the relative freedom of the weekend, Monday represents a return the grind of the modern work week. That alone makes it depressing for many. This is compounded by the fact many people are doing something they just stomach for the paycheck.

Here’s the thing. If you can get past all that drama, you can put yourself ahead of the pack. People’s distaste for Monday causes them to write it off or cruise through it. This means many salespeople, writers, business people, and others start their week behind the curve. By pushing on Monday, can give you a bigger advantage over the competition than in any other day because the competition, unless they love what they do, is falling behind all day Monday.

Monday, as we’ve discussed before, is one-seventh of out lives. If you can make it yours, it can become your secret weapon rather than a scourge.

Lean for the tape today, my friends!


Inspiring Words for Your Day – The Affirmation Spot for Monday January 21, 2008

Occasionally, I have these momentary streams of profoundness that flow through me. The great thing about having a blog is that I can share them with the world and hope they make a difference in someone else’s day. Here are a few original thoughts to perk up your day.

Leave a comment and let me know if they hit the mark. Or, share your own. Maybe you have something profound that needs saying as well. Each image links to related audio affirmations on The Affirmation

empowering_mp3_affirmations“Dreams are what happens when your passion collides with reality. Find your passion. Make it part of your reality. Your dreams will follow closely behind.”

“There is much darkness in the world, but I am starting to see signs of the dawn.”

the_affirmation_spot_affirmation_home_page“In the deepest, darkest moments of our lives; we are confronted by a light of unimaginable brilliance and are surprised to find it emanating from our very own hearts.”

my_world_audio_affirmations“How small the world we share. How great our foolishness not to recognize that fact.”

health_and_fitness_mp3_affirmationsFinally, a “poem” (it probably does not conform to poetic form) that I wrote a number of years ago. I was meditating and had this vision. I call it “Engaged!”. It ponders how small acts have universe changing impacts.


In profound contemplation

on a gray wind-swept beach at dusk.

Reaching for a stone, I hurl it into the sea.

Wondering, as I do, whose universe I’ve shuddered.

And, how my universe has been fundamentally altered by the act.

Then I watch a seagull feed her young and listen as the sun sinks beneath the waves.

Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.

Ray Davis is the founder of The Affirmation Spot. He’s spent more than 25 years studying personal development and especially writing, recording, and using affirmations to achieve his goals. His eBook – The Power to Be You – offers 416 life-changing and original quotes, ideas, and affirmations to take you to new levels of achievement and reflection.

anunnaki_cover_full_colorAnunnaki Awakening: Revelation, Ray’s first novel,  is turning heads and opening minds. Humanity’s past is checkered, secret, and dangerous.

White House Correspondent Maria Love is on to the story of her life and with the help of an Anunnaki leader seeks to unravel and reveal history’s biggest conspiracy. The Awakening has begun!