Do You Believe You Make Your World?

The world is what we make of it. In our very best moments, we fervently believe that. In moments when we feel beaten, we can doubt whether we affect anything.

Here’s the challenge. Can you teach yourself to really believe that you make the difference- in fact you ARE the difference – in the way your life plays out?

Your choices, your attitude, the vibe you put out into the world are the building blocks of this moment. Those moments are the building blocks of your life.

So the shift literally begins and ends right here and right now.

Here’s some Tuesday morning mindset vitamins to get you started. Just in case no one else reminds you today, you are AWESOME!


Which Do You Feed – Your Dreams or Your Doubts?

There’s a wonderful story where a grandfather tells in his grandson about two wolves that live within him. One represents all our negative aspects and the other all the best within us.

The grandson ponders and thoughtfully asks, “which wolf wins?”

The grandfather smiles and replies, “The one you feed.”

Our dreams and our doubts work through very same way.

The one we feed controls us. It expands or limits our lives. It truly decides our outcome.

You see, doubt makes us give up without trying. Destroys our dreams in their cradle.

When our dreams are in control, anything is ossicle. We feel like we can leap tall buildings in a single bound.

Which will you feed?


Meanderings on Enlightenment 1990

I wrote straight out of a very powerful visualization meditation on a warm spring afternoon in 1990. I came across it this morning and thought I’d share.

Just in case no one else reminds you today, YOU are awesome!

Stay safe. Stay well. Stay inspired!


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The Raw Material of Your Enlightenment – Day 316 of 365 Days to a Better You

Everything in your life is there as a vehicle for your transformation. Use it!

~Ram Dass

Everything, literally everything, that comes into your experience is raw material for your enlightenment. Your suffering and your joy are the very stuff of your enlightenment. Your successes and your failures are too. Your loves and your heartbreaks and your epiphanies all are ready teachers eager to show you the way to a better version of you.

There’s never a shortage of building blocks for you to gain wisdom, be more compassionate, or expand your consciousness. You simply have to show up for class and complete the assignments, however challenging.

Here are five ways to convert your raw experience into greater awakening.

  1. Stop making value judgments – good or bad – about your experiences. Simply see every one as a teacher.
  2. Ask for the lesson in the experience to reveal itself.
  3. Be more committed to to your enlightenment than to the drama in the immediate experience.
  4. Be present for the lesson so you don’t have to repeat it over and over.
  5. Be courageous. Hardship and ecstasy are common. Given the chance, they can consume your consciousness and knock you off course for a whole lifetime. Face the challenge and keep moving toward enlightenment.

The alternative is to continue allowing your experiences to feed your ego rather than your awakening. If you’re ready to level up, here’s your opportunity.

In case no one else has reminded you today, YOU are awesome!


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Open Hearts Open Minds – Day 295 of 365 Days to a Better You

Open hearts open minds. Open minds open everything else. It’s virtually impossible to create a better version of you or a better world with a closed mind or a closed heart.

Change, by definition, is about openness to new ideas and new possibilities. It’s not as if you live in a universe that gives you a choice. That universe is in constant motion whether you are or not.

Setting your feet in cemented ideas may feel safe and it may feel strong, but at the end of the day, you spend all your energy trying to stay in place against the current of change.

Now, of course not all change is automatically positive. Fortunately, you are a powerful creator able to shape the change that flows through your life and into the world.

Here are some quotes and #RayQuotes to inspire you to be more open, receptive, and co-creative in this ever-changing world.

    ANYTHING is possible for determined minds and open hearts.
    Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they are open. -Sir James Dewar
    Open hands can capture nourishing rain water. Closed hands just get wet. Minds are like hands.
    Closed minds expand limitations. Open minds expand possibilities.
    What the world needs is Paul Reveres sounding the alarm to the closed hearts and minds everywhere that it’s time to open.
    Let us open our minds to see beyond the problems of the moment and envision possibilities inherent in our vast Universe.
    Free hearts and open open minds the world over are saying, “Enough”. The few must no longer rule the many.
    What good is an open society, if it is filled with closed minds? Let’s create a world where open minds embrace open society.
    With open eyes, is the truth seen. With closed minds, is the truth obscured.
    Open hearts open minds. Open minds open everything.

In case no one else has told you today, you ARE amazing!


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