11 Things We Should Know By Now

Good evening, my friends. The events of the past week have reminded us that Covid is not the only virus running through humanity. Inhumanity, selfishness, and ego also run rampant.

Vladimir Putin’s unjustifiable attack on Ukraine is horrific, but only the latest example of this kind of behavior among nations, especially those with lots of power.

Not only is horrible for the people of Ukraine, it’s a gut punch to species we could be and should be in 2022. There’s this fear that there’s not enough and I better get mine that ruins the minds of powerful men and wrecks nations and the world.

I got to thinking. What are the lessons we should have learned by now, but haven’t. I’m sure the list could be much longer. Here’s 11 than relate directly to the events of this week.

In times like this, it’s more important than ever to put your mind on your side.

11 Things We Should Know By Now

  1. War solves nothing. It just kills people.
  2. When you attack someone else’s country they don’t greet you as liberators.
  3. Peace is not just preferable. Peace should be an existential goal of our civilization.
  4. Big countries bullying little countries goes well at first and then turns destructive for the big country.
  5. When this war of aggression is over, we should not have decades of renewed Cold War over it. There’s nothing that serves the people of this planet less.
  6. Nuclear weapons are no longer a deterrent. They only give those who have them free reign to behave as they wish.
  7. Russia is not the first large country to attack a weaker nation based on crap evidence. Some of us need to sweep our own front porch.
  8. If we spent the money we spend on weapons on this planet on productive and aspirational things, this damn species might have a chance.
  9. Only love conquers hate. Only justice conquers injustice. There’s no path to peace. Peace is the path.
  10. Leaders bent on division and destruction and ego should not be leaders on this planet anymore.
  11. We are running out of time to learn these lessons and apply them.

Tonight’s War Headlines Remind Us How Our Thinking Becomes Our World

There’s something very important we must all understand. They don’t teach it in schools, but great teachers have said it for thousands of years. Our thoughts create our world. It’s true individually and it’s most assuredly true collectively. When hundreds of millions of people believe something strongly enough and long enough, it’s going to show up in our world.

It’s true of a beautiful new civilization or dystopia. It’s true of war and peace. It’s true of a booming economy or recession. Our mechanistic paradigms have convinced most that what goes on in our minds does not affect what goes out there in the world.

They say when you don’t learn a lesson in life, the universe keeps presenting it over and again. As you look at the headlines tonight, be clear. All of this didn’t just happen. It didn’t just happen because of who is in office or who is not.

It’s happening because thoughts become things. Arrogant thoughts become an inability to listen to each other and solve our problems in ways that move us forward, painting us into a corner where we act from our lowest instincts.

The answer is counterintuitive to people who hold positions of power and authority in our world. They got where they are by listening to ego. They don’t understand the power of thought nor modalities of thinking and listening and solving that could flip the script on this planet in an instant.

So, what do we do now? The results of this thinking are already out in the world causing the problems they’re causing. We all – in every country involved in this unfolding conflict – must make it clear to leaders that this direction is unacceptable and we won’t stand for it.

Finally, we must lay the groundwork for a new, better tomorrow with our thinking today. As Einstein suggested, our thinking created these situations. Only different thinking can shift it and transform it.


Thoughts Literally Create Our Lives and Our Headlines

The message of affirmations, raising your vibration, and shifting the world is not really complex. It’s ubiquitous as the baseline of spiritual teachings from around the world. That premise is now backed by decades of scientific confirmation. As Mike Dooley says, “Thoughts become things.”

1) Our feelings become our thoughts.
2) Our thoughts become our actions.
3) Our actions become our individual lives.
4) The same is true for everyone else around us.
5) Our collective feelings, thoughts, and actions become our daily headlines.

There’s a simple valve at the beginning of that process. Most humans, for whatever reason – nature, nurture, or both – have a rather negative default setting that forms the basis of their feelings. Unguarded, that negativity passes into their thoughts and actions and becomes the world we see around us.

Meditation, prayer, affirmations are all methods for learning to guard the the thoughts by raising their vibration to something productive rather than destructive.

We are constantly telling ourselves a story about our world and ourselves. That story generally creates a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Those thoughts:

I am/I am not
I can/I can’t
I’m amazing/I’m f’d up

are constantly flowing through our minds, into our actions, and out into the world. Because it’s unconscious and mainly reactionary, unless we consciously choose to change it, our world winds up being a summation of that thinking and those actions.

People are angry and empty and they don’t even know why.

All I’m saying is two simple things:

1) You’re in control of your thoughts and they go a long way toward creating your life.
2) The more people get that and apply it, the better world we’ll collectively create.

It’s not vapid, vague, or incomprehensible. It’s backed by tons of modern science and 5000 thousand years of spiritual teaching. Anyone can apply these principles by controlling that valve between raw emotion and productive thoughts and actions that move us forward.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, TOU are awesome!


The Answers: They’re Here and Now Not There and Then

Just like a person, a nation and a species cannot look anywhere and not see its conscious or unconscious choices manifested.

Indifference to injustice burns things down as surely as a match. Intolerance for different opinions ends a civil society. Playing into the game of “Us” and “Them” only allows the gatekeepers of an unhappy status quo to extend their games of control.

Mindset makes us and mindsets break us. If we live by our aspirations rather than our grievances, we’ll climb every mountain that stands between us and better future.

If we choose to persist in paradigms that keep us weak, divided, and conquered; there’s probably no way to prevent our eventual self-destruction.
That choice does not begin with anyone else. It does not depend on the outcome of any election. It starts with you and me and it starts right now!

Don’t worry. That’s great news. You don’t have to count on anyone to begin the change but you.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you are AWESOME!


The Life of a Nation in Chaos

The life of a nation is like the life of a person. We’re given challenges so we can get better. I’d say the past few months and the current sad situation around the country are both such opportunities.

Like a person, a nation can continue to ignore its issues and its need to be better or it can seize the opportunity and the responsibility for making itself better.

For better or for worse, our country, our world, and our species is undergoing profound changes. They will be coming more and more rapidly. Minds stuck in old thinking will find themselves in great distress. Even the most enlightened minds among us will be greatly challenged.

Positive people seeking to steer these changes in high vibration directions can no longer afford to be bystanders. Either positive energy or nefarious energy is going to set the tone going forward. Our moment of decision on which it will prevail has arrived.

I leave you with some “We” affirmations.

Through our struggles, we are becoming a better nation.
Through our struggles, we are becoming better people.
Through our struggles, we are learning to see injustice and to stop it.
Through our struggles, we are learning to see the greater good and to act upon it.
Through our struggles, We are becoming the men/women we came to the planet to be.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you ARE awesome!

Peace, prosperity, and health to you and yours.
