Baseball & Softball Affirmations – Great Hitter Affirmation Video

Hello, my friends. February is moving along rapidly and baseball and softball season will be back before we know it. If improving your hitting is on your radar this season, this affirmation is for you!

The affirmation, listened to regularly, fills your consciousness with the words, “I am a great hitter,” and “You are a great hitter.” Infuse your mind with this message and watch it show up when you’re at the plate this spring and summer.

You’ll be facing a tough pitcher or a tough count and suddenly you’ll hear in your mind, “I am a great hitter.” Your lip will stiffen a bit and your muscles will tense, ready to jump on the next pitch.

Wherever you are on your journey today, you are awesome!


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20 Baseball Quotes That Apply to Life – Day 227 of 365 Days to a Better You

Hey, my friends, my apologies for missing yesterday. Baseball is a game of superstition. Perhaps it’s in recognition of the fact that talent and athleticism, while important, plays a much smaller role than in other major sports. It’s a game where anything can happen. On a given weekend with a hot streak at their back, the worst team in baseball can sweep the best in a three-game series. That’s far less likely in basketball and would be in football if they played series. In those sports, a superior team often dominates and would likely do the same over multiple games.

This makes baseball like life. Talent, skill, execution, and luck all play a role in any success. No one rolls through a season undefeated or by winning three-quarters of their games.

Because of this baseball players often double as philosophers to deal with quirks of their sport and to inspire. Here a 10 pieces of baseball philosophy to inspire you today. May they keep you on track during the turbulent road toward your dreams. For what describes baseball, describes life.

  1. No matter how good you are, you’re going to lose one-third of your games. No matter how bad you are you’re going to win one-third of your games. It’s the other third that makes the difference. ~Tommy Lasorda
  2. Every strike brings me closer to the next home run. ~Babe Ruth
  3. Talent may get you on the field, but it’s effort and attitude that will keep you there. ~Ken Griffey, Jr.
  4. It ain’t over ’til it’s over. ~Yogi Berra
  5. If you have a bad day in baseball, and start thinking about it, you will have 10 more. ~Sammy Sosa
  6. It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up. ~Babe Ruth
  7. When they knock you down, you not only have to get up, but you have to make it clear that you won’t be knocked down a second time. ~Carl Yaztrzemski
  8. Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday’s success or put its failures behind and start over again. That’s the way life is, with a new game every day, and that’s the way baseball is. ~Bob Feller
  9. You’ve got to love training and practice. It’s the only way to reach your potential. ~Bryce Harper
  10. You can’t be afraid to make errors! You can’t be afraid to be naked before the crowd, because no one can ever master the game of baseball, or conquer it. You can only challenge it. ~Lou Brock
  11. Never allow the fear of striking out to keep you from playing the game. ~Babe Ruth
  12. There may be people that have more talent than you, but there is no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do. ~Derek Jeter
  13. My motto was always to keep swinging. Whether I was in a slump or feeling badly or having trouble off the field, the only thing to do was keep swinging. ~Henry Aaron
  14. I take positives out of negatives all the time. ~David Wright
  15. I don’t believe in curses, I think you make your own destination. ~Manny Ramirez
  16. Ain’t no man can avoid being born average, but there ain’t no man got to be common. ~Satchel Paige
  17. I became an optimist when I discovered that I wasn’t going to win any more games by being anything else. ~Earl Weaver
  18. If you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else.~Yogi Berra
  19. You can’t steal second with your foot on first. ~Tony Robbins
  20. Be on time. bust your butt. Play smart. And have some laughs while you’re at it. ~Whitey Hertzog

Take the field. Play the whole nine innings, more if necessary.know that the road to your dreams is a long season with slumps and streaks that is eventually won by the most persistent.


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Baseball Opens! – The Affirmation Spot for Monday April 5, 2010

Today’s Affirmation:
“Winners are not people who never lose. Winners are people who never quit.

Although there were a few early games last night, baseball’s official opening day is today. Once again every major league team is 0-0 and hope for pennant and World Series title springs eternal.

Baseball has been America’s pasttime for more than 100 years. However, it didn’t have an official anthem until John Fogerty recorded “Centerfield” in 1985. This feel-good song not only evokes the spirit of baseball, but of Spring after a long cold winter.

It also repeats and repeats the universal affirmation of athletes everywhere, “Put me in coach. I’m ready to play today.” Baseball fan or not, this song is sure to pick up your day!

Stay inspired and play ball!


Baseball Affirmations

This page has moved to the main Affirmation Spot website. Please click the button to access hundreds of written, audio, and video baseball affirmations by skill and position.

Beyond the Survivor China Finale – The Affirmation Spot for Monday December 17, 2007

Welcome to The Affirmation Spot. If this is your first time to the site, be sure to click one of the subscription options (top left) to be notified each time the blog is updated. Thank you for visiting. If you enjoy what you read here, help us spread the word about The Affirmation Spot.

There are direct links to downloadable mp3 affirmations at The Affirmation on the right menu. They are set to music and allow you take positive thoughts with you wherever you go all day.

There are new affirmations in the Christianity section, the tennis section, and the Personal Empowerment section.

Enjoy today’s post. 

Today’s affirmation is:

“Today I am succeeding in life without compromising my values.”


Last night was the season finale of America’s favorite reality show – Survivor. I am a passive fan of the show. My wife really enjoys it and so I wind up watching about half the episodes each season with her.

For those of you who are regular viewers, you know all about the final tribal council. Let me catch up those readers who don’t watch the show. The goal of the show is to become the sole survivor and to win $1 million.

On the final show each season, the jury – comprised of the last seven people voted out – has an opportunity to question the final three survivors as to why each deserves the jury’s vote for the million dollars.

Invariably, the subject of deceit and lying comes up. The accepted wisdom of the show is that these characteristics are necessary to advance in the game. Generally, those players who are most adept at duplicity and use it without compunction are contenders to win the show.

The jury is comprised of people victimized by the treachery. Often they are understandably bitter and chastise the finalists for this behavior. The response is always the same. “Hey, it was just ‘game’. It’s not who I really am outside the game.”
Afterall, lying, cheating, stealing, and stabbing in the back are not only the norm in the game, but the only way to have a chance to win.

The Survivor book of wisdom says that honesty, concern for others, and integrity are characteristics that demonstrate weakness and are likely to get you eliminated.

This season, as is often the case, the biggest schemer in the game was awarded the million dollars. At the end of the day, the jury normally recognizes and rewards that person’s behavior. The jury develops A kind of awe of the person’s ability to “play the game”.

The message is clear. It is not that the game should have been conducted more honorably, but that whatever expedient means are necessary to win, are acceptable. Vice becomes virtue.

Of course, ‘the game’ in survivor is only a thinly veiled reference to the game of life we all play every day. The fact that these values are rewarded in a microcosm representing our world is troubling. This is a highly popular show watched by millions of children and young adults.

Is Survivor unwittingly teaching this generation that the fastest way to success is to abandon a positive approach to life and do whatever you must to achieve? Is the take away that as long as I can separate who I really am from what I have to do to win, it’s OK?

The news has recently been filled with information that some of baseball’s most respected icons may have been cheating the system and skewing the record books. This generation’s top hitter (Barry Bonds) and its top pitcher (Roger Clemens) have been implicated in the scandal along with a who’s who list of the games brightest stars. Are we seeing another
version of the same mentality – “I’ll do whatever I must to be on top?”

Are Survivor and the baseball scandal broadcasting a warning to us? I want to shy away from empty moralizing here, but taking the shortcuts or the easy way is always a temptation in life. We’ve gone beyond “me-first” to “me-only” thinking.

However,when this mentality rules in a society that society is risking collapse. No one trusts anyone else and every one hunkers down in a bunker mentality. People become short-sighted and the ability to cooperate lessens.

We need to ask ourselves whether or not this message represents the society we all want to live in.

We are capable of so much more! There is a superior way to achieve in life. We can build our skills, improve our outlook, and work towards our goals. We can learn to work towards goals that benefit me, but don’t tear down your dreams in the process. We can, indeed we must, pursue our dreams without leaving footprints on the backs of our colleagues
and friends.

I’m not advocating a world where there are no winners and no losers or where everything is “fair”. Such a world does not really exist. I’m also not saying Survivor isn’t tantalizing entertainment or pushing the idea that it should be off the air.

What I am suggesting is that we remember something clearly forgotten in Survivor and the baseball scandal. We cannot separate who we truly are from what we are willing to do to win. The real “game” we are here to play is one where we must learn to maximize our own potential without hurting others in the process.

Leave a comment and let me know what you think!

Be peaceful Be prosperous


The Affirmation Spot

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