I AM – The Two Most Powerful Words

i-am-461804_640Happy New Year’s Eve to everyone Europe and west. Happy New Year to those of you ringing in 2019 already!

As you enter 2019, I want you to be SUPER aware of two words that you probably say mindlessly hundreds of times a week…I AM. Other than your name, there are no other words in the English language (or any other) as powerful as I AM.

As the pitcher and catcher are “the battery” on a baseball field, I AM is the battery of affirmations. The AM is actually an equals sign. Even though we say it often, this phrase has an untold power on our consciousness. I AM is really I =.

I AM fat. I AM lazy. I AM cold. I AM happy. I AM always last in line. Each and every one of these are mindless affirmations telling pelting our subconscious with instructions on how to view the world. Perhaps more importantly, they are instructions to the Universe to help more of that show up. After all, we all like to be proven right.

When feed I AM statements to ourselves, consciously or unconsciously, we are telling ourselves and the world WHO we are. Be cautious with this phrase. Use it with intention. Empower your mind, your body, and your spirit with I AM statements that support your highest self.

Do that and I promise you 2019 will be your best year yet! Here, let me get you started on the right track. You are AMAZING. You are a ONE-IN-A-TRILLION MIRACLE. You are DESTINED TO GREAT THINGS!

Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.


For more inspiring content, visit The Affirmation Spot website or YouTube channel.


Affirmation Tips: Listening to Your Affirmations

Hey, guys!

IMG_1475I’ve been writing, recording, and using affirmations for many years. I’ve found that listening to affirmations in an audio format is the most effective way for me to add them to my busy schedule and get maximum benefit from them.

Affirmations are still among the most powerful ways to shift your mindset in positive ways. Yes! Action is required, but empowered thinking is still the fuel for the action.

Here are my tips using affirmations.

  • Listen passively – have you ever had that experience where you didn’t think you were listening to the words of a song or a commercial and you suddenly know them? That’s how listening passively to audio affirmations works. You listen while you’re living your life. You may not think you’re listening, but your subconscious is. With enough repetition they become conscious.
  • Listen meditatively – audio affirmations are great when used as a guided meditation. Listen consciously and with intent. Absorb and embody the words. Soon they become part of who you are.
  • Add them to your workout playlist – workout time or running time can be personal development time. Sure, you like listening to your favorite music, but mix the affirmations in with the songs. Physical exertion is an amazing way to help the affirmation impact your consciousness.
  • Listen in the morning – affirmations are an amazing way to start your day withe positive energy and vision. Listen to affirmations that inspire rather than talk radio that demotivates.
  • When you need them – play your affirmations on the way to a sales call, an interview, while you work in the garden, or in the locker room before the big game. Power words right before you face a situation can power up your game!
  • While you sleep – if your spouse or partner will allow you, listen to affirmations while you sleep. This is the unconscious working at its best. No conscious rejection. You’re simply letting better thoughts fill your mind.

I’ve been doing this for more than 25 years. I’ve seen these techniques work over and over again. If you need some affirmations to listen download MP3 from my growing library or listen to them on my YouTube Channel.

I’d love to hear your experiences and how this works for you!

Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.



It’s Rigged!

Pam Boyd poses an important question for you to consider. What if the world is rigged IN your favor?

Two-Minute Tune-Up

“Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor.” – Rumi

This is almost comical for those of us who have had difficult lives. As some of you, I spent lots of time complaining about life being rigged against me or in someone else’s favor.

It sure seemed as if it were!

But, now I believe I was totally wrong.

Since I quit talking that way (to myself and others) and started affirming the Universe’s benevolence toward me, here are some changes I have noticed:

I have more…

  • joy
  • courage
  • synchronicity
  • amazing people in my life
  • much better results
  • dream fulfillment!

And less…

  • frustration
  • disappointment
  • fear
  • resentment
  • anger
  • jealousy

In short, the most significant revelation of my life has been that life has always been rigged in my favor.

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Power of word’s & My Gratitude 💖

I recently discovered The Positive Side of the Coin blog. Loved this article about the power of words. Hope you enjoy it as well!

Positive Side Of The Coin

Words, they have the power to build people up, confine people to where they are, and break people down.

You can change the course of your life with your words. Instill belief and hope within yourself.

Word’s are the thing of beauty,
Let the word’s flow freely through many hands.

It’s good that you write, dear one’s.
You have much to give from this flow of words that naturally pushes the word’s through your mind and come to paper.

Words are energy, which we exchange with one another.
Use this energy in best possible way, dear ones.

I want to use my way of saying thank you to people who love my writing.

And “Thank you thank you thank you!” There isn’t much to say, but probably a lot of gratitude for so many Nominations. I am humbled, and joyous for all these nominations. I am glad that all of…

View original post 123 more words

Staying Happy in a Changing World

It’s our last morning in Palm Beach. The expectations of the trip were met and exceeded. April and I had every bit the experience we wanted. I’m sure, though, you’ve had that sinking feeling on “headed home day.”

How do we go from the amazing high of expectation to crashing deflation of vacation’s end? In Buddhism, impermanence is a large part of the discussion. One of Buddha’s great insights is that we are craving beings. We want things and experiences hoping they will fulfill us. They do temporarily, but there’s always that moment when we realize the feelings are passing.

Another of his insights is that we’re clinging beings. We try to grasp harder to keep the things, experiences, and people in our lives just as they are. Yet, in an ever-flowing universe, this is not possible.

So, we become suffering beings because the things we wanted didn’t bring us permanent joy and the grasping to them only made it worse.

What’s the solution? How do we having fulfilling experiences in our lives without feeling the suffering? We can learn to appreciate the ebbing and flowing moments of our lives without grasping on to them. We can find our joy in the only thing that is permanent – Change.

There are more things to have, experiences to experience, and moments to enjoy. In fact, as long as we’re here, they never stop.

Jon Kabat-Zinn has a great quote that captures this principle. “You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.”

You don’t have to suffer. You just need to let go and catch the next wave.

Have an amazing Saturday!



Click on over to The Affirmation Spot for more great motivational content.