Meditation for Releasing Toxic Energy and Embracing Your Power

Good evening, my friends.

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s essential to take a moment to let go of the negative energy that weighs us down and find solace within ourselves. That’s why I invite you to explore our transformative video, “Daily Letting Go Meditation with Affirmations.”

In this soothing and empowering experience, you’ll discover the power of releasing toxic energy and embracing your inner strength. Through guided meditation and uplifting affirmations, you’ll learn to break free from limiting beliefs, toxic relationships, and circumstances that no longer serve you. This journey of self-discovery will lead you toward a life filled with joy, abundance, and inner peace.

So, take a deep breath, find a comfortable space, and give yourself the gift of this transformative practice. Allow the gentle words and calming visuals to guide you into a state of relaxation and self-reflection. Let go of what no longer serves you and step into the limitless possibilities that await. Visit the video now and embark on a path toward greater well-being and personal growth.

Remember, wherever you are in your journey today, you’re awesome.


12 Positive Thoughts to Start Your Day

Good Monday, fellow affirmers!

Starting your day with a positive mindset is as important as a good breakfast! This brief video shares thoughts that empower and inspire you to get out there an have a peaceful, prosperous, and successful day! It’s the best two minutes you’ll spend on your mindset all day.

Wherever you are on your journey today, remember to keep your mind on your side.


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25 Forgiveness Affirmations

In my 30-year personal development journey, there have been no higher hurdles than those situations where I had to forgive and forget.

Our egos resist forgiveness and our popular culture mirrors that. The prevailing ideology is that you should get even or get people back.

Forgiveness is often seen as weak or enabling the bad actors. In those rare moment where forgiveness is allowed, we are counseled that we can cautiously forgive, but we must never forget.

Wow! Is there a more relevant example of our lizard brain reacting to the saber-tooth tiger in the weeds?

Forgiveness is not only hard. It’s also necessary if you are to release the burdens of your past and embrace your future. Ignore your ego and the conventional wisdom. Do the challenging work of forgiving others and especially yourself.

These affirmations, listened to regularly, will help infuse your mind with a mindset that not only accepts the power of forgiveness, but puts it into practice regularly.

Wherever you are on your journey today, remember you’re a one-in-a-trillion miracle.


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  1. I forgive myself today. I forgive myself tomorrow. I forgive myself always.
  2. I have no stake in who was right or wrong. I forgive and I move on.
  3. I forgive myself.
  4. I forgive my family.
  5. I forgive my friends.
  6. I forgive my enemies.
  7. As I forgive others, I am forgiven.
  8. As forgiveness grows in my life, my anger melts away.
  9. I forgive and I am happy.
  10. I forgive and I am empowered.
  11. I forgive and I am transformed.
  12. The grudges I hold only hold me back.
  13. The forgiveness I give propels me forward.
  14. I am completely forgiven and forgiving in my life.
  15. I forgive first. I forgive last. I forgive always.
  16. Breathing in, I feel my anger. Breathing out I let it go. Whatever I release frees me.
  17. Today I choose forgiveness over anger.
  18. Today I choose forgiveness over hatred.
  19. Today I choose forgiveness over self-destruction.
  20. Today I forgive and forget.
  21. As I forgive, I release my happiness from the chains that have bound it.
  22. I forgive and I am cleansed. I forget and I am released.
  23. I forgive what I can. I forget what I must. I live a life that embraces happiness.
  24. My time is short. The universe is large. I refuse to waste my opportunity with anger and victimhood.
  25. I choose forgiveness. I experience forgiveness. I become forgiveness.

Morning Affirmation for Sunday October 31, 2021

Good Sunday, my friends. Don’t you think fear has won often enough in your life? Don’t you think anger has won enough in the world?

What if, just for today, we did absolutely everything in our power to see that love wins for a change? What if that ripple we started spreads out and infects the world? What if it creates an absolute tsunami of love that circles and embraces the planet?

What if one act of love or kindness from you was the very thing someone needed to restore their faith in humanity or try one more time to scale their personal mountain of struggle?

What if you are the spark the world is waiting on to shift from fear-based paradigms to love-based paradigms?

Let’s let love win today and see what happens!

Wherever you are on your journey, remember you are awesome!


Morning Affirmation for Saturday October 30, 2021

So, you have problems and challenges and things that are holding you back? That’s totally human and perfectly normal. We all have them and, let’s be honest, there are moments in our lives when they win.

The key is to make sure they’re not winning most moments, most days, or most of our lives.

The best way I know to do that is to build the premise and the purpose of your life out of people and things and dreams too precious to be pushed aside by the negativity.

Only you know what those are for you. If you don’t, make a list of the parts of your life that cannot and will not be defeated by the little hurdles constantly throwing themselves across your path.

In the meantime, you can use this affirmation to remind you to focus on what really matters and defeat the dream stealers in your life.

Stay true to you!
