10 Powerful Second-Person Affirmations to Start Your Day Right

Good morning, my friends. Tons of projects going on at the day job and in my personal life. I haven’t been able to blog as much as I’d like to the past few weeks. Thank you stick with me.

What’s a second-person affirmation? Second-person affirmations are affirmations phrased with you rather than I. They are powerful for replacing old thoughts and programming that you received from the outside. I’ve found, over the years, that they work better than I affirmations for moving old thoughts that you received from other people out of your mind.

They also have a different vibration a certain power that’s different than I affirmations. Both are important and I recommend using both.

Here’s 10 to start your day right today.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you ARE awesome!


  1. You came here to face and conquer the challenges you’re facing right now.
  2. Every event is leading you perfectly to your destiny.
  3. You are a magnet and you are attracting the life you want.
  4. You are happy. You are healthy. You are wise.
  5. You are abundant and more so every day.
  6. You are a nexus of change in your life and in the world.
  7. You are the person you came to the planet to be.
  8. You are the reason other people still have faith in humanity.
  9. You make a difference everywhere you go and with everyone you touch.
  10. You already are everything you hope to be. You are now realizing it.

Why Affirmation Repetition Matters

Most people involved in a personal spiritual journey or personal development get the value of affirmations. What’s often not understood is why repetition is so important to shifting your paradigms.

Our conscious and subconscious minds are both constantly filtering information about the world around us. We often use that power of the conscious mind to our benefit. It helps us find our friend in a crowd of faces or pick the best bananas at the store.

However, the subconscious mind filters without your control. It will show you the world IT expects or seeks. It’s filtering your world all day every day. It’s filtering it based on its dominant thought or mindset. If it chooses to see the negative, the obstacles, and all the problems in the world, that’s the world it presents to you.

The problem is, for the vast majority of people, that negative vision is what you’ll get unless you intervene. You see, for most the human species’ existence, identifying danger was the constant concern of the subconscious mind. That’s why it continues to be the default setting.

You may say or listen to an affirmation a few times and you’re conscious mind says, “I’ve got it.” That’s great, but your subconscious mind does not yet. If you want to change that subconscious filter, you must bombard your subconscious constantly with thoughts of your choosing to help shift its paradigm to begin showing you hope, opportunity, and the positives in the world.

One only need look at today’s headlines to see what happens when we don’t shift this process. Everywhere what divides us, limits us, prevents us from being more is the dominant thought of the popular culture.

That’s because it’s the dominant thought of an untrained collective human subconscious.

Retraining that collective subconscious is done one person at at time by feeding it with more positive thoughts, images, and ideas to help it begin selecting a better paradigm and eventually a better world for us all to live in.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, You ARE awesome!


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Thoughts Literally Create Our Lives and Our Headlines

The message of affirmations, raising your vibration, and shifting the world is not really complex. It’s ubiquitous as the baseline of spiritual teachings from around the world. That premise is now backed by decades of scientific confirmation. As Mike Dooley says, “Thoughts become things.”

1) Our feelings become our thoughts.
2) Our thoughts become our actions.
3) Our actions become our individual lives.
4) The same is true for everyone else around us.
5) Our collective feelings, thoughts, and actions become our daily headlines.

There’s a simple valve at the beginning of that process. Most humans, for whatever reason – nature, nurture, or both – have a rather negative default setting that forms the basis of their feelings. Unguarded, that negativity passes into their thoughts and actions and becomes the world we see around us.

Meditation, prayer, affirmations are all methods for learning to guard the the thoughts by raising their vibration to something productive rather than destructive.

We are constantly telling ourselves a story about our world and ourselves. That story generally creates a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Those thoughts:

I am/I am not
I can/I can’t
I’m amazing/I’m f’d up

are constantly flowing through our minds, into our actions, and out into the world. Because it’s unconscious and mainly reactionary, unless we consciously choose to change it, our world winds up being a summation of that thinking and those actions.

People are angry and empty and they don’t even know why.

All I’m saying is two simple things:

1) You’re in control of your thoughts and they go a long way toward creating your life.
2) The more people get that and apply it, the better world we’ll collectively create.

It’s not vapid, vague, or incomprehensible. It’s backed by tons of modern science and 5000 thousand years of spiritual teaching. Anyone can apply these principles by controlling that valve between raw emotion and productive thoughts and actions that move us forward.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, TOU are awesome!


Roses and Jasmine or Thorns?

Social Media is an amazing sphere for human connection. It allows people to share what’s going on in their lives with friends and family. It also gives us a constant and ready stream of things to be angry, fearful, and stressed about.

Those who have an interest in sewing anger, fear, and stress are well aware of that potential. As consumers of information, we must be too!

There’s only so much “the sky is falling” “evil is winning” “I’m being oppressed” you can expose yourself to before that BECOMES the sum of your conscious awareness every day.

We’ve all heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” Well, you’re also what you repetitively think and focus your attention on.

We all know there are real challenges facing us individually and collectively now and in the future. That’s our lot as human beings. The challenges never end until we move on.

Our choice lies in how we process those challenges and what we choose to spend our daily awareness on.

The great Persian mystic Rumi wrote about this a thousand years ago and said it more poetically than I ever could.

“When you go to a garden, do you look at thorns or flowers? Spend more time with roses and jasmine.”

Facebook and other social media, traditional media, politics; they’re all filled with flowers and thorns.

Which do you go looking for? Which do you post and spread across this nexus of human awareness we call social media?

There are real threats that deserve to be taken seriously. These platforms are amazing for sharing information about them.

I guess what I’m suggesting is to be careful not to seed the field of your mind with constant and terrifying negativity. For what you plant the field of your consciousness, will grow and become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Roses and Jasmine or thorns? In the garden and on Facebook, the choice is ours.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, YOU are awesome!


6 Life Ownership Affirmations

Good Saturday, my friends. Especially in challenging times, it’s easy to begin thinking you have no control over the outcome of your life.

You might feel like driftwood floating on the ocean of life going wherever the waves push you. It can be an appealing concept, in some ways, to believe your helpless and powerless against the forces of life.

True, there are some rules in this game we’ve agreed to play that we can’t change. We’re born and we die. We may have bad things happen to us as a child that were not in our control. We may have illness or hardship visit our lives.

Even the negative effects of these “rules of the game” can be mitigated by empowered thinking and determined action. Beyond these few broad outlines, pretty much everything else in your life is a choice.

You may have to work to earn a living, but you don’t “have to” stay in that job. It may be easier to stay in a difficult relationship than to start over, but you don’t “have to.” You may have a bucketload of responsibility, but that doesn’t mean you “have to” abandon your dreams.

You have. You have choices. You have the power.

Here are some affirmations for affirming that power. use them regularly for best results.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you ARE awesome!
