The Odds Are On Your Side

It’s one of the great ironies of my work over the years. A persistent reason people give for not thinking positively is they don’t want to be deluded by false hope. It’s ironic because they don’t see how often they’ve been deluded by their own negative thinking.

Often, when confronted by this fact, they will say they’re not being negative. They’re just being “realistic.”

This reveals a mass human tendency to see being negative about ourselves/our prospects as being realistic. It’s a simple psychological defense mechanism to seeks avert disappointment and often responsibility for outcomes we don’t want. If we “don’t get our hopes up,” we tell ourselves, “we won’t get hurt.”

What if we understood deeply that positive outcomes, even by pure chance, are as likely as negative outcomes? When we apply the power of our minds and our efforts, the scale quickly turns in favor of a positive outcome. We literally have direct control over making positive outcomes more likely in our lives.

Now, let’s reconsider the calculation. Is avoiding occasional setback and disappointment really worth missing a dozen victories we might have won, if only we hadn’t been too “realistic” to try? I will leave you to answer that question for yourself.

Keep your mind on your side.

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Are You An Extraordinary Thinker?


Do you see yourself as average, ordinary, middle-of-the-pack? A lot of people see themselves that way and are perfectly content with it. Just always know that it is a belief, not a fact. You can shift from ordinary to extraordinary any time you choose.

You are extraordinary. It’s right there beneath that ordinary facade. I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know. You sense that there is something extraordinary within you and you are ready to unleash it in your life and, yet, you don’t.

A big part of it is shifting your paradigms from those that support ordinariness to those that promote the extraordinary in you.

Here are 16 paradigm-shifting distinctions between ordinary mindsets and extraordinary ones. Keep these posted somewhere that you can see them during your day. When you catch yourself thinking ordinary, you can instantly change to extraordinary.

1) Ordinary thinkers are fear-driven. Extraordinary thinkers are love-driven.
2) Ordinary thinkers believe they are victims of fate. Extraordinary thinkers know they are choosers of destiny.
3) Ordinary thinkers approve the status quo. Extraordinary thinkers improve the status quo.
4) Ordinary thinkers strive to be cool. Extraordinary thinkers strive to be themselves.
5) Ordinary thinkers are tenant farmers in the paradigms provided by others. Extraordinary thinkers are constantly planting new and exciting paradigms in their lives and in the world.
6) Ordinary thinkers trust experts. Extraordinary thinkers listen to experts, but trust themselves.
7) Faced with adversity, ordinary thinkers give up. Faced with adversity, extraordinary thinkers give more.

8. Ordinary thinkers expect little and receive it. Extraordinary thinkers expect much and receive it.
9) Ordinary thinkers employ labels. Extraordinary thinkers seek understanding.
10) Ordinary thinkers believe in chances. Extraordinary thinkers believe in choices.
11) Ordinary thinkers think life happens to them. Extraordinary thinkers know life happens through them.
12) Ordinary thinkers allow their doubts to rule them. Extraordinary thinkers allow their dreams to rule them.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you are awesome!
