Tonight’s War Headlines Remind Us How Our Thinking Becomes Our World

There’s something very important we must all understand. They don’t teach it in schools, but great teachers have said it for thousands of years. Our thoughts create our world. It’s true individually and it’s most assuredly true collectively. When hundreds of millions of people believe something strongly enough and long enough, it’s going to show up in our world.

It’s true of a beautiful new civilization or dystopia. It’s true of war and peace. It’s true of a booming economy or recession. Our mechanistic paradigms have convinced most that what goes on in our minds does not affect what goes out there in the world.

They say when you don’t learn a lesson in life, the universe keeps presenting it over and again. As you look at the headlines tonight, be clear. All of this didn’t just happen. It didn’t just happen because of who is in office or who is not.

It’s happening because thoughts become things. Arrogant thoughts become an inability to listen to each other and solve our problems in ways that move us forward, painting us into a corner where we act from our lowest instincts.

The answer is counterintuitive to people who hold positions of power and authority in our world. They got where they are by listening to ego. They don’t understand the power of thought nor modalities of thinking and listening and solving that could flip the script on this planet in an instant.

So, what do we do now? The results of this thinking are already out in the world causing the problems they’re causing. We all – in every country involved in this unfolding conflict – must make it clear to leaders that this direction is unacceptable and we won’t stand for it.

Finally, we must lay the groundwork for a new, better tomorrow with our thinking today. As Einstein suggested, our thinking created these situations. Only different thinking can shift it and transform it.
