Challenging Yourself to Be Great – The Affirmation Spot for Monday October 17, 2011

green_leaves_sunlight.jpgToday’s Affirmation

“Your life is coming together in a complete and perfect way. You are doing all that is necessary, accepting all that is necessary, and releasing all that is necessary for your life to come forth and blossom. Give yourself credit for your accomplishments; cut yourself some slack for your mistakes. Know that all leads to your growth and healing. Be happy an enjoy life!”

When you accept that your life is coming together just as it should, you are free to challenge yourself to stretch beyond your limits.

On my journey this day, I follow in the footsteps of the immortals. The imprints they have left behind on the Earth are large and their strides are a stretch for me. Yet, if I dare not encounter them and measure myself by them, how shall I ever know the true immensity of my own being?

So, I step consciously into the light; walking the path they once walked. Leaving it, occasionally, and improvising. Adding to it qualities uniquely my own.

Breathing with the trees and conversing with the clouds, as once they did. Our collective wisdom grows until no distinction remains among the path, the immortals, and me.

Right now is the time to open yourself to the possibility of ignoring limitations and going beyond self-imposed boundaries. For the fear and anxiety you experience are nothing but the shadow of unfulfilled promise.

arms_stretched.jpgThe world is full of opportunity and peril and a little of each in the other. It is ever forming and reforming; manifesting in precise accordance with our expectations. For your world lives in your mind long before it becomes visible; shaping itself to your perception of what is possible.

What is set in stone today is the dust in tomorrow’s breeze. Remember you are creating tomorrow’s results with every thought, word, and action today. Change is the catalyst for your betterment and your imagination its only limitation. Make the most of this blessing given you to personify the fruition of the promise that dwells within.

Each moment is a gift providing you with a fresh start on which to build a life filled with things more precious to you than your problems.

Follow your bliss! Experience your bliss! Become your bliss!


Ray Davis is the Founder of The Affirmation Spot and focuses on empowering minds to think positively, achieve goals, and live dreams. He is author of the ebook The Power to Be You and the forthcoming The Power to Be You 2: 1001 Power Thoughts for Daily Life.

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101 Football Affirmations

Thought for Today:

“Confidence is contagious. So is a lack of confidence.”
~ Vince Lombardi

Apologies for the inconvenience. This page has moved to the main Affirmation Spot Website. Click the button to access a growing library of by-skill and by-position football affirmations. Choose from written, video, and audio affirmations.

22 Self-Esteem Affirmations – The Affirmation Spot for Friday October 14, 2011

Today’s Thought:
“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.”

~ Wayne Dyer

There is nothing more important than feeling good. Everything flows from that. In fact, it could be argued that it is the very foundation of happiness and success. Today I am sharing some of the self-esteem affirmations I’ve written for people over time.

  1. My beauty flows from inside to out. As I recognize my inner beauty, my outer beauty blossoms!
  2. I am a being of immense power and majesty!
  3. To see the beauty I want to see in the world, I must first see it in me. Today I see it clearly!
  4. Those-told me I was unworthy were wrong. I AM worthy. More sure of it today than ever before.
  5. I unconditionally love and respect myself in every way.
  6. I am the best thing that has ever happened to me. I am glad to be who I am!
  7. Today I make a bold statement. The world deserves the real me and today it gets me.
  8. Being who I am is a blessing and a rush. There’s no one else I’d rather be!
  9. I am a unique and worthy person. I require no more justification than that to be exactly who I am.
  10. I was taught to be less than. Today I claim my power!
  11. I am beautiful in mind. I am beautiful in body. I am beautiful in spirit.
  12. I refuse to settle for less than I deserve in my relationships. I deserve the best!
  13. The more I love and appreciate myself, the more beautiful I become.
  14. Being me is a sacred honor and today I treat it that way!
  15. Today I am freeing myself from the opinions of others and empowering me to me!
  16. Today I am just me; no masks and no excuses. Simply me!
  17. As sure as the river runs to the sea, I am becoming the ideal me!
  18. Awesome things happen for me when I keep my promises to myself and today I do!
  19. I may not be perfect, but I have ALWAYS been awesome!
  20. I was taught I can’t, but today I KNOW I CAN!
  21. Today and every day, I am a miracle in motion!
  22. I am bigger than any doubt, bolder than any fear, and stronger any obstacle!

Follow your bliss! Experience your bliss! Become your bliss!


Ray Davis is the Founder of The Affirmation Spot and focuses on empowering minds to think positively, achieve goals, and live dreams. He is author of the ebook The Power to Be You and the forthcoming The Power to Be You 2: 1001 Power Thoughts for Daily Life.

Thanks for sharing this page with a friend!

101 Uses for Affirmations

Today’s Affirmation:

“Whatever goal or dream I choose to pursue, I find success.”

“You have the power to heal your life, and you need to know that. We think so often that we are helpless, but we’re not. We always have the power of our minds…Claim and consciously use your power.”

~ Louise Hay

Affirmations are such an underutilized tool in our society. Many people have mistakenly associated them with just a few areas of life – self-development, recovery, or sales. The fact is they are a simple and effective tool for improving nearly any area of your life where you want to improve or acheive.

Affirmations are the thought part of the equation. They must be supported by action. Remember, a mind practicing empowered thinking is much more apt to take the actions that make dreams so.

Here are 101 ways to use affirmations to get you started.

  1. Empower your thinking
  2. Empower action in your life
  3. Improve your golf swing
  4. Develop your confidence
  5. Advance your career
  6. Exceed your quota
  7. Experience more peace
  8. Win more games
  9. Become a better public speaker
  10. Become a better student
  11. Build your self-esteem
  12. Successfully battle addictions
  13. Live more happily
  14. Focus on your goals
  15. Achieve your goals
  16. Become a better musician
  17. Become a better shortstop
  18. Become a better gymnast
  19. Deepen your faith
  20. Stay motivated in the face of difficulty
  21. Improve creativity
  22. Give yourself some credit
  23. Attract a better job
  24. Become a better quarterback
  25. Become a better dancer
  26. Become a better free throw shooter
  27. Enhance your trust in yourself
  28. Enhance your trust in the Universe
  29. Enhance your trust in God
  30. Achieve more
  31. Strengthen your commitment to your relationships
  32. Improve your tennis serve
  33. Commit to and achieve weight loss
  34. Commit to an exercise program
  35. Improve your cooking
  36. Become a faster swimmer
  37. Write your best
  38. Challenge yourself
  39. Gain inspiration for your painting
  40. Build a more successful business
  41. Increase your sales
  42. Help you appreciate life
  43. Develop new skills
  44. Become a better skier
  45. Become a hockey player
  46. Become a more successful author
  47. Help you pursue your dreams of a singing career
  48. Deal with stress
  49. Handle adversity
  50. Become a better engineer
  51. Connect to your audience
  52. Pursue your acting dreams
  53. Be the best coach
  54. Start over
  55. Try something new
  56. Experience more love
  57. Feel more joy
  58. Find encouragement
  59. Encourage growth
  60. Become a better engineer
  61. Take charge of your dreams
  62. Become a better pitcher
  63. Improve your putting
  64. Envision a better life
  65. Stay organized
  66. Get more done
  67. Become a better preacher
  68. Write your great novel
  69. Paint your great painting
  70. Develop a sense of purpose
  71. Develop more wisdom
  72. Become a better volleyball player
  73. Become a better architect
  74. Age gracefully
  75. Enjoy life
  76. Become a better poet
  77. Assume leadership confidently
  78. Be your best
  79. Change direction in life
  80. Calm down
  81. Become a better lawyer
  82. See the beauty in life
  83. Become a better teacher
  84. Appreciate nature
  85. Remind you that you have choices
  86. Get control of your finances
  87. Become a better salesperson
  88. Make more time for you
  89. Succeed more often
  90. Become a stronger person
  91. Become a better manager
  92. Inspire others
  93. Make a difference
  94. Become a better right fielder
  95. Improve your gardening
  96. Make time for leisure
  97. Achieve relaxation
  98. Become a better police officer
  99. Attract business opportunities
  100. Make peace with money
  101. Fine-tune practically any skill

Follow your bliss! Experience your bliss! Become your bliss!


Ray Davis is the Founder of The Affirmation Spot and focuses on empowering minds to think positively, achieve goals, and live dreams.

anunnaki_cover_full_colorRay’s 2015 speculative fiction novel, Anunnaki Awakening: Revelation, is turning heads. Where did humanity really come from and where is it going? This is Book 1 of a trilogy. The Awakening has begun!

Learn more about the trilogy and order your signed copy today at

Love Affirmations

Thought for Today:

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”
Lao Tzu





In Love

  1. Today my relationship provides a safe foundation for me to stretch myself and grow!
  2. Today I upgrade what I bring to my relationship from ‘I need you’ to ‘I complete you!’
  3. True love transforms, inspires, and enlightens. Today I am all three!
  4. Today and everyday, I experience connection, compassion, and joy in my relationship!
  5. Love is more than a. feeling. Unleashed by you, it is a force of nature in my life!
  6. I choose my path. I choose my partner. I choose you for this journey with me!
  7. I am a great wife/girlfriend. I’ve mastered the art of when to give my husband/boyfriend love and support and when to give him his space.
  8. I am a great husband/boyfriend. I always remember to do the little things that makes my wife’s /girlfriend’s life happy.
  9. It’s not perfection, but connection I seek in my relationship and today I find it!
  10. Today and every day, love is the foundation of my relationship and joy is the result!
  11. I am perfectly attuned to my soulmate. We are two beings working together towards common goals.
  12. Today and every day, my world is a better place because [insert name] is a part of my life!
  13. My relationship is rooted in the fertile soil of love. Stormy moments only push the roots deeper.
  14. My relationship is becoming more loving and more open each and every day.
  15. My soul mate and I are two parts of one whole. Nothing can keep us apart!
  16. Today I remember there is more to my relationship than always getting what I want!
  17. I care about and contribute to my partner’s happiness, but I am not responsible for it.
  18. My [significant other] and I are a team. We are defining and achieving our dreams together.
  19. Today I am committed to my relationship. I want it to work and it is!
  20. Day in and day out, my relationship embraces me with feelings of connection and love.
  21. I am enjoying a relationship that brings the love and understanding I deserve in my life.
  22. Today and every day, my relationship thrives on love and acceptance.
  23. Today I nourish my most important relationship so that it can flourish far into the future.
  24. My relationship is what I make of it and I CHOOSE to create a relationship that nourishes my spirit!

Attracting Love

  1. I deserve a great guy/girl in my life! He/she is coming my way right now!
  2.  Today my thinking shifts from I need to be in a relationship to I deserve to be in a great relationship!
  3. I am attracting a relationship that brings the love and understanding I deserve in my life.
  4. Opportunities for love are abundant in my life!
  5. Today I know that Mr./Ms. Right is coming my way now. I can just feel it!
  6. Today and every day, I am meeting interesting (guys/women) with soulmate potential!
  7. I am whole and complete with a relationship or without!
  8. My soulmate and I are on an unavoidable collision course. Today we are one step closer to finding each other.
  9. Today I am attracting only the most incredible men/women into my life!
  10. There is someone out there for me and today I am closer tha ever to finding him/her!
  11. The woman/man of my dreams is walking into my life right now!
  12. I attract only the relationships I deserve. Today I get the best because I deserve the best!
  13. Every relationship risks heartbreak, but there is a relationship out there for me that is worth every risk!
  14. Today I am making room in my life for the special relationship I seek. That relationship is coming to me now.

Distance Love

  1. What the eye cannot see, the heart can still hold and I hold you in my heart each and every day.
  2. The distance is a plus in my relationship right now. It forces communication and communication builds trust.
  3. Today and every day the distance between us is bridged by love.
  4. Miles can separate our bodies, but I refuse to let them separate our hearts!
  5. Today and every day, I send my heart to you at the velocity of love!

Remembering Love

  1. I experience this wave of pain today, but I deserve the best in my relationship and I will have it!
  2. Often I grieve for my loss, but today I am healed by the memory of our love.
  3. Today I am strong enough to face all my tomorrows because of all my yesterdays with you!
  4. True love never dies and today I am warmly embraced by our endless love.

Healing a Relationship

  1. My relationship is a cornerstone in my life. Today I seek solutions not blame!
  2. Our relationship is built on forgiveness. Today forgiveness is creating a new day for our relationship!
  3. I willingly give respect in my relationship and I demand the same in return!
  4. I am trusted to the degree I trust. Today we are building a relationship fueled by the trust I give!
  5. I willingly give respect in my relationship and I demand the same in return!
  6. As I become a stronger person, I become a better partner!
  7. I lovingly stand my ground in my relationship and demand the respect I deserve!
  8. Today I am rebuilding my relationship. I am absolutely committed to making it stronger than ever before.
  9. I am 100% committed to saving my relationship. Today I communicate it unequivocally on every level!
  10. I am a strong, independent person who is absolutely committed to making my relationship work.
  11. Today my relationship is built on the desire to be understood rather than the need to be right.

Self Love

  1. I AM beautiful! I AM worthy! I AM me and proud of it!
  2. Before a relationship I’m amazing and beautiful! In a relationship, I’m amazing and beautiful!
  3. My beauty flows from inside to out. As I recognize my inner beauty, my outer beauty blossoms.
  4. To see the beauty I want to see in the world, I must first see it in me. Today I see it clearly!
  5. I unconditionally love and respect myself in every way.
  6. Those who told me I was unworthy were wrong. I AM worthy! I’m more sure of it today than ever before!
  7. I am the best thing that has ever happened to me. I am glad to be who I am!
  8. As I feel more attractive, I AM more attractive. Today I am very attractive!
  9. Being who I am is a blessing and a rush. There’s no one else I’d rather be!
  10. I am a unique and worthy person. I require no more justification than that to be exactly who I am.
  11. I am beautiful in mind, beautiful in body, beautiful in spirit.

Stay committed to love in all things!

Ray Davis is the founder of The Affirmation Spot. He’s spent more than 25 years studying personal development and especially writing, recording, and using affirmations to achieve his goals. His eBook – The Power to Be You – offers 416 life-changing and original quotes, ideas, and affirmations to take you to new levels of achievement and reflection.

anunnaki_cover_full_colorAnunnaki Awakening: Revelation, Ray’s first novel,  is turning heads and opening minds. Humanity’s past is checkered, secret, and dangerous.

White House Correspondent Maria Love is on to the story of her life and with the help of an Anunnaki leader seeks to unravel and reveal history’s biggest conspiracy. The Awakening has begun!