Beyond The Fear of Failure – The Affirmation Spot for Friday October 21, 2011

Today’s Thought

“The fear of failure is the shortest route to it.”
~ Ray Davis

Success writer John C. Maxwell, in his book Failing Forward: Turning Mistakes into Stepping Stones for Success, says the following.

“Failure is an inside job. So is success. If you want to achieve, you have to win the war in your thinking first. You can’t let the failure outside you get inside you.”

I was recently reading an article where they were comparing Japanese and American students’ approaches to learning. The writer pointed out that it is not uncommon to see a Japanese student fail numerous times on his or her way to learning something successfully. In Japan, there is no stigma to failing along the road to success. It is an expected and accepted part of the learning process.

In the United States, we attach a tremendous amount of stigma to failing. So much so that American students are generally not willing to go through the process of failing to learn. American students tend to focus their attention on subjects where they can be successful and shy away from subjects where failure might be involved.

So instead of going through the failure to learn process we often hear our children say things like, “I hate math.” They don’t really mean that they have something personal against math. What they are saying is, “I would have to fail too many times to get math and I’m not willing to do it.”

I’m not here to say that one nation’s approach to learning is superior. However, this fear of failing extends beyond school and impacts our adult life as well. Many people have big dreams or goals they would like to accomplish, but, again, they are still not willing feel the sting of failure to get there. Instead, they learn to play it safe just as their children do with the math.

That’s where my little aphorism at the top comes in. When fear failure so much that we are unwilling to try, unwilling to risk learning new things and failing a little; we cannot achieve our goals and dreams. All because of the stigma of failure.

Recondition yourself to overcome your fear of failure. In an outstanding article, Olimpio Zapanta offers five steps for overcoming the fear of failure.

  1. Divorce failure from your self-esteem.
  2. Failure is not all bad. It can be a great teacher.
  3. Failure and success are intimately linked – failure is often a prerequisite for success.
  4. Successful people fail constantly. That’s how they succeed.
  5. Everything doesn’t have to be perfect before you go for it.

With these five great steps and determination, don’t let the fear of failure sidetrack you from your destiny! Remember that “A Success” is what we call someone who had the courage to persist through failures.

Success and failure are not the result of circumstances. They are not the result of intelligence or luck. All of these things can contribute, but the overwhelming predictor of success is the refusal to give up. Your dreams await. They may be eleven steps away. Don’t called it a failure on step 9.

Follow your bliss! Experience your bliss! Become your bliss!


Ray Davis is the Founder of The Affirmation Spot and focuses on empowering minds to think positively, achieve goals, and live dreams. He is author of the Anunnaki Awakening science fiction trilogy.

Your To Be List – The Affirmation Spot for Thursday October 20, 2011

Today’s Affirmation:

“I absorb knowledge like a sponge and retain it for use at the appropriate time.”
(click the affirmation to hear it in mp3)

to_be_listOur society is built on getting things done. Productive action is an important ingredient to our success. The “To-Do List” is a staple of our productivity society.

We make these lists to remind us of the tasks we need to complete in a day, a week, or some other time period. Some people use them as a guide, while others meticulously check off each task as it is completed.

The super-organized among us are probably already creating their 2012 To-Do Lists. Nearly all of us are thinking about the things we “have to get done” in the next year.

Numerous motivational speakers and spiritual teachers have commented that we are human “beings” not human “doings”. This is commentary on our propensity to focus on the doing at the expense of the being.

Their goal is to remind us that we are here as surely TO BE as we are to do. They are suggesting an imbalance in our lives between doing and being. With our fast-paced, modern, rush, rush, rush society; who can argue?

The extreme answer to reducing your “doingness” is to sell your possessions and go live as a monk on a mountain top somewhere. You could then spend your entire life just being. That’s not a realistic or even appealing option for most of us.

So, how do you find a beingness/doingness balance in your life? How do you keep yourself reminded to “just be” or to become who you want TO BE?

Create a To-Be List. I know, I know, I see the paradox in suggesting a doing to improve your ability to be. Life is full of paradoxes.

Your To-Be List has two aspects:

  1. Planned Beingness – these times can go right on your calendar along with your to-dos. They are planned times in your day or week where you plan to just be. Just being can mean meditating, sitting quietly, or brainstorming…you get to define what it means for you. There are just two rules. This time must be time away from your To-Do List activites. You’re not doing any of them or thinking about them. PLANNED BEINGNESS IS YOU TIME. Place this in your daily To-Do List or on your calendar. Plan your beingness.
  2. Visionary Beingness– answers the question, “Who do I want TO BE a year from now?” A To-Do List enumerates the tasks you want to get done in the next year. Your To-Be List can enumerate the characteristics you want TO BE in the next year. These can be self-development goals, career goals, or personal characteristics. This is your list of things TO BE in the coming year. It’s an organized way to spell out who you want TO BE the same way you list what you need to do. Examples include the following.
    • By ______, I will BE less judgmental than I am now.
    • By ______, I will BE more courageous in following my dreams than I am now.
    • By ______, I will BE in a managerial role.
    • By ______, I will BE more at peace than I am today.
    • By ______, I will BE a more accomplished writer.
    • By ______, I will BE a more effective business owner.

Tips for Success:

  • Make your To-Be List as important as your To-Do List.
  • Use existing tools like your current electronic calendar or hard copy planner to create your To-Be List right along side your To-Do List.
  • Make it part of your routine.
  • Spend time each day reviewing your To-Be List just as you do your To-Do List.

By making time TO BE, you will experience greater peace and contentment. By envisioning who you want TO BE, you are focusing your mind and your efforts to create the circumstances, opportunities, and intention to make it so. Create an expectation that you will complete your T0-Be List the same way you complete your To-Do List and you will!

Let me take this opportunity to say thank you for reading this blog. I know your time is valuable and I am really working to bring you the best blog possible – one that adds real value to your life each day. Your readership makes it all worth it.

Please let me know what I can do to make it more empowering, thought-provoking, or meaningful for you. I do read every comment and email. If this blog is adding value to your life, please tell at least one friend about it! Thank you for your support.

Follow your bliss! Experience your bliss! Become your bliss!


Ray Davis is the Founder of The Affirmation Spot and focuses on empowering minds to think positively, achieve goals, and live dreams.

anunnaki_cover_full_colorRay’s 2015 speculative fiction novel, Anunnaki Awakening: Revelation, is turning heads. Where did humanity really come from and where is it going? This is Book 1 of a trilogy. The Awakening has begun!

Learn more about the trilogy and order your signed copy today at

31 Success Affirmations – The Affirmation Spot for Wednesday October 19, 2011

Today’s Thought:

“I learned this, at least, by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.”
~ Henry David Thoreau defines success as 1) the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors. 2) the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like. That may be the technical definition of success, but I prefer Thoreau’s notion of success. He indicates that it is about what we might call today “aligning” with your dreams and moving confidently in their direction.

Success can mean anything to anyone. It need not be about wealth and money. Success could be living in a persistent state of joy or giving everything you have away to others or simply being the person you came here to be. You should consider carefully what it means to you so that you can align with your dreams and move in their direction.

Today I am sharing some affirmations written to help you focus your mind and align your actions with your success.

  1. Success is the natural outcome of me being truly me!
  2. Give me an inch of opportunity and I’ll convert it into a mile of success!
  3. Today I am sharing my talents with a world thirsty for what I have to offer. Success is mine!
  4. Today my talent and determination are a winning combination for success!
  5. As sure as the Sun comes up, my inner winner shows up and brings me to success!
  6. I am at the top of my game and success is mine!
  7. As I learn to celebrate my successes, they come one after the other!
  8. I am a success magnifier! As my success grows, so does the success of the people around me!
  9. Today my excuses for failure are replaced by my reasons to succeed!
  10. Today I handle my doubt and fears and become the success I know I am!
  11. I make as much success as I am willing to believe in. Today I believe big!
  12. Today is my day. My successes are expanding and magnifying.
  13. I am pushing forward to new successes. Success is now part of my DNA!
  14. Right here and right now I am punching my ticket to the top!
  15. Failure is not an option for me! I keep pushing forward to new successes!
  16. I pursue success! I achieve success! I become success!
  17. Today I am bursting through barriers on my way to a successful day!
  18. Today I am ready, willing, and able to take my success to the next level!
  19. My life is an ocean of opportunity. I am riding the waves to unprecedented success!
  20. The winds of hope and determination fill my sails, as I set course for another success!
  21. I am determined! I am committed! I am successful!
  22. My life is what I make of it and I CHOOSE to make it a successful place to be!
  23. When I expect the success, I always get it!
  24. Today and every day, I am supercharged for success!
  25. I listen to and emulate successful people. As I do, my successes multiply.
  26. My thoughts plus my actions equal my success.
  27. As I take the lead in my life and act with commitment and determination, success follows me everywhere.
  28. Today I bring my best and achieve complete success!
  29. My success is a choice not a chance.
  30. My belief creates opportunities and I convert opportunities into success!
  31. Today I use my failures to fertilize the field of tomorrow’s success!

Follow your bliss! Experience your bliss! Become your bliss!


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18 Affirmations for Cosmetologists

Today’s Thought:

“Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror.”
~ Khalil Gibran

Apologies for the inconvenience. This page has been permanently moved to the main Affirmation Spot website. Please click the button below to access a list of cosmetologist affirmations.

60 Affirmations for Authors, Writers, and Poets

Today’s Thought:
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

~ Aristotle

It takes a writer to understand the profound sense loneliness and mission felt by another writer. Few careers or passions guarantee more hours of angst-ridden solitude than writing. The job of pulling pictures from the void and translating them into words on a page for the world to see is daunting. Our reward is connection with the reader and, for some, the financial success that comes from connecting with many readers.

Whether your audience is yourself, a small circle of friends, or the wide world, every writer faces the blank page and must keep himself or herself motivated to keep the momentum going and insights flowing. May these affirmations assist you in achieving just that!

Be sure to checkout our updated 2020 list of author affirmations on the TAS resources.

  1. I am a world-class writer and I am primed to become a best-selling author!
  2. When the writer in me connects with the reader in me, magic happens!
  3. Writing is my statement to the world! Today my statement is amazing!
  4. I know what my audience wants and I deliver it every time!
  5. Today I am attracting the ideal writing opportunities for me.
  6. Inspiration for my writing flows to me from everywhere!
  7. I am a brilliant writer. Today I let go and let it flow onto the page!
  8. Bring it on, blank page! I am ready to fill you with amazing words!
  9. I am an amazing writer and today I prove it on the page!
  10. My writing is a stream of feeling that flows from my heart to my reader’s heart.
  11. My best book yet is ready to spill out of me and onto the page today!
  12. The blank page is my canvass and today I paint it brilliantly!
  13. I am a great writer! Today I give the world a taste of my soul!
  14. I am absolutely committed to writing something each and every day!
  15. A world-class writer lives within me! Today that writer bursts onto the page!
  16. Writer’s block is NO match for my desire to get my thoughts into writing!
  17. Today my muse is persistent and consistent!
  18. Writing is my joy! Readers are my reward!
  19. In the battle between the blank page and me, I always win!
  20. Today the blank page and me are collaborators on something amazing!
  21. A best-selling Amazon author lives within me! Today that author shows up on the page!
  22. My writing flows out of me as my gift the world. Today it flows like a mighty river.
  23. Today my manuscript is coming together. What an awesome book I’m writing!
  24. Whenever I sit down at the keyboard, the words flow easily and effortlessly.
  25. All the greats in my niche live within me. I am extension of them and today I write like it!
  26. There is an amazing book out there waiting for me to write it and today I do!
  27. I am a great writer! Today I am writing words that will speak to generations!
  28.  am a great writer. The best articles of my career are coming to me right now!
  29. A great writer connects with readers! I am a great writer!
  30. I create characters that live and breathe for my audience.
  31. A great writer lives within me! Today that writer bursts onto the page!
  32. I am a great poet! I summon images from the void and convey them in the beauty of language!
  33. Today the words flow freely from my mind to my typing fingers. This manuscript is coming together!
  34. My imagination overflows with great writing ideas.
  35. When I get out of the way, the words flow easily to the page.
  36. Editors absolutely love my writing!
  37. Show me to that blank page today. I have something to say to the world!
  38. I am a writer with a message! I am a writer on a mission! I am a writer with a growing audience!
  39. I am a successful author. My next book is headed straight to the top of the New York Times Best Seller List.
  40. The best writer in my niche is sitting at my keyboard right now! Today I prove it!
  41. I am a great author on my way to being world famous!
  42. I write to follow my bliss! Today my writing can and is paying my bills!
  43. My writing earns me a comfortable living.
  44. When I write I write with an unbounded passion for my topic!. My readers feel that passion and they eat it up!
  45. Day by day I get better and better at planning my plots.
  46. I refuse to be paralyzed by the size and scope of my project. I am getting this book done one step at a time.
  47. My writing always connects with and speaks to my target audience.
  48. As my passion for my writing shows, my audience grows and grows!
  49. A great writer lives within me! I know it! I feel it! I write like it!
  50. I am a great newspaper columnist! If my industry no longer needs me, I will succeed today by writing online!
  51. Rejections are momentary setbacks NOT global calamities. I sit back down at my keyboard and keep writing.
  52. I am a world-class columnist. My articles attract audiences and keep my publishers and editors very happy.
  53. With everything I write, my characters get stronger and stronger!
  54. Before big writing success, I write with passion. After big writing success, I write with passion.
  55. An amazing writer lives within me! I water and nourish her/him every single day.
  56. A great writer is a great storyteller and I am a great writer!
  57. I expect positive results from my writing and that’s exactly what I get!
  58. I put my heart into everything I write and I fully expect every submission to be accepted.
  59. I am a great poet! Today I am inspired to write the greatest poem of my life!
  60. I am a great poet! Poems flow through me like a river on its way to the sea.

At the end of the day, it’s all about the commitment to do it. Great and successful authors face the same challenge you do. Here are a couple of quotes.

E.B. White said, “”A writer who waits for ideal conditions under which to work will die
without putting a word to paper.”

Dan Brown was quoted in a 2009 NPR interview, “I still get up every morning at 4 a.m. I write seven days a week, including Christmas, and I still face a blank page every morning. … My characters don’t really care how many books I’ve sold.”

If you’ve been writing without the results you want, keep writing. Your best writing lies ahead of you and your audience is eagerly waiting!

Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.

Ray Davis is the founder of The Affirmation Spot and author of Anunnaki Awakening. He’s been studying and practicing personal development for 30 years. He’s also studied many of the world’s spiritual traditions and mythologies.

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